Assistant Professor
Mass Spectrometry
- Research Interests
Professor of Laboratory Medicine, of Neurosurgery, and of Cellular and Molecular Physiology; Vice Chair for Education, Department of Laboratory Medicine; Director of Medical Education, Department of Cellular and Molecular Physiology; Thread Leader, Physiology, Office of Education; Associate Director, Clinical Chemistry Laboratory, Yale-New Haven Hospital
Research InterestsAssociate Professor of Laboratory Medicine; Director, Clinical Chemistry, Laboratory Medicine; Director, Clinical Chemistry Fellowship Program, Laboratory Medicine
Research InterestsAssistant Professor of Cell Biology; Co-Directors of Graduate Admission- BBS MCGD Track , Department of Cell Biology; Cell Biology DEI Committee member, Department of Cell Biology; Yale West Campus DEI Committee member, Yale West Campus
Research InterestsEnsign Professor of Medicine (Endocrinology and Metabolism), and Professor of Molecular and Cellular Physiology; Faculty Director, Core in Chemical Metabolism; Associate Director, Yale Program for Translational Biomedicine; Associate Chief of Research, Endocrinology
Research InterestsResearch Scientist; Director, Keck MS & Proteomics Resource, Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry; Director, Discovery Proteomics Core of Yale/NIDA Neuroproteomics Center, Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry
Research InterestsAssociate Professor of Pharmacology; Member, Yale Cancer Biology Institute; Associate Professor, Biomedical Informatics & Data Science; Member, Yale Cancer Center
Research InterestsAssociate Professor of Epidemiology (Environmental Health); Affiliated Faculty, Yale Institute for Global Health
Research InterestsAssistant Professor of Cellular and Molecular Physiology
Research InterestsDepartment Chair and Susan Dwight Bliss Professor of Epidemiology (Environmental Health Sciences) and of Ophthalmology and Visual Science and of Environment; Director, Yale Superfund Research Center; Affiliated Faculty, Yale Cancer Center; Affiliated Faculty, Yale Institute for Global Health; Co-Director, Environmental Health Sciences Track, Executive MPH
Research Interests