Didactic Education
Education team responds to COVID crisis:
The team of educators under the leadership of Dr Kurup responded to the COVID crisis with the following goals in mind
- Residents and faculty first and foremost feel safe
- Focus on wellness of body, mind and spirit
- Continuing the didactic sessions in virtual format
The program was guided by frequent feedback from trainees for timing and format of the sessions. Wellness talks were scheduled during grand rounds times and wellness resources were highlighted during meetings and in weekly newsletters from the section. The weekly didactic sessions were conducted via zoom. The sessions were made as interactive as possible using
Jeopardy game software, using the Poll feature of zoom and also using PollEverywhere along with Zoom. (can have pics of screenshots of these sessions)
The weekly board prep sessions were also restarted via zoom. We conducted OSCE sessions virtually using breakout rooms in Zoom.
The faculty who led these sessions went above and beyond in making sure these sessions were scheduled in a timely manner even as they were dealing with changing clinical schedules. Thanks to the work of our outstanding team, we were able to continue the educational sessions without compromising quality during this time. The team leaders for the transition were
Dr Nikhil Chawla: Didactics and Board Prep coordinator
The Department of Anesthesia at Yale has an innovative educational curriculum which incorporates evidence based teaching and learning methods along with resident feedback to create a personalized educational program that caters to both learning basic concepts in anesthesia as well as preparation for the written and oral ABA exams.
Dr. Viji Kurup leads the Section of Medical Education which coordinates the different educational activities to provide Just-in-time learning with the goal of creating caring and compassionate physicians for the 21st century.
Information Resources for Anesthesiology
This guide includes useful library and information resources available to Anesthesiologist.
Orientation Boot Camp
Residents learn airway management during Orientation Boot Camp
IV Simulation
Residents work with pig hearts to study cardiac anatomy and with pig tracheas to place surgical airways
Central line placement
Dr Deshpande guides residents through central line placement