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CHIRAL Presentations

Chaudhry SI. The Yale Center for Healthcare Innovation, Redesign and Learning: CHIRAL. Presentations at: UConn Health Grand Rounds; 2017; Jan; Farmington, CT and Yale School of Medicine Grand Rounds; 2017; Nov; Greenwich, CT.

Finn EB, Sather J, Ulrich A, Parwani V, Sheth KN, Matouk C, Venkatesh A. Improving Inter-Hospital Transfer for Critically Ill Patients. Presentation at: AcademyHealth Dissemination & Implementation Conference; 2017; Dec 4-6; Arlington, VA.

Fodeh S, Finn EB, Yip R, Littauer R, Sather J, Sheth KN, Matouk C, Parwani V, Ulrich A, Pham L, Venkatesh AK. Identification of patients with atraumatic intracranial hemorrhage: Novel Applications for Machine Learning. Presentation at: Society of Academic Emergency Medicine 2018 Annual Meeting, May 15-18, Indianapolis, In.

Germack HD. The Interplay of Conflict and Cooperation in Intra-Hospital Care Transitions: How Senders and Receivers Navigate a Complex System. Presentation at: National Clinical Scholars Program Annual Meeting; 2017; Nov 14-16; New Haven, CT.

Lord K, Parwani V, Ulrich A, Finn EB, Rothenberg C, Emerson B, Rosenberg A, Venkatesh AK. Emergency department boarding and adverse hospitalization outcomes among patients admitted to a general medical service. Presentation at: Society of Academic Emergency Medicine 2018 Annual Meeting, May 15-18, Indianapolis, In.

Littauer R, Yip M, Sather J, Rothenberg C, Finn EB, Matouk C, Pham L, Sheth KN, Ulrich A, Parwani V, Venkatesh AK. Inter-hospital Transfer is not a Predictor of In-Hospital Mortality in Patients with Non-traumatic Intracranial Hemorrhage. Presentation at: Society of Academic Emergency Medicine 2018 Annual Meeting, May 15-18, Indianapolis, In.

Sather J, Venkatesh AK. Improving the Safety of High Risk Inter-hospital Transfer: A Roadmap for Researchers and Administrators. Presentation at: Society of Academic Emergency Medicine 2018 Annual Meeting, May 15-18, Indianapolis, In.

Venkatesh A. Developing, Executing, and Publishing a High-Impact Resident Quality Improvement Project. Presentations at: Yale University School of Medicine Resident Conferences; Dec 2017, Jan 2018; New Haven, CT.

Yip MF, Sather J, Sheth KN, Matouk C, Littauer R, Finn EB, Venkatesh A. (2017, October). Inter-hospital Transfer is Not a Predictor of In-Hospital Mortality for Patients with Nontraumatic Intracranial Hemorrhage. Presentation at: American College of Emergency Physicians Conference; Oct 2017; Washington, DC.