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Research Resource Identifiers
Neuroproteomic Center
Neuroscience Resources
- Neuroscience Information Framework - is an initiative of the NIH Blueprint for Neuroscience Research. It provides a dynamic inventory of Web-based neuroscience resources including data, materials, and tools. As part of our collaboration with NIF, we have registered the YPED repository in the NIF registry. In addition, we have transferred the data from the YPED repository to the NIF Data Federation.
- Neuroscience Information Framework Data
Proteomics Tools
- National Institute of Standards and Technology Libraries of Peptide Tandem Mass Spectra - The National Institutes for Standards and Technologies (NIST) Mass Spectrometry Data Center (a part of the Biomolecular Measurement Division) develops software, databases and peptide libraries for the identification and analysis of chemical compounds by mass spectrometry. As part of our collaboration with NIST, we have provided an initial set of rat brain data (stored in YPED) to NIST for incorporation into the NIST Libraries of Peptide Tandem Mass Spectra.
- ProteomicsBrowser Tool
- Scaffold Analysis Software