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Clinical Research

  • Professor of Anesthesiology and Pharmacology; Medical Director of YNHH 7-1 Surgical Intensive Care Unit

    Research Interests
    • Critical Care Outcomes
    • Anesthesiology
    • Pharmacology
    • Perioperative Care

    Dr. Akhtar is a Professor of Anesthesiology and Pharmacology and a nationally recognized educator and leader of clinical anesthesiology. He is board certified in both Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine. Dr. Akhtar has conducted groundbreaking studies of surgical patients demonstrating that elderly patients are consistently administered higher than recommended doses of intravenous induction anesthetics and the incidence of hypotension provoked by these anesthetic induction doses was significantly higher in the elderly patients, which resulted in higher use of rescue pressor therapy to maintain adequate blood pressure. Currently, Dr. Akhtar is part of a clinical study which uses the Multicenter Perioperative Outcomes Group (MPOG) database to determine the association of anesthetic induction dose - with clinically meaningful hypotension that occurs prior to the initiation of the surgical procedures among patients age ≥ 65, and separately among those age ≥ 80.

    He has also completed a textbook entitled “Principles of Geriatric Critical Care” published by Cambridge University. He is Past-President of Society for Advancement of Geriatric Anesthesia (SAGA), Board Member of ACE publication by the American Society of Anesthesiology.

  • Associate Professor of Anesthesiology; Division Chief, Obstetric & Gynecological Anesthesiology

    Research Interests
    • Anesthesiology
    • Plethysmography
    • Laser-Doppler Flowmetry

    Dr. Alian is an Associate Professor of Anesthesiology, board certified anesthesiologist, clinical researcher and interim Division Chief for Obstetrics & Gynecologic Anesthesiology. Dr. Alian is a nationally recognized educator and has received several Faculty Awards of Excellence in education and mentorship. His clinical research is dedicated to the investigation of cardiopulmonary and autonomic physiology through the use of non-invasive monitors. Ongoing studies in Dr. Alian’s laboratory focuses on pulse oximetry and cerebral oximetry waveforms as sensitive biomarkers of central hypovolemia during anesthesia-surgery.

  • Professor of Medicine (Cardiovascular Medicine)

    Research Interests
    • Anger
    • Anesthesiology
    • Emotions
    • Coronary Disease
    • Ischemia
    • Heart Diseases
    • Stress, Psychological

    Dr. Burg is a clinical psychologist whose research concerns the contribution of stress and emotional factors to incident cardiovascular disease and prognosis, the pathophysiology underlying this risk, and the development and testing of behavioral interventions to mitigate this risk. His focus includes patients at risk for hypertension, and those with ischemic heart disease, cardiac arrhythmia, and congestive heart failure, and his work is funded by both the NIH and the Veterans Administration.

  • Associate Professor of Anesthesiology; Medical Director, Pre-Surgical Evaluation Clinic, Yale New Haven Hospital, Anesthesiology

    Research Interests
    • Diseases
    • Critical Care
    • Lung Diseases, Interstitial
    • Perioperative Care
    • Perioperative Medicine
    • Postoperative Care

    Dr. Carr received his anesthesiology training at the University of Medicine and Dentistry, Cooper University Hospital in the physician-scientist track. He proceeded to complete a critical care medicine fellowship at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center and subsequently board certified in anesthesiology, critical care medicine and advanced perioperative transesophageal echocardiography. He joined the Yale University School of Medicine, Department of Anesthesiology in May of 2020.

  • Associate Professor of Anesthesiology; Division Chief, Ambulatory Anesthesiology, Anesthesiology

    Dr. Jaime Hyman received her medical degree from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in 2008. She then completed Anesthesiology Residency at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in 2012. Following residency, Dr. Hyman served on the faculty at Mount Sinai from 2012-2020. In 2020, Dr. Hyman joined the faculty at the Yale School of Medicine as Division Chief of Ambulatory Anesthesiology. She also serves as fellowship director for the Head and Neck Anesthesiology Fellowship.

  • Associate Professor of Anesthesiology; Director of Regional Anesthesia at YNHH, Anesthesiology; Program Director of Acute Pain Medicine Fellowship, Anesthesiology; Director of Anesthesia and Acute Pain Medicine Service, Yale New Haven Health, Anesthesiology

    Jinlei Li, MD PhD, F.A.S.A, earned her Ph.D. degree from University of Buffalo in Buffalo, NY, M.D. degree from McGill University in Montreal, Canada, anesthesia residency and regional anesthesia and acute pain fellowship at Yale University. She is currently an associate professor, program director of regional anesthesia and acute pain fellowship at Yale University Department of Anesthesiology. She is a board-certified anesthesiologist and the Director of Regional Anesthesiology and Acute Pain Medicineat Yale New Haven Health in New Haven, CT in the united states. Dr. Li practices regional anesthesia and performs neuraxial block and a diverse range of peripheral nerve blocks for acute and subacute pain management in and beyond the immediate perioperative arena. Dr. Li’s supervises and teaches residents and fellows the fundamental knowledge as well as practical skills of ultrasound-guided upper extremity, lower extremity, chest and abdominal nerve blockade. Dr. Li’s has a research interest in developing new opioid-sparing regional anesthesia protocols to facility faster postoperative recovery and better functional outcome, particularly in total joint replacement and geriatric hip fracture management, hemodynamic changes associated with regional anesthesia, local anesthetics additives, regional anesthesia and anticoagulants, as well as regional anesthesia education. She is actively involved in international, national and investigator-initiated clinical studies. Dr. Li is active in American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) and American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine (ASRA) in both research and teaching. She has participated and/or organized multiple regional anesthesia workshops in the united states as well as internationally.

  • Associate Professor of Anesthesiology; Vice Chair for Academic Affairs, Anesthesiology; Associate Research Director of the Multicenter Perioperative Outcomes Group, Anesthesiology, University of Michigan

    Research Interests
    • Outcome and Process Assessment, Health Care
    • Hypertension
    • Extracorporeal Circulation
    • Geriatric Assessment
    • Cardiac Surgical Procedures
    • Anesthesiology

    Dr. Schonberger's clinical work is in the Section of Cardiac Anesthesia where he cares for patients undergoing cardiothoracic procedures at Yale-New Haven Hospital and teaches residents and fellows in their intraoperative care. In his NIH-funded research, he has used large-scale databases to study topics including the anesthetic care of elderly adults and the role of anesthesiologists in improving longitudinal cardiovascular risk-factor recognition and treatment among surgical patients. Dr. Schonberger also serves as the PI for Yale's T32 Training Grant in Anesthesiology through which he engages in mentoring the next generation of physician-scientists and early-career investigators and endeavors to create a strongly collaborative and cross-disciplinary training environment with faculty from across the medical school. Dr. Schonberger is Associate Research Director and site PI for the Multicenter Perioperative Outcomes Group (MPOG) consortium which is dedicated to engaging large-scale EHR resources to enhance research and quality improvement in anesthesiology. Other interests include 1) novel methods of extra corporeal circulation, 2) clinical informatics, and 3) methods of reducing and treating microembolic events in several clinical scenarios including cardiopulmonary bypass and ECMO.

  • Associate Professor of Anesthesiology and of Epidemiology (Environmental Health Sciences); Director, Program on Healthcare Environmental Sustainability, Yale Center on Climate Change and Health; Affiliated Faculty, Yale Institute for Global Health; Director of Sustainability, Anesthesiology; Affiliated Faculty, Climate Change and Health; Medical Director of Sustainability, Center for Sustainable Healthcare, Yale New Haven Health System

    Research Interests
    • Patient Harm
    • Public Health
    • Soil
    • Carbon Footprint
    • Chemicals and Drugs
    • Conservation of Natural Resources
    • Drug Contamination
    • Ecosystem
    • Environment and Public Health
    • Environment Design
    • Environment, Controlled
    • Environmental Medicine
    • Environmental Policy
    • Environmental Pollution
    • Fresh Water
    • Equipment Reuse
    • Greenhouse Effect
    • Health Care
    • Health Care Economics and Organizations
    • Health Care Quality, Access, and Evaluation
    • Health Services Administration

    Jodi Sherman, MD, is Associate Professor of Anesthesiology of the Yale School of Medicine, Associate Professor of Epidemiology in Environmental Health Sciences, and founding director of the Yale Program on Healthcare Environmental Sustainability in the Yale Center on Climate Change and Health. Dr. Sherman also serves as the Medical Director of Sustainability for Yale-New Haven Health System. Dr. Sherman is an internationally recognized researcher in the emerging field of sustainability in clinical care. Her research interest is in life cycle assessment (LCA) of environmental emissions, human health impacts, and economic impacts of drugs, devices, clinical care pathways, and health systems. Her work seeks to establish sustainability metrics, paired with health outcomes and costs, to help guide clinical decision-making, professional behaviors, and organizational management toward more ecologically sustainable practices to improve the quality, safety and value of clinical care and to protect public health. Dr. Sherman routinely collaborates with environmental engineers, epidemiologists, toxicologists, health economists, health administrators, health professionals, and sustainability professionals. Dr. Sherman is a member of the Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change and was contributing analyst for the UK National Health Service Net Zero Initiative, and serves on the National Academy of Medicine Action Collaborative for Decarbonization of the U.S. Health Sector. She is Co-Director of the Lancet Planetary Health Commission on Sustainable Healthcare.