Program Director
Associate Professor of Anesthesiology; Vice Chair for Academic Affairs, Anesthesiology; Associate Research Director of the Multicenter Perioperative Outcomes Group, Anesthesiology, University of Michigan
Yale has fostered a post-doctoral NIH-funded T32 training program in Anesthesia since 2009. During that time, we have trained many anesthesiologists who have gone onto academic positions at Yale and elsewhere as physician-scientists. We train people in both clinical and basic science research, and we offer the program to highly motivated trainees with an MD, MD/PhD, or a PhD degree. Within the T32 program, we offer five research training tracks that fellows may pursue:
While many trainees will be involved in one of the 5 tracks listed above, there are also opportunities to do research in other scientific areas at Yale, such as global health, epidemiology, etc. The choice of mentor and scientific area is left to the individual T32 trainee, in consultation with the Program Director and Co-Director.
The NIH T32 program is specifically designed to provide an intensive research experience for those Anesthesia trainees who want to go onto become academic physicians. T32 trainees will perform research, publish papers, and potentially write their own grant application(s) during the 2 years of NIH support. In many cases, residents who have trained in the Research Scholars Program during the CA-1 through CA-3 years may go into 2 years of training under the T32 award. However, not all RSP residents follow this route, and we also consider highly qualified candidates who have trained at outside institutions. Availability of slots will vary year to year.
For more information, contact the Program Directors.
Program Director
Associate Professor of Anesthesiology; Vice Chair for Academic Affairs, Anesthesiology; Associate Research Director of the Multicenter Perioperative Outcomes Group, Anesthesiology, University of Michigan
Anthony N. Brady Professor of Anesthesiology