Congratulations to the following faculty members who were recently promoted, appointed, or reappointed:
- Lavanya Bellumkonda, MD, associate professor of medicine (cardiovascular medicine), in the clinician-educator track.
- Vaidehi R. Chowdhary, MD, associate professor of medicine (rheumatology, allergy & immunology), in the clinician-educator track.
- Brian Clark, MD, assistant professor of medicine (pulmonary, critical care and sleep medicine), in the clinician-educator track.
- Kamil Faridi, MD, assistant professor of medicine (cardiovascular medicine), in the clinician-educator track.
- Frank Giordano, MD, associate professor of medicine (cardiovascular medicine), in the clinician-educator track.
- Shana Gleeson, MD, assistant professor of medicine (infectious diseases), in the clinician-educator track.
- Monique Hinchcliff, MD, associate professor of medicine (rheumatology, allergy & immunology), in the clinician-scientist track.
- Kenneth Hung, MD, assistant professor of medicine (digestive diseases), in the clinician-educator track.
- David J. Hur, MD, assistant professor of medicine (cardiovascular medicine), in the clinician-educator track.
- Shalin Kothari, MD, assistant professor of medicine (hematology), in the clinician-educator track.
- Grace Lee, MD, assistant professor of medicine (endocrinology & metabolism), in the clinical track.
- Yuan Lu, ScD, assistant professor of medicine (cardiovascular medicine), in the investigator track.
- Brian Malm, MD, associate professor of medicine (cardiovascular medicine), in the clinician-educator track.
- Anne Spichler Moffarah, MD, PhD, assistant professor of medicine (infectious diseases), in the clinician-educator track.
- Jennifer Ouellet, MD, assistant professor of medicine (geriatric medicine), in the clinician-educator track.
- Xinshou Ouyang, PhD, assistant professor of medicine (digestive diseases), in the investigator track.
- Lisa Parikh, MD, assistant professor of medicine (endocrinology & metabolism), in the clinician-educator track.
- Elizabeth Prsic, MD, assistant professor of medicine (medical oncology), in the clinician-educator track.
- Tara Sanft, MD, associate professor of medicine (medical oncology), in the clinician-educator track.
- John Setaro, MD, associate professor of medicine (cardiovascular medicine), in the clinician-educator track.
- Kristina Talbert-Slagle, PhD, assistant professor of medicine (general medicine), in the clinician-educator track.
- Jeffrey Testani, MD, MTR, associate professor of medicine (cardiovascular medicine), in the clinician-scientist track.
- Karen Wang, MD, assistant professor of medicine (general medicine), in the clinician-scientist track.
- Barry Wu, MD, professor of medicine (geriatrics), in the clinical track.
Featured in this article
- Lavanya Bellumkonda, MD
- Vaidehi R. Chowdhary, MBBS, MD
- Brian Clark, MD
- Kamil Faridi, MD, MSc
- Frank Giordano, MD
- Shana Gleeson, MD
- Monique Evangeline Hinchcliff, MD, MS
- Kenneth Hung, MD, MS
- Shalin Kothari, MD
- Grace Lee, MD
- Yuan Lu, ScD
- Brian J. Malm, MD, FACC, FASE
- Jennifer Ouellet, MD
- Xinshou Ouyang, PhD
- Lisa Parikh, MD
- Elizabeth Horn Prsic, MD
- Tara Sanft, MD
- John Setaro, MD
- Anne Spichler Moffarah, MD, PhD
- Kristina Talbert-Slagle, PhD
- Jeffrey Testani, MD, MTR
- Karen Wang, MD, MHS
- Barry J. Wu, MD, FACP