8. Creating Multi-Slice Image Displays
Methods used to generate a composite map from a single group of subjects
Once a Tmap has been overlaid onto an anatomical, it can be viewed in 3D space in the Transform window, and a separate window called the Simple Viewer can generate multi-slice images. You can accomplish this by either choosing pxitclsimpleviewer straight from the BioImageSuite menu or you can operate the same window through pxitclbrainregister or pxitcldualmultisubject.
- Choose brainregister or dualmultisubject from the BioImageSuite main menu. Three windows will appear: a Transform Viewer, a Reference Viewer and a BrainRegister menu bar. Generate your image of choice with any of the above described methods. On the BrainRegister menu bar choose (Viewers | Simple Viewer). A new Simple Viewer window will appear.
- On the new Simple Viewer window click ( Display | grab image from transform viewer).
- Choose orientation of images by using the toggle button.
- Axial - XY
- Coronal - XZ
- Sagittal - YZ
- Choose how your images will be displayed.
- Choose number of viewers or how many slices will be displayed.
- Choose the First Slice to begin viewing your slices.
- Choose the Increment or how many images to skip in between viewed images.
- Toggle the labels On (box is red) or Off (box is the color of the background). The labels will display the slice number in image space and the orientation of the slice.
- The arrows around the Zoom will allow the user to increase or decrease the image size of all slices. The user can also reshape the size of the entire window to decrease the amount of black space around each slice.
- Click Save to save the image displayed on the screen. Be careful not to have the Save window over your image or you will save a figure of the Save Window instead. The file type for the image being saved can be toggeled between jpeg and tiff file formages.