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IV. Apply Action Types & Standard Vocabularies

In refining the logic specification, eligibility criteria, decision variables and actions types are iteratively refined and organized. Each recommendation is mapped to a standard action type. The activities associated with each of these action-types involve patterns that are useful in routinizing the translation of guideline recommendations into computer-based decision support tools.

If controlled vocabularies were in routine use to encode the patient's medication list, allergies, clinical problems and diagnoses, clinical laboratory results, radiologic images etc., much more robust clinical decision support, that is sharable across implementations, would be possible.
If controlled vocabularies were in routine use to encode the patient's medication list (allergies, clinical problems and diagnoses, clinical laboratory results, radiologic images, etc.) much more robust clinical decision support would be possible, and which could be sharable across implementations.

Importantly, recommendations to NOT perform any of these action-types call for different patterns of activities. Concept codes should be mapped for each eligibility criterion, decision variable, and action in relevant controlled vocabularies, e.g., SNOMED, LOINC and RxNORM. Critical terms should be added to a recommendation glossary with precise definitions supplied by the clinical experts.