Antonio Giraldez, PhD
Fergus F. Wallace Professor of GeneticsCards
Fergus F. Wallace Professor of Genetics
Antonio studied Chemistry and Molecular Biology at the University of Cadiz and the University Autonoma of Madrid. During undergraduate, he worked with Gines Morata at the CBM in Madrid. Antonio did his PhD with Stephen Cohen at the EMBL (Heidelberg) (1998-2002) and a post-doc with Alex Schier at the Skirball Institute (NYU) and Harvard (2003-2006). Antonio established his laboratory at Yale in 2007 where he investigates the regulatory codes that shape gene expression during embryonic development. He was Director of Graduate Studies (2012-2016) and was Chair of the Genetics Department (2017-2023).
Other Departments & Organizations
- Biochemistry, Quantitative Biology, Biophysics and Structural Biology (BQBS)
- Center for Biomedical Data Science
- Center for RNA Science and Medicine
- Computational Biology and Biomedical Informatics
- Dean's Workshops
- Genetics
- Genomics, Genetics, and Epigenetics
- Molecular Cell Biology, Genetics and Development
- Yale Cancer Center
- Yale Center for Genomic Health
- Yale Combined Program in the Biological and Biomedical Sciences (BBS)
- Yale Stem Cell Center
Education & Training
- Post.Doc.
- Harvard University, MA. (2006)
- Post.Doc.
- Skirball. New York University, School of Medicine.N.Y (2006)
- PhD
- European Molecular Biology Laboratorium (EMBL) (2002)
- BS
- University Autonoma of Madrid (1998)
Medical Research Interests
Autism Spectrum Disorder; Computational Biology; Developmental Biology; Gene Expression Regulation, Developmental; Genomics; Microscopy; RNA Recognition Motif; Systems Biology
Public Health Interests
Child/Adolescent Health
Academic Achievements & Community Involvement
News & Links
- embryonic dance-Antonio Giraldez
- Giraldezlab2015
- embryonic dance-Antonio Giraldez
- dicer mutant neural tube-Antonio Giraldez
- zebrafish muscle-Antonio Giraldez
- Biran J & Levkowitz 2016. Hoffman et al., Neuron 2016
- November 01, 2023
Supersize the cell
- July 06, 2023
Supersize the Cell: Unlocking Secrets of the Genome Through Expansion Microscopy
- May 05, 2023
Yale Genetics Postdoc Valerie Tornini Awarded K99 Pathway to Independence
- June 24, 2022
Evolutionary genetics and ancient DNA expert Diyendo Massilani joins Yale Genetics
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