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Yale/NIDA Neuroproteomics Center Posters and Abstracts


159. Jiang C, Ruiz-Sanchez I, Mei C, Pittenger C. (2024) Early life stress produces sexually dimorphic phenotypes relevant to neurodevelopmental and neuropsychiatric disorders. Society for Neuroscience.


158. Yim, Y., Godino, A., Azizian, C., Futamura, R., Lam, T., Nestler, E.J. (2023) Sex- and withdrawal-dependent proteomic changes in Nucleus Accumbens and prefrontal cortex: insights into synaptic adaptations in substance use disorders.

157. Wade, N, Chung, C.J., Chandra, S.S. (2023). Examining the Effects of ATP10B Knockout and Overexpression on Lysosomal Function and Lipid Accumulation in Gaucher disease. 19th Annual WORLD Symposium. Orlando, FL, Feb 23, 2023.

156. Bai, D., Emani, P.S., Gerstein, M. (2023) A joint model of cell-type-specific RNA and protein expressions in the human brain. American Soc. Human Genetics (ASHG).

155. Anderson E. M., Taniguchi M., Berto S., Mansuri M.S., Lam T., Nairn A.C., Williams K, Cowan C.W. (2023). Heroin-Seeking Behavior and the Synaptic Proteome are Both Regulated by Phospholipase Cgamma1 in the Nucleus Accumbens. American College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ACNP), December 3-6, 2023, Tampa, FL.

154. Abdulla, Z., Mineur, Y., Crouse, R., Etherington, I., Yousuf, H., Na, J., Picciotto, M.R. (2023) Acetylcholine signaling in the medial prefrontal cortex increases learned helplessness behavior in mice. Society for Neuroscience.

153. Abdulla, Z., Crouse, R., Etherington, I., Na, J., Picciotto, M.R. (2023) Cholinergic signaling in the medial prefrontal cortex potentiates learned helplessness. Society of Biol. Psychiatry.


152. Yim, Y., Browne, C., Godino, A., Minier-Torbio, A., Martinez-Rivera, F., Ly, A., Callens, J., Futamura, R., Landry, J., Wilson, R., Nairn, A., Hurd, Y., Nestler, E. (2022) Proteomic Profiling of Nucleus Accumbens Synaptosomes Following Withdrawal From Cocaine or Heroin Self-Administration. Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA.

151. Vidyadhara D.J., Somayaji, M., Wade, N., Yücel, B., Zhao, H., Shashaank N., Ribaudo, J., Gupta, J., Lam, T., Sames, D., Greene, L.E., Sulzer, D., Chandra, S.S. (2022). Dopamine compartmentalization defects initiate auxilin-linked Parkinson’s disease. Society for Neuroscience Nano-symposium “Molecular Mechanisms of Parkinson’s disease”, San Diego, CA. VDJ, Invited Speaker.

150. Vidyadhara D.J., Somayaji, M., Wade, N., Yücel, B., Zhao, H., Shashaank N., Ribaudo, J., Gupta, J., Lam, T., Sames, D., Greene, L.E., Sulzer, D., Chandra, S.S. (2022). Dopamine compartmentalization defects initiate auxilin-linked Parkinson’s disease. Yale Postgraduate Symposium. 2022.

149. Vidyadhara D.J., Somayaji, M., Wade, N., Yücel, B., Zhao, H., Shashaank N., Ribaudo, J., Gupta, J., Lam, T., Sames, D., Greene, L.E., Sulzer, D., Chandra, S.S. (2022). Dopamine compartmentalization defects initiate auxilin-linked Parkinson’s disease. Aligning Science Across Parkinson’s (ASAP) COSA meeting, Virtual.

148. Tieze, S.M., Gorenberg, E., Yücel, B., Zhao, H.R., Chou, V., Wirak, G.S., Lam, T. Chandra, S.S. (2022). Molecular characterization of lipofuscin pathology in neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis. Neurodegeneration: The Biological Pathways Driving the Future of Therapeutic Development, Keystone Symposium, Keystone, CO. SMT, Invited Speaker.

147. Sharma A., Garcia-Milian R., Lam T.K., Moszczynska A. (2022) Methamphetamine Neurotoxicity Does Not Contribute to Methamphetamine Use Disorder in Parkin Knockout Rats (2022) NIDA Genetic Consortium Meeting.

146. Sharma, A, Schneider, B.L., Garcia-Milian, R., Lam, T. and Moszczynska, A. (2022) Energy Metabolism-Parkin Link in Methamphetamine Use Disorder”. Society for Neuroscience. San Diego, CA.

145. Mathew, B., Peng, G., Bathla, S., Lam, T.T., Sanchez, H., Taylor, J.R., Williams, K.R., Nairn, A.C. (2022) Identification and characterization of alterations in the DARPP-32 protein interactome in rat striatal tissue following cocaine treatment, ASBMB Meeting: The 14th International Symposium on Mass Spectrometry in the Health and Life Sciences, Cambridge, Mass., Aug. 14-18, 2022..

144. Lallai, V., Lam, T.K., Williams, K., Nairn, A., Fowler, C.D. (2022) Proteomic profile of extracellular vesicles in the brain after THC exposure. American Society for Intercellular Communication, Potomac, Maryland.

143. Jiang C, Pittenger C. (2022) The Effects of Early Life Stress on Tourette Syndrome-Relevant Pathology. New Orleans, LA: Society of Biological Psychiatry Annual Meeting, 2022

142. Lallai, V., Lam, T.K., Williams, K., Nairn, A., Fowler, C.D. (2022) Impact of THC vape on the proteomic profile of extracellular vesicles in the brain. American College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ACNP).

141. Huang, Y.T., Chakraborti, A., Pace, J., Morrow, C., Bibb, J. (2022) Vancomycin-mediated gut microbiota regulation protects against chronic stress-induced anxio-depressive behavior in mice UAB Microbiome Symposium Jan 10, 2022.

140. Hofford, R.S., Shipman, A.L., Wang, W., Chow, J.J., Lam, T.T., Kiraly, D.D. (2022) Microbiome knockdown in adolescence alters behavioral flexibility, fentanyl reinstatement, and protein expression in prelimbic cortex. Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA.

139. Ganesh, S., Lam, T.K., Nairn, A.C., Garcia-Milian, R., Eitan, E., Ranganathan, M. (2022) Peripheral signature of altered synaptic integrity in young onset Cannabis Use Disorder: A pilot proteomic study of circulating extracellular vesicles. World Congress Psychiatric Genetics, Florence. Italy.

138. Chakraborty, R., Vidyadhara, D.J., Backström, D., Park, J., Ruan, J., Mistry, P., and Chandra, S. S. (2022). Pathogenic mechanisms for cognitive dysfunction in Parkinson’s disease: insights from studies on GBA mutations. ABCRMS. 2022. Virtual.

137. Blackburn, D.W., Curry, B., Stutz, X., Roth, R.H., Elsworth, J.D. (2022) Proteomics and phosphoproteomics reveal insights into metformin protection of selective dopamine neurons from methamphetamine-induced damage in nonhuman primates: implications for Parkinson’s Disease. Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA.

136. Bathla, S., Kanyo, J., Nairn, A.C. (2022) A BioID-derived proximity interactome for Protein phosphatase PP2A, ASBMB Meeting: The 14th International Symposium on Mass Spectrometry in the Health and Life Sciences, Cambridge, Mass., Aug. 14-18, 2022.

135. Allnutt, M.A., Qiancheng Zhao, Q., Lam, T.T., Chang, R., Chandra, S.S. (2022). Characterization of the vagal axonal proteome in response to gut injection of alpha synuclein pre-formed fibrils. Aligning Science Across Parkinson’s (ASAP) COSA meeting, Virtual.


134. Zhang, Y., Chatterjee, M., DeLuca N., Wu, J., Marabita, M., Biosa, A., Pilati, N., Gunthorpe M.J., Large, C.H. and Kaczmarek, L.K. (2021) Kv3.4 channels bind the cell adhesion molecule PCDH9 to regulate axonal axon pathfinding. Neurosci. Abstr., P096.01.

133. Yim, Y., Browne, C.J., Godino, A., Minier-Toribio, A., Ly, A., Callens, J., Martinez-Rivera, R., Futamura, R., Landrym J., Wilson, R.S., Nairn, A.C., Hurd, Y., Nestler, E.J. (2021) Proteomic profiling of nucleus accumbens synaptosomes following withdrawal from cocaine or heroin self-administration. Society for Neuroscience Meeting (Virtual).

132. Sharma, A., Schneider, B.L., Garcia-Milian, R., Lam, T., Moszczynska, A. (2021) P744.04 - Parkin Regulates Drug-Taking Behavior In Rat Model of Methamphetamine Use Disorder. Neuroscience 2021 50th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, November 8-11!/10485/presentation/16954

131. Lucerne, K.E., Kiraly, D.D. (2021) Defining GM-CSF as a mediator of behavioral and molecular responses to cocaine. College on Problems of Drug Dependence Annual Meeting. Virtual meeting.

130. Lallai V and Fowler CD (2021) Drugs of abuse modulate extracellular vesicle signaling in the brain. ASIC 2021 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Potomac, Maryland: American Society for Intercellular Communication.

129. Kiraly, D.D. (2021) Gut-brain signaling as a driver of nucleus accumbens neuroproteomic changes and fentanyl seeking. Friedman Brain Institute Faculty Retreat. New York, NY

128. Kiraly, D.D. (2021) The gut microbiome as a translational research target in models of drug relapse. Université Laval Department of Neuroscience Seminar Series. Virtual seminar.

127. Hofford, R.S., Meckel, K.R., Wang, W., Kim, M., Godino, A., Lam, T.T., Kiraly, D.D. (2021) Microbiome knockdown causes a dose-dependent shift in the reinforcing efficacy of fentanyl in male rats. American College of Neuropsychopharmacology Annual Meeting. San Juan, Puerto Rico.


126. Zhao, H., Gorenberg, E., Chou, V., Wirak, G., Lam, T. Chandra, S.S. (2020) Characterization of PPT1 substrates in CLN1 models. Rare Disease Day Symposium, Frank H. Netter, MD School of Medicine, North Haven, CT.

125. Vidyadhara, D. J., Chandra, S.S. (2020). Dopamine dysregulation and synucleinopathy in auxilin knockout mice. Monsoon Brain Meeting. Virtual.

124. Vidyadhara, D. J., Chandra, S.S. (2020). Auxilin knockout mice: a model for Parkinsonism with dopamine dysregulation and synucleinopathy. (2020) Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Protein Homeostasis In Health & Disease (Virtual).

123. Vidyadhara, D. J., Chandra, S.S. (2020). Auxilin knockout mice: a model for Parkinsonism with dopamine dysregulation and synucleinopathy. (2020) Grand Challenges in Parkinson’s Disease, Van Andel Institute, Grand Rapids, MI (Virtual).

122. Vidyadhara, D. J., Chandra, S.S. (2020). Auxilin knockout mice: a model for Parkinsonism with dopamine dysregulation and synucleinopathy. 2020 International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders, Philadelphia (Virtual).

121. Torregrossa, M. M., Bertholomey, M., Nairn, A. C., Lam, T. T. (2020) Phosphoproteomic identification of differential neural signaling induced by low to high dose alcohol in the nucleus accumbens. American College of Neuropsychopharmacology annual meeting. Virtual meeting.

120. Hofford, R. S., Euston, T., Wilson, R., Lam, T. T. Calipari, E. S., Kiraly, D. D. (2020) Granulocyte-colony stimulating factor mediates cocaine reward and reinstatement through glutamatergic mechanisms. American College of Neuropsychopharmacology annual meeting. Virtual meeting.

119. Hofford, R. S., Euston, T., Wilson, R., Lam, T. T. Calipari, E. S., Kiraly, D. D. (2020) Insights into the behavioral and molecular consequences of G-CSF in cocaine reward and reinforcement. Friedman Brain Institute annual retreat. Virtual meeting.

118. Gorenberg, E., Tieze, S.M., Zhao, H.R., Bishai, J., Chou, V., Wirak, G.S., Lam, T., Chandra, S.S. (2020). Identification of Palmitoyl Protein Thioesterase Substrates Defines Roles for Synaptic Depalmitoylation. Keystone eSymposia on Proteomics in Cell Biology and Disease.


117. Zhang, Y., Varela, L., Szigeti-Buck, K., Chatterjee, M., Horvath, T.L. and Kaczmarek, L.K. (2019) Tank Binding Kinase-1 interacts with the cytoplasmic C-terminus of the Kv3.3 potassium channel. Neurosci. Abstr., (CD ROM), 120.16.

116. Wilson, R., Rauniyar, N., Lam, T.T., Williams, K.R., Nairn, A.C. (2019) Development of targeted mass spectrometry-based approaches for quantitation of proteins enriched in the postsynaptic density (PSD). ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, Atlanta, GA

115. Vickers, B., Graham, C., Chakraborti, A., Moon, A., Bibb, J., Kennedy, G. (2019) Mechanisms mediating stress-induced vulnerability to gastrointestinal inflammation. 14th Annual Academic Surgical Congress, Houston, USA. February 5 - February 7, 2019

114. Malone, T. J., Licznerski, P., Jonas, E.A. and Kaczmarek, L.K. Activation of Slack potassium channels (KCNT1) triggers an increase in mRNA translation. Neurosci. Abstr., (CD ROM), 120.08, 2019.
113. Keip, A.J., Groman, S.M., Carlyle, B.C., Wilson, R.S., Nairn, N.C., and Taylor J.R. (2019) Identification of proteins in the orbitofrontal cortex underlying addiction susceptibility and consequence in rats. Neuron Conference at Quinnipiac University, Hamden, CT.

112. Hofford, R. S., Euston, T., Wilson, R., Lam, T. T. Calipari, E. S., Kiraly, D. D. (2019) Granulocyte-colony stimulating factor during abstinence from cocaine self-administration alters expression of glutamatergic synaptic proteins in nucleus accumbens. Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL.

111. Euston, T., Hofford, R. S., Wilson, R., Lam, T. T. Calipari, E. S., Kiraly, D. D. (2019) Investigating the role of granulocyte colony stimulating factor as a regulator of the striatal proteome. Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL.

110. Duarte, M., Trimbake, N.A., Fan, X, Ram, A., Woods, C., Bobeck, E.N., Schechtman, D. and Devi, L.A. (2019) A novel conformation-sensitive antibody-based strategy to explore PKC signaling induced by opiate activation of mu-opioid receptors. American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, Orlando, FL.

109. Bertholomey, M. L., Nagarajan, V., Torregrossa, M. M. (2019) Exposure to elevated corticosterone in adolescence can produce long-lasting alterations in the phosphoproteome that can impact alcohol use. Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Research 43, 330A. Research Society on Alcoholism annual meeting, Minneapolis, MN.

108. Afshar, N., Keip, A., Lee, D., Taylor, J.R., Groman, S.M. (2019) Decision making improves across adolescent development in the rat: implications for orbitofrontal circuit development. Fourth Quadrennial Meeting on OFC Function, Paris, France.


107. Monsey, M.S., Franklin, A.N., Ruiz, S.G., Lam, T.T., Nairn, A.C., and Taylor, J.R. (2018) Effects of garcinol administration on microtubule dynamics following cocaine-cue memory retrieval. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 328.08.

106. Malone, T. J., Licznerski, P., Jonas, E.A. and Kaczmarek, L.K. (2018) Activation of Slack potassium channels (KCNT1) triggers an increase in mRNA translation. Neurosci. Abstr., (CD ROM), 558.23.

105. Kiraly, D.D. (2018) Granulocyte-Colony Stimulating Factor: A neuroimmune modulator of neuronal and behavioral plasticity in response to cocaine. Mount Sinai Drug Discovery Institute monthly seminar. New York, NY.

104. Kiraly, D.D. (2018) Granulocyte-colony stimulating factor mediates neuronal and behavioral responses to cocaine. College on Problems of Drug Dependence annual meeting. San Diego, CA.

103. Kiraly, D.D. (2018) G-CSF modulates reward learning via effects on mesolimbic dopamine system plasticity. Temple University Center for Substance Abuse Research symposium. Philadelphia, PA.

102. Kiraly, D.D. (2018) G-CSF as a neuroimmune mediator of reward learning and synaptic plasticity. Friedman Brain Institute Faculty Retreat. New York, NY.

101. Hofford, R.S., Kutlu, M.G., Calipari, E.S., Kiraly, D.D. (2018) Granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) potentiates mesolimbic dopamine release, alters the synaptic proteome of the nucleus accumbens, and reduces cue-induced cocaine seeking. Poster presentation: American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. Hollywood, FL.

100. Groman, S.M., Carlyle, B.C., Ofrey D., Nairn A.C., and Taylor J.R. (2018) Identifying novel behavioral and protein biomarkers in addiction-related behaviors. Winter Conference on Brain Research. Panel Title: Individual Differences and Biomarkers in Decision Making and Addiction Vulnerability. Whistler, Canada.

99. Groman, S.M., Carlyle, B.C., Wilson, R.S., Nairn, A.C., and Taylor, J.R. (2018) Dissociating the signaling mechanisms underlying addiction vulnerability from the consequences of drug use. American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, Hollywood, FL.

98. Gorenberg, E., Chou, V., Wirak, G., Lam, T. Chandra, S.S. (2018). Identification of PPT1 substrates to study the role of palmitoylation in synaptic function. American Society for Cell Biology Meeting, San Diego, CA.

97. Gorenberg, E., Chou, V., Wirak, G., Lam, T. Chandra, S.S. (2018). Dynamic Depalmitoylation at the Synapse: Implications for Neurodegeneration. Gordon Conference on Cell Biology of the Neuron, Waterville, NH.

96. Gorenberg, E., Chou, V., Wirak, G., Lam, T. Chandra, S.S. (2018). Identification of PPT1 substrates: Unraveling the role of palmitoylation in synaptic function. FENS Forum of Neuroscience, Berlin, Germany.

95. Gorenberg, E., Chou, V., Wirak, G., Lam, T. Chandra, S.S. (2018). Identification of PPT1 substrates to elucidate the mechanisms of neurodegeneration in Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis. Keystone Symposia, Advances in Neurodegenerative Disease Research and Therapy, Keystone, CO.

94. Ali, S., Malone, T., Zhang, Y. and Kaczmarek, L.K. Interactions of Slack (KCNT1) channels with Phactr1 are altered by a human disease-causing mutation. Neurosci. Abstr., (CD ROM), 558.24, 2018.

93. Ali, S.R. and Kaczmarek, L.K. The Functional Modulation of Sodium-Activated Potassium (Slack) Channels by Phosphatase and Actin Regulator 1 (Phactr1). Biophys. J. 114: p295a–296a, 2018.


92. Malone, T., Licznerski, P., Jonas, E.A. and Kaczmarek, L.K. (2017) Activation of Slack potassium channels triggers an increase in mRNA translation. Neurosci. Abstr. 375.22.

91. Luxmi R, Kumar D, Blaby-Haas CE, Mains RE, King SM and Eipper BA (2017) Chlamydomonas Secretes Amidated Peptides During Mating. Mol Biol Cell 28: P2047. Poster presented at the American Society for Cell Biology Meeting; December 2017, Philadelphia, PA.

90. Kumar D, Luxmi R, Bartolotta M, Mains RE, King SM and Eipper BA (2017) A Bioactive Peptide Amidating Enzyme is Specifically Released in Ciliary Ectosomes during Mating in Chlamydomonas. Mol Biol Cell 28: P2046. Poster presented at the American Society for Cell Biology Meeting; December 2017, Philadelphia, PA.

89. Kruyer, A., Scofield, M.D., Uys, J.D., Kalivas, P.W. (2017) Transient plasticity of perisynaptic astrocyte processes during reinstated heroin seeking. Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC

88. Ali, S. and Kaczmarek, L.K. (2017) The functional modulation of sodium-activated potassium (Slack) channels by Phactr1 Neurosci. Abstr., 375.15


87. Wiseman, S.L., Terunuma, M., Nairn, A.C., Slesinger, P.A., Moss, S.J. (2016) Dynamic regulation of GABABRs by neural activity and phosphatase signaling. Neurosci. Abstr. 587.10/E35.

86. Miller, M.B., Zhou, W., Kanyo, J., Lam, T., Picciotto, M. (2016) Examining the Role of CaMKIIa in a4ß2* Nicotinic Receptor Function. International Society for Neuroscience meeting; San Diego, CA.

85. Malone, T. J., Kim, G.E., Fleming, M.R and Kaczmarek, L.K. (2016) Slack (KNa1.1) potassium channels can regulate their own rate of protein synthesis. Neurosci. Abstr.123.05.


84. Rich, M.T., Bertholomey M.L., Rupprecht, L.E., Abbott, T.B., Gulcicek, E.E., Stone, K.L., Chung, L., Colangelo, C.M., Taylor, J.R., Torregrossa, M.M. (2015) Effects of amygdalar CaMKII activity on extinction and reconsolidation of a cocaine-associated memory. Drug and Alcohol Depend, 146: e80 (published abstract from CPDD Annual Meeting 2014- San Juan, PR).

83. Olson, A, and Koelle, M.R. (2015). The role of post-translational modifications in serotonin signaling. International C. elegans meeting, Los Angeles, CA.

82. Kim, G.E., Fleming, M.R., Kronengold, J. and Kaczmarek, L.K. (2015) Dephosphorylation of N-terminal serines promotes biogenesis of the sodium-activated potassium channel Slack-B. Neurosci. Abstr., 208.03.


81. Schwarcz, R.C., Cheng, S., Greengard, P., Nairn, A.C. (2014) Cell-type specific analysis of antipsychotic drug action in D1 and D2 neurons of the striatum. Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC.

80. Sakaue, F., Colangelo, C.M., Chung, L.M., Abbott, T.B., Kitchen, R.R., Nairn, A.C., (2014) Characterization of post-synpatic density protein enrichment using targeted quantitative mass spectrometry methods. Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC.

79. Rich, M.T., Abbott, T., Stone, K., Chung, L., Colangelo, C., Nairn, A., Taylor, J.R., Torregrossa, M.M. (2014) Role of amygdalar CaMKII in cocaine-associated memory reconsolidation and extinction. Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC.

78. Olson, A. and Koelle, M.R. (2014) The role of post-translational modifications in serotonin signaling. 19th International C. elegans neuronaldevelopment, synaptic function & behavior meeting, Madison, WI, July 2014.

77. Li, D., Musante, V., Nairn, A.C. (2014) Striatin proteins within STRIPAK complex regulate the dephosphorylation of DARPP-32 as B subunits of PP2A. Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC.

76. Kitchen, R.R., Carlyle, B.C., Gerstein, M.B., Nairn, A.C. (2014) Deep integration of the human translatome and proteome with isoform resolution. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory meeting on Translational Control.

75. Cheadle, L., Biederer, T. (2014) Activity-dependent regulation of dendritic complexity through Farp1. Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC.

74. Chatterjee, M., Xu, J., Baguley, T., Brouillette, J., Kurup, P., Ghosh, D., Kanyo, J., Gresack, J., Greengard, P., Lam, T., Tautz, L., Ellmann, J., Nairn, A.C. Lombroso, P. (2014) Characterization of TC-2153 as a potent inhibitor of STriatal Enriched protein tyrosine Phosphatase. Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC.

73. Carlyle, B.C., Kitchen, R.R., Nairn, A.C. (2014) Genome wide monitoring of translational control: enabling cell type specificity in the mammalian brain. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory meeting on Translational Control.

72. Bertholomey, M.L., Stone, K., Lam, T., Taylor, J.R., Torregrossa, M.M. (2014) Adolescent corticosterone exposure alters regulation of alpha2A adrenergic receptor sensitivity: possible role in stress-induced motivation for alcohol. American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, Phoenix, AZ.

71. Abbott, T., LoPresti, M., and Colangelo, C. (2014) Reducing sample amounts of isobaric tagging quantitative proteomics experiments. ABRF Annual Meeting, Ft. Lauderdale, FL


70. Zhang, Y.-Q., Henderson, M.X., Salm, E.J., Chandra, S.S. (2013). Molecular pathogenesis of adult-onset neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis. Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA.

69. Vargas, K.J., Davis, T., Makani, S., Westphal, C.H., Castillo, P.E., De Camilli, P., Chandra, S.S. (2013). Evidence for synaptic dysfunction in Parkinson’s disease. World Parkinson Congress, Montreal, Canada.

68. Taylor, J., Abbott, T.B., Gulcicek, E.E., Stone, K.L., Colangelo, C.M.,Torregrossa, M.M. (2013) Identification of Signaling Cascades Regulating the Extinction and Reconsolidation of Cocaine-Associated Memories Using Phosphoproteomics. America College of Neuropsychopharmacology Annual Meeting, December, 2013.

67. Sakaue, F., Colangelo, C.M., Chung, L.M., Ivosev, G., Abbott, T.B., Nairn, A.C. (2013) Proteome variability of postsynaptic density (PSD) fractions analyzed by quantitative mass spectrometry. Society for Neuroscience, San Diego.

66. Olson, A. and Koelle, M.R. (2013) The role of post-translational modifications in serotonin signaling. Abstracts of the 19th International C. elegans Meeting, Los Angeles, June 2013.

65. Nagarajan, V., Stone, K.L., Lam, T.T., Gulcicek, E.E., Taylor, J.R., and Torregrossa, M.M. (2013) Proteomic and behavioral evidence for altered astroglial gap junction communication increasing risk for alcoholism after adolescent corticosterone exposure. Accepted for Abstracts of the Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, San Diego, November 2013.

64. Musante, V., Andrade, E., Canio, J., Greengard, P., Nairn, A.C. (2013) ARPP-16, protein kinase A and MAST3 kinase: A newly identified pathway for regulation of protein phosphatase PP2A in striatal neurons. Society for Neuroscience, San Diego.

63. Kim, G.E., Fleming, M.R., and Kaczmarek, L.K. (2013) Biogenesis of the sodium-activated potassium channel Slack-B is controlled by the dephosphorylation of N-terminal serines. Biophysical Society Abstracts, Philadelphia, PA.

62. Fleming, M.R. and Kaczmarek, L.K. (2013) Activation of Slack channels alters their interactions with the regulatory protein Phactr1. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Abstract 320: 01.

61. Engmann, O., Gasmi, L., Nairn, A.C., Gilligan, D., Picciotto, M., Greengard, P., Hervé, D., Girault, J-A. (2013) DARPP-32 interacts with adducin. Society for Neuroscience, San Diego.

60. Colangelo, C., Abbott, T., Ivosev, G., Chung, L., Shifman, M., Sakaue, F., Cox, D., Burton, L., Tate, S., Gulcicek, E., Bonner, R., Rinehart, J., Nairn, A., and Williams, K. (2013) Development of Targeted Proteome Assays: Mouse/Rat Brain Assay for 112 Proteins. 27th Annual Symposium of the Protein Society.

59. Chen, A., Craft, G., Colangelo, C., Nairn, A.C. (2013) Specific proteomic analysis of mitochondria in dopamine neurons. Society for Neuroscience, San Diego.


58. Zhang, Y.-Q., Henderson, M.X., Ginsberg, S.D., Chandra, S.S., (2012). CSPa: Roles in synapse maintenance and preventing neurodegeneration. Gordon Research Conference, Neurobiology of Brain Disorders, Easton, MA.

57. Wiseman, S.L., Ryazanov, A.G., Taylor, J.R., Nairn, A.C. (2012) Locomotor sensitization to cocaine using a two-injection protocol requires eukaryotic elongation factor-2 kinase (EF2K)-mediated translational control. Abstracts of the Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, New Orleans, October 2012.

56. Vargas, K.J., Greten-Harrison, B., De Camilli, P., Chandra, S.S. (2012). a-Synuclein: Searching for a synaptic function. Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, LA.

55. Sakaue, F., Colangelo, C.M., Abbott, T., Chung, L.M., Nairn, A.C. (2012) Proteomic analysis of the effect of cocaine exposure on the proteins associated with the postsynaptic density. Abstracts of the Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, New Orleans, October 2012.

54. Musante, V., Andrade, E., Kanyo, J., Greengard, P., Nairn, A.C. (2012) Role of MAST3 kinase in PP2A regulation and neuronal activity in striatum. Abstracts of the Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, New Orleans, October 2012.

53. Musante V., Andrade E., Greengard P., Nairn A.C.(2012) Regulation of protein phosphatase 2A by ARPP-16 and MAST3 kinase in striatum. Faseb Summer Conference on Protein Phosphatases, Snowmass, Colorado, July 2012.

52. Kim, G.E., Fleming, M.R., Kronengold, J. and Kaczmarek, L.K. (2012) Dephosphorylation of N-terminal serines promotes biogenesis of the sodium- activated potassium channel Slack-B. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 2012, New Orleans, LA.

51. Colangelo, C., Abbott, T. Shifman, M., Ivosev, G., Chung, L., Sakaue, F., Cox, D., Tate, S.A., Gulcicek, E., Bonner, R., Rinehart, J., Nairn, A., Williams, K. (2012) Development of Targeted Proteome Assays. 60th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, May 20-24, 2012.

50. Chandra, S., Henderson M., Ginsberg, S.D., Zhang, Y. (2012). Presynaptic mechanisms of synapse maintenance. Keystone Symposia, Synapses and Circuits: From Formation to Disease, Steamboat Springs, CO.


49. Westphal, C. and Chandra, S. (2011). Synucleins sense and generate membrane curvature. Society for Neuroscience, Washington D.C.

48. Musante, V., Andrade, E.C., Horiuchi, A., Greengard, P. and Nairn, A.C. (2011) Regulation of protein phosphatase 2A by ARPP-16 and MAST kinase in striatal medium spiny neurons. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Washington DC, Nov 2011.

47. Henderson, M., Zhang, Y., and Chandra, S. (2011). CSPa mediates neuroprotection through specific synaptic interactions. Keystone Symposia, Neurodegenerative Diseases: The Molecular and Cellular Basis for Neurodegeneration, Taos, NM.

46. Fleming, M.R. and Kaczmarek, L.K., (2011) Phosphorylation regulates gating and channel-protein interaction in the Slack sodium-activated potassium (KNa) channel. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting. Abstract 138: 24.

45. Craft, G.E., Banasr, M., Lam. T., Stone, K.L., Nairn, A.C. (2010) Affinity purification of ubiquitinated proteins and peptides from rat brain extracts. Soc Neurosci Annual Meeting Abstr. 639.20.

44. Chandra, S., Zhang, Y., and Henderson, M. (2011). Role of CSPa in synaptic vesicle endocytosis revealed by systematic quantitative proteomics. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Meeting on Channels, Receptors & Synapses, Cold Spring Harbor, NY.


43. Wiseman, S.L., Nairn, A.C. (2010) Stimulation-induced degradation of eukaryotic elongation factor-2 kinase (EF2K) by the ubiquitin-proteasome system. Soc Neurosci Abstr.

42. Fleming, M.R., Kronengold, J., Brown, M.R., Yan, Y., Chen, H., Lam, T.T., Sigworth, F., Nairn, A.C. and L.K. Kaczmarek. (2010) Phosphorylation that activates Slack sodium-activated potassium channels may alter channel-protein interactions at the plasma membrane. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. (CD ROM) 340: 17.

41. Craft, G., Stone, K., Nairn, A. (2010) Affinity purification of ubiquitinated proteins from rat brain tissue. Society for Neuroscience.

40. Colangelo, C. Farmar, J. Ivanov, A., Kinsinger, C., Kowalak, J., Mechtler, K., Phinney, B., Raida, M., Weintraub, S. (2010) ABRF sPRG2010 Study: Multi-Laboratory Evaluation of a Phosphopeptide Standard for Proteomics. ABRF Annual Meeting, Sacramento, CA, March 21-23.


39. Voss, E., Biederer, T., Wu, T., Easterling, M.L., LoPresti, M., Williams, K.R., Lam, T.T. (2009) Method Optimization for the Determination of Protein Site of N-Glycosylation: Case Study for SynCAM1, 57th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry, May 31 - June4, 009, Philadelphia, PA.

38. Rinehart, Jesse; Y. D. Maksimova; J. E. Tanis; K. Stone; J. Zhang; M. Risinger; W. Pan; D. Wu; C. Colangelo; B. Forbush; C. H. Joiner; E. E. Gulcicek; P. G. Gallagher; R. P. Lifton, (2009) Quantitative phosphoproteomics identifies sites in K-Cl cotransporters that regulate cell volume and neuronal excitation, 57th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry, May 31 – June 4, Philadelphia, PA.

37. Gulcicek, Erol E.; K. L Stone; C. Bruce; R. I. Herzog; R. S. Sherwin (2009), Improved sample preparation for phosphoproteome analysis of rat brain tissue, 57th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry, May 31 – June 4, Philadelphia, PA.

36. Fleming, M., Kronengold J, Chen, H., Yan, Y., Lam, T.T., Gulcicek, E.E., Sigworth, F., Nairn, A.C., Kaczmarek LK. (2009) Identification of regulatory phosphorylation sites in sodium activated potassium (KNa) channels. Soc Neurosci Abstr (CD ROM) 819: 19.

35. Fleming, M., Brown, M., Kaczmarek, L.. (2009) Activation and phosphorylation of Slack-B potassium channels alters mass distribution at the plasma membrane. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. (CD ROM) 819:18.


34. Stone, K., Wu, T., Gulcicek, E., Shifman, M., Kanyo, J., Colangelo, C. and Williams, K. (2008) The Art of DIGE. ABRF, Enabling Technologies in the Life Sciences, February 9, 2008, Salt Lake City, UT.

33. Stone, K., Colangelo, C., Gulcicek, E., Lam, T., Wu, T., LoPresti, M., Abbott, T., Crawford, M., Williams, N., Kanyo, J., Wilczak-Havill, K., Shifman, M. and Williams, K. (2008) The Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics Resource of the Keck Laboratory at Yale University. ABRF, Enabling Technologies in the Life Sciences, February 9, 2008, Salt Lake City, UT.

32. Stipanovich, A., Wei, F., Lavaur, J., Stone, K., Colangelo, C.,Gulcicek, E., Picciotto, M., Cedars, E., Greengard, P., Nairn, A. (2008) Lfc phosphorylation sites: identification and physiological relevance. Society for Neuroscience Meeting, Washington DC. November, 2008

31. Olausson, P., Krueger, D., Kedves, A., Nairn, A., Taylor, J. (2008) Synaptic Neuroadaptations following Repeated Cocaine Exposure in Vervet monkeys – a Proteomics Analysis of the Frontal Cortex. Poster # 663,5/II30. Society for Neuroscience, November 14 – 19, 2008, Washington, DC.

30. Kedves, A., Nairn, A., Taylor, J., Olausson, P. (2008) Striatal neuroadaptations regulated by the transcription factor Sp1 are induced by chronic cocaine exposure in rodents. Poster # 663.10/JJ5. Society for Neuroscience, November 14 – 19, 2008, Washington, DC.

29. Fleming, M.R., Yan, Y., Lam, T., Gulcicek, E., Nairn, A. and Kaczmarek, L.K. (2008). Regulation of Sodium-Activated Potassium (KNa) Channels by Phosphorylation. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. (CD ROM) 430.18.

28. Bruce, C., Williams, K. and Gulcicek, E.E. (2008) Identification of Sites of Phosphorylation from Tandem Spectrometry Data by Logical Analysis of Result Classes. US HUPO Meeting, March 17, 2008, Washington, DC.

27. Biederer, T., Fogel, A.I., Stagi, M., Krupp, A. and Stein, V. (2008) SynCAMs organize synaptic membranes through heterophilic adhesion. Keystone Symposia, Molecular Basis for Biological Membrane Organization, January 13, 2008, Big Sky, MT.

26. Andrade, E.C., Colangelo, C., Wilczak-Havill, K., Taylor, J.R. Williams, K.R., Nairn, A.C. (2008) Identification of alterations in synaptic protein composition in cortico- limbic-striatal brain regions after chronic cocaine exposure in Rats. Society for Neuroscience Meeting, Washington DC. November, 2009.


25. Zimolo, Z., Stone, K., Wu, T., Colangelo, C., D'Souza, D.C., Williams, K. and Krystal, J.H. (2007) Plasma proteomic biomarkers in schizophrenia. International Congress on Schizophrenia Research, Colorado Springs, CO.

24. Taylor, J.R. and Olausson, P. (2007) Orbitofrontal cortex and addiction; Evidence from Primate Experiments. New York Academy of Science Meeting, " Linking Affect to Action; Critical Contributions of the Orbitofrontal Cortex," March 11 – 14, 2007, New York, NY.

23. Stone, K., Colangelo, C., Gulcicek, E., Lam, T., Wu, T., LoPresti, M., Abbott, T., Crawford, M., Williams, N., Kanyo, J., Wilczak-Havill, K., Shifman, M. and Williams, K. (2007) Information on the MS & Proteomics Resource at Yale University. Northeast Regional Life Sciences Core Director Meeting, November 7, 2007, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.

22. Sathyanesan, S.N., Girgenti, M.J. and Sathyanesan, M (2007). A Genomics and Proteomics Characterization of the Choroid Plexus: Implications for Antidepressant Action. Poster # 908.5/DD24. Society for Neuroscience, November 3 – 7, 2007, San Diego, California.

21. Olausson, P., Krueger, D.,Colangelo, C. Williams, K., Nairn, A. and Taylor, J. (2007) Proteomic Analysis of Persistent Cortico-Striatal Synaptic Neuro-Adaptations following Repeated Cocaine Exposure in Vervet monkeys. Society for Neuroscience, November 3 – 7, 2007, San Diego, California.

20. Kedves, A., Olausson, P., Krueger, D., Colangelo, C., Williams, K. Nairn, A., Taylor, J. (2007) Proteomic analysis of synaptic cortico-striatal neuroadaptations following repeated PCP exposure in Vervet monkeys. Poster # 498.22/HH3. Society for Neuroscience, November 3 – 7, 2007, San Diego, California.

19. Fogel, A.I., Akins, M., Krupp, A., Stagi, M., Stein, V. and Biederer, T. (2007) SynCAMs 1/2 comprise a novel adhesion complex at CNS synapses. Poster # 571.7/H3. Society for Neuroscience, November 3 – 7, 2007, San Diego, California.

18. Collin-Hansen, Christian; Gulcicek, E., Williams, K., Colangelo, C., Stone, K., Nairn, A. (2007) Phosphoproteome of synaptoneurosomes from cocaine treated rats. 55th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry, Indianapolis, IN.

17. Andrade, E., Horiuchi, A., Wu, T., Mane, S., Stone, K., Greengard, P. and Nairn, A. (2007) The role and regulation of ARPP-16/19 in neurons. Society for Neuroscience, 2007 Meeting.


16. Haspeslagh, D.C., Olausson, P., Taylor, J.R. and Allen, P.B. (2006) Spinophilin, a Synaptic Scaffolding Protein, Regulates Dopamine Signal Transduction Efficacy. Poster # C75/723.6. Society for Neuroscience, Oct. 14, 2006, Atlanta, GA.

15. Gulcicek, Erol E.; Mark A. Shifman; Perry Miller; Christopher M. Colangelo; Kathryn L. Stone; TuKiet T. Lam; Can Bruce (2006) High Probability MS Identification of Phosphopeptides by their Mass Defect. 54th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry, May28 - June1, 2006.

14. Gulcicek, E.E. (2006) Protein and Phosphoprotein Profiling Strategies. The 4th International Forum on Post-Genome Technologies. September 25 – 26, 2006, Hongzhou, China. Invited Keynote speaker.

13. Collin-Hansen, Christian; Erol E. Gulcicek; Terence Wu; Kenneth R. Williams; Angus C. Nairn (2006) Development of a robust strategy for the enrichment of phosphorylated proteins and peptides from complex mixtures, 54th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry, May28 - June1, 2006.

12. Collin-Hansen, Christian, E. E. Gulcicek, T. Wu, K. R. Williams, A. C. Nairn; (2006), Enrichment and identification of striatal proteins from cocaine-treated rats. Poster # 99.11/OO91, Atlanta, GA: Society for Neuroscience, Oct. 14, 2006.

11. Andrade, E., Colangelo, C., Berberich, M., Allen, P., Taylor, J.R., Williams, K.R., Nairn, A.C. (2006) Identification of alterations in synaptic protein composition in cortico-limbic-striatal brain regions after chronic cocaine exposure in mice. Society for Neuroscience. Online.text


10. Zimolo, Z., D'Souza, D.C., Perry, E., Krystal, J.H., Wu, T., Stone, K. and Williams, K. (2005) Proteomic analysis of antipsychotic response. International Congress on Schizophrenia Research 2005. Savannah, GA.

9. Yu, W., Li, X., Liu, J., Wu, B., Williams, K. and Zhao, H. (2005) Aligning peaks across multiple mass spectrometry data sets using a scale-space based approach. IEEE Computational Systems Bioinformatics Conference (CSB 2005), August 8-11, 2005, Stanford, CA.

8. Lam, T., McMurray, W., Stone, K., Gulcicek, E., Colangelo, C. and Williams, K. (2005) Multi-dimensional protein identification technologies (MudPIT) mass spectrometry of mouse brain proteins. 53rd ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry, June 5 - 9, 2005 San Antonio, TX.

7. Krueger, D.D., Olausson, P., Wu, T., Williams, K.R., Taylor, J.R. and Nairn, A.C., (2005) Proteomic analysis of persistent cortico-limbic-striatal neuroadaptations following repeated cocaine exposure in vervet monkeys. Program # 1030.6. Society for Neuroscience.

6. Hager, J., Tikhonova, I., Clarke, L., Voss, E., Lui, J., Zhao, H., Strittmatter, S., Nairn, A. and Williams, K. (2005) Establishing protocols for making and using protein arrays in an academic core facility. Chips-to-Hits Meeting, September 11-15, 2005, Boston, MA.

5. Gulcicek, E., Berberich, M., Colangelo, C., Lam, T., McMurray, W., Stone, K. and Williams, K.R. (2005) Mass Spectrometric Integration of Robust Phosphoprotein Profiling Strategies. 53rd ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry, June 5 - 9, 2005, San Antonio, TX.

4. Berberich, M., Stone, K., LoPresti, M., Weissman, S., Williams, K. and Colangelo, C. (2005) A comprehensive cellular snapshot using multiple protein profiling technologies. 53rd ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry, June 5 - 9, 2005 San Antonio, TX.

3. Andrade, E.C., Wu, T., Colangelo, C., Lam, T., Berberich, M., Stone, K., Allen, P.B., Taylor, J.R., Williams, K.R. and Nairn, A.C. (2005) Identification of alterations in synaptic protein composition following chronic cocaine exposure in mice. Program # 1030.5. Society for Neuroscience.


2. Zimolo Z, Krystal JH, Perry EB, Wu T, Vangala S, Williams K, D’Souza DC. (2004) Proteomic analysis of glutamate modulation with riluzole in schizophrenia. Society for Neuroscience.

1. Olausson, P., Tronson, N.C., Kiraly, D.D., Krueger, D.D., Nairn, A.C. and Taylor, J.R. (2004) Selective cognitive-motivational alterations following prior cocaine exposure in monkeys. Program # 671.10. Society for Neuroscience. Washington, DC.