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Mark Schlesinger, PhD

Professor of Public Health (Health Policy); Affiliated Faculty, Yale Institute for Global Health

Contact Information

Mark Schlesinger, PhD

Office Location

Mailing Address

  • Health Policy & Management

    PO Box 208034, 60 College Street

    New Haven, CT 06520-8034

    United States

Research Summary

Professor Schlesinger's research focuses on three topics. The first explores ways in which the general public and policymakers make sense of and communicate about complex social issues, as well as how they evaluate policies to address those issues. This research examines the determinants of public opinion, the role of political framing, and the importance of norms of fairness in policy assessment. The second set of research examines the impact of ownership on the delivery of health and social services. These studies explore the comparative performance of nonprofit, for-profit and public health care agencies, the nature of public expectations involving ownership, and the extent to which ownership is related to trust in and trustworthiness of medical care. The third set of research examines the attitudinal and behavioral underpinnings of medical consumerism, comparing the effectiveness of exit versus voice to improve medical markets, and identifying the barriers to effective consumer empowerment.

Research Interests

Consumer Behavior; Health Policy; Ownership; Patient Advocacy; Policy Making; Public Opinion

Public Health Interests

Health Policy

Selected Publications