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Yale/NIDA Neuroproteomics Center Pilot Project Grants

# Year Principal Investigator Title University Project Title
60 2023 Yifei Cai Associate Research Scientist Yale U. Cell-type-specific Proteomics in Human Brains Using Immunopanning and Antibody-based Proximity Labeling
59 2023 Soren Emerson NIDA Prodoctoral Fellow Vanderbilt U. Investigating the Cell Type-Specific Recruitment of the SAGA Complex in Cocaine Use Disorder
58 2023 Nadine Kabbani Associate Professor
George Mason U.
Sex-specific Proteomic Adaptations in Microglia in Response to Nicotine Treatment and Withdrawal
Angela Redmond
Assistant Research Professor
Marshall U.
Understanding Biased CB1R Signaling Through Phospho-Proteomics
Alexandra Fall
PhD Student
U. Maryland
Investigating the Central Amygdala Neuronal Proteome Mediating the Protective Effect of Social Reward on Incubation of Heroin Craving
Isabel Gameiro-Ros (with Paul Slesinger)
Postdoctoral Fellow
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Proteomic Profiling of Glutamate Neurotransmission Alterations with Chronic THC and/or Ethanol Exposure in the Context of Addiction in iPSC-derived Human Excitatory Neurons
Vena Martinez
Postdoctoral Associate
Yale U. Targeted Discovery and Characterization of Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) Causal Genes Through Proteomic Analysis of Human Brain Regions
53 2022 Ken Loh
Assistant Professor
Yale U.
Developing new enzymatic scaffolds for proximity labeling brain regions
52 2022 Sarah Jefferson
Psychiatry Resident
Yale U.
Short- and Long-term Proteomic Changes in Dendritic Spines Induced by Psychedelic Compounds with Therapeutic Applications
51 2022 Zuhair Abdulla (with Marina Picciotto)
Postdoctoral Associate
Yale U.
Synaptoproteomic Correlates of Stress-induced Acetylcholine Release in mPFC: Mechanistic Evaluation of Depression/addiction Co-morbidity
50 2022 Xiaofan Li (with Paul Slesinger) Instructor Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Mapping Methamphetamine-induced Changes in the GIRK Channel Interaction Proteome
49 2022 Candice Paulsen Assistant Professor Yale U. Proteomic Analysis of Protein Partners that Govern TRPA1 Trafficking and Functionality
48 2021 Ethan Anderson (with Christopher Cowan) Research Assistant Professor
Medical U. South Carolina
Phospholipase Cgamma1 in the Nucleus Accumbens Reduces Heroin-Seeking: Effects on Synaptic Phospholipids and the Synaptoproteome
Anissa Bara (with Yasmin Hurd)
Postdoctoral Fellow
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Placenta and Neurodevelopmental Effects of in utero Cannabis Exposure
Cheng Jiang (with Christopher Pittenger)
Postdoctoral Associate
Yale U.
Stress-induced Sex- and Cell Type-specific Proteomic Changes in the Striatum: Impact on Substance Abuse
Pradeep Kurup (with James Bibb)
U. Alabama
Proteomic Characterization of ?OR and Cdk5 Signaling Pathway in Rodent Nucleus Accumbens: Implications in Cocaine Addiction
Yun Young Yim (with Eric Nestler)
Postdoctoral Fellow
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Cell-type-specific Proteomic Profiling of Synaptosomes During Early and Extended Withdrawal from Self-administered Cocaine
43 2020 Suhas Ganesh (with Mohini Ranganathan)
Postdoctoral Associate
Yale U.
Capturing Altered Brain Proteomic Signaling in Young Onset Cannabis Use Disorder in the Periphery Leveraging Label Free Proteomic Analysis of Neuron Derived Circulating Exosomes
42 2020 Rebecca Hofford
Postdoctoral Associate
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Investigation of the Adolescent Gut Microbiome as a Unique Driver of Protein Expression in Medial Prefrontal Cortex After Opioid Exposure
41 2020 Valeria Lallai
Postdoctoral Associate
U. Cal. Irvine
Proteomics of THC-mediated Changes in Extracellular Vesicle Signaling
40 2020 Anna Moszczynska
Associate Professor
Wayne State U.
Investigating Proteins Mediating Ubiquitin-Protein Ligase Parkin-Induced Attenuation of Methamphetamine Relapse
Stephanie Puig (with Ryan Logan)
Senior Research Scientist
Boston U.
Identifying The PDGFRß Signaling Pathways That Mediate Opioid Tolerance
38 2020 Yotam Sagi
Senior Research Associate
Rockefeller U.
Protein Analysis from Organelles and Cellular Compartments of Neuronal Populations
37 2021 Summer Thompson (with Jane Taylor)
Postdoctoral Associate
Yale U.
Profiling Microbial Metabolites To Elucidate The Relationship Between SCFAs, Intestinal Permeability, and Alcohol
Kristen Brennand
Associate Professor
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Impact of NRXN1a Alternative Splicing Changes on Synaptic Composition
Yifei Cai (with Jaime Grutzendler)
Postdoctoral Associate
Yale U.
Proteomic Screening of Neuronal and Glial Subcellular Compartments Isolated by Proximity Labeling and FACS in Fixed and Fresh Brain Samples
Mohammad Shahid Mansuri (with Angus Nairn)
Postdoctoral Associate Yale U.
Ultra-deep Brain Tyrosine Phosphoproteomic Profiling by SH2-Superbinder
James Quinn (with Steve Arnold)
Postdoctoral Fellow
Mass. General Hospital
Analyzing the Role of Neuropeptides in the Neurobiology and Physiology of Addiction

32 2018 Caleb Browne (with Eric Nestler)
Postdoctoral Fellow
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Proteomic Profiling of NAc Synaptosomes During Early and Extended Withdrawal from Self-administered Cocaine
2018 Ayanabha Chakraborti (with James Bibb)
Senior Research Associate
U. Alabama at Birmingham
Profiling the Nucleus Accumbens Proteome in an Experimental Model of Inflammatory Bowel Disease
2018 Tina Franklin (with Ron Duman)
Postdoctoral Associate
Yale U.
Stress-induced Dysregulation in Microglial HMGB1 Signaling
29 2018 Stephanie Groman (with Jane Taylor)
Associate Research Scientist
Yale U.
A "Targeted" Approach to Identify the Proteins Underlying the Biobehavioral Mechanisms of Addiction
28 2018 Angela Lee (with Marina Picciotto)
MD/PhD Student
Yale U.
Sex Differences in Nicotine-induced Changes of the Mouse Brain Proteome
27 2017 L. Devi and D. Schechtman Professor and Assoc. Professor Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai and U. Sao Paulo, Brazil Identification of Protein Kinase C Targets Leading to Opioid Tolerance
26 2017 D. Kiraly Assistant Professor
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Characterization of Proteomic Changes in the Nucleus Accumbens in Response to Chronic Granulocyte-colony Stimulating Factor and Cocaine
25 2017 M. Girgenti Postdoctoral Associate Yale U. Post Mortem Proteomic Characterization of Human Subgenual Prefrontal Cortex in Tobacco Abuse and PTSD
24 2017 M. Wolf and A. Li Professor and Postdoctoral Associate Chicago Medical School and Behavioral Neuroscience Branch, NIDA Projection-specific Proteomics in Striatum and Its Glutamatergic Afferents in Incubation of Craving to Psychostimulants (Cocaine and Methamphetamine)
23 2016 T. Cijsouw (with T. Biederer)
Postdoctoral Scholar
Tufts U.
Mapping the Proteome of the Synaptic cleft Through Peroxidase-Based Reporter Proteins
22 2016 R. Logan
Assistant Professor
U. Pittsburgh
Identifying Circadian Regulated Proteins in Specific Cell Types of the Nucleus Accumbens involved in Cocaine Reward
21 2016 M. Miller (with M. Picciotto)
Postdoctoral Associate
Yale U.
A Systematic Evaluation of High-Affinity a4ß2 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Phosphorylation
20 2017 M. Monsey (with J. Taylor) Postdoctoral Associate Yale U. Profiling the neuronal proteome of the lateral amygdala following cocaine-cue memory retrieval and systemic garcinol administration
19 2017 R. Taugher Postdoctoral Fellow U. Iowa Role of ASIC1A in regulating the NAc proteome in both the drug naïve and cocaine withdrawn states
18 2017 E. Yan Professor Yale U. Role of dimerization in modulating sensitivity and dynamic range of ligand sensing in family CG protein coupled receptors
17 2015 B. Carlyle (with A. Nairn)
Postdoctoral Associate
Yale U.
Assessing Proteomic Differences Between the Two Types of Major Cell Types of the Striatum
16 2015 A. Koleske
Yale U.
Mechanisms of Cocaine-Induced Dendritic Spine Refinement and Plasticity
15 2015 J. Uys (with P. Kalivas)
Assistant Professor
Medical U. South Carolina Quantitative Proteomic Analysis of S-Glutathionylated Proteins after Cocaine-Induced Reinstatement
14 2015 J. Xu (with P. Lombroso)
Assoc. Res. Sci.
Yale U.
Post-Translational Modification of STEP61 by BDNF Signalling: Implications in Drug Abuse
13 2012 R. Kitchen (with A. Nairn)
Postdoctoral Associate
Yale U.
Toward Improved Label-free Quantification of MS/MS Spectra Using Predicted Proteomes
12 2011 S. Chandra
Assistant Professor
Yale U.
Phosphoinositides, Synaptic Signalling, Drug Addiction, and Neurodegeneration
11 2011 M. Koelle
Associate Professor
Yale U.
Proteomic Analysis of Lysine Acetylation of the Neural G Protein Gao and Its Role in Serotonin Signaling
10 2011 T. McClure-Begley (with M. Picciotto)
Postdoctoral Fellow
Yale U.
Defining the nAChR Interactome
2011 S. Sathyanesan
Assistant Professor
Yale U.
Development of Cerebrospinal Fluid Markers for Neuropsychiactric Disorders
8 2010 J. Bibb
Associate Professor
U. Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Phosphoprotein Analysis of the Effects of Cocaine on NMDA Receptor Regulation
7 2010 J. Rinehart
Assistant Professor
Yale U.
Global MRM Atlas of the Human Kinome
6 2010 A.J. Robison (with E. Nestler)
Postdoctoral Fellow
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Neuronal Subtype-Specific Effects of the Transcription Factor delta FosB on Synaptic Physiology
5 2010 M. Torregrossa (with J. Taylor)
Assoc. Res. Sci.
Yale U.
Identification of Proteins that are Differentially Activated by Drug Cue memory Extinction and Reconsolidation in the Amygdala and Nucleus Accumbens Using Phosphoproteomics
4 2009 T. Biederer Associate Professor Yale U. Identification and Analysis of Protein Complexes Mediating Synapse Formation
3 2009 S. Chandra
Assistant Professor
Yale U.
Neuronal Substrates Required for Synapse Maintenance
2 2009 M. Morabito
Assistant Professor
U. Mass.
Cdk5-Dependent Post-translational Modifications of PSD-95
1 2009 S. Sathyanesan
Assistant Professor
Yale U.
A Proteomics and Genomics Characterization of the Choroid Plexus: Protein and Gene Regulation by Psychotropic Drugs