How did you end up in the Cell Bio department?
I applied via the BBS Ph.D. program and entered Yale via the MCGD( Molecular Cellular Genetics and Developmental Biology) track. I then rotated in 4 different labs in Cell biology and also other departments. Finally, it was a tough choice, but I ended up joining the Colon Ramos lab in the Cell bio dept and here I am in my 4th year now!
How/When did you discover you like science?
It was way back in 8th grade. My grandfather used to teach chemistry to high school students and I really loved to stick around and try and grasp as much as I could. It was so much fun! Even though I understood so little haha. Since then I have always been hooked on science :)
What is special about your lab culture?
Everyone in our lab is super helpful. I mean you could walk up to someone at any point in the day and I bet you 9/10 times that they will help you right then. Everyone is great at asking good questions and that is something that I hope to learn as a skill myself. You could chat with almost anyone about your non-lab and lab life without much hesitation. I really cherish that.
What is your favorite Organelle/Macromolecule/method and why? (you can answer one or all!)
I love imaging! It's always fascinated me for years and nothing is better than getting a good image/video of your desired phenomena happening live inside worms! I will also say that gene manipulation techniques like CRISPR/cloning are something that amazes me as well. It feels surreal to imagine all those precise changes happening at such a tiny level.
What would you like to do if you had more free time?
Read a lot. Play a lot more sports all the time. I love working on myself and that includes everything from healthy eating habits to exercising the body and mind. I also wouldn't mind watching informational documentaries and videos all day long as well!