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The Yale faculty in the Section of Geriatrics Faculty perform on-site research through the Yale Program on Aging and the Claude D. Pepper Older Americans Independence Center Pepper Center. The Biology of Aging Seminar provides a forum for multidisciplinary research on aging for Yale Medical SchoolSchool of Medicine’s basic science investigators.

Below is a listing of research topics currently being conducted by the Section of Geriatrics:.

  • Functional outcomes among older patients with critical illness
  • Health care decision-making for patients with dementia
  • Treatment of cardiovascular disorders in patients with multiple chronic conditions, including dementia
  • Sleep disturbances in older adults with physical and cognitive impairment
  • Evaluating health care disparities in older adults
  • Appropriate use of psychotropic medications in older adults with psychiatric disorders
  • Psychological, behavioral, and social factors influencing health status and function.
  • Cognitive outcomes in patients living with chronic HIV infection
  • The role of social relationships (e.g., caregiving networks, social isolation) in preventing and delaying disability and cognitive decline in older adults.
  • Long-term functional and symptom sequelae of COVID-19 infection in older adults
  • Risk and benefits of multiple medication use among older persons with chronic illnesses

The Science of Aging: What you can do for your health and healthcare

What does it take to get a good night’s sleep? What can you do to stay mobile while staying safe? How can you get your healthcare to focus on what matters most to you?

  • The Yale Pepper Older Americans Independence Center (OAIC) is an inter-departmental, multidisciplinary center. Our objectives are to promote the functional independence of older Americans.
  • The objective of the Yale Center for Disability and Disabling Disorders is to address fundamental issues related to the epidemiology and prevention of disability, a problem of immense importance to older persons, their families and society.

  • The aim of STRIDE, a pragmatic clinical trial, is to evaluate the effectiveness of an evidence-based strategy to reduce serious fall-related injuries.
  • Geriatric Medicine at Yale organizes several aging-related conferences, tailored to every career track, that are held throughout the month.   Faculty and fellows who are interested in aging-related research are encouraged to attend.
  • Patient Priorities Care (PPC) is an evidence-based approach to decision making that aligns health care with a person’s own health priorities – the health outcome goals they most desire given the healthcare tasks they are willing and able to do to achieve them.