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Outreach, Recruitment & Engagement Core Programs for Caregivers

Community Education Programs

Community education program courses offered by the Yale ADRC include:

  • 10 Ways to Love Your Brain: Proven strategies to maintain brain health.
  • 10 Warning Signs of Dementia: Cognitive and behavioral changes that may signal the start of a dementing process and warrant medical evaluation.
  • The Basics: Memory Loss, Dementia and Alzheimer’s: Description of the difference between normal aging and dementia, definition of dementia including its various causes, and discussion of the diagnosis and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Coping with Dementia: Strategies for Families. Description of the stages of dementia, the patient characteristics and problems arising within each stage, and appropriate coping strategies for family caregivers.

For additional information or to schedule a presentation, please call 203-785-5526.

Online Resources

Helpful websites and tools related to Alzheimers disease are listed below:

Media Events

Links to recorded media events:

  • Why is diversity so important in clinical trials for dementia? : Dr. Carmen Carrion speaks about the importance of diversity.
  • Clinical trial participation: Finding your reason : Dr. Carmen Carrion speaks about the Neighborhoods Study and the importance of research participation.
  • The Tom Ficklin Show: Getting Ahead of Alzheimer's Disease : The Tom Ficklin Show spotlights the AHEAD Study which tests an investigational treatment that targets memory loss early and could have significant impact in curbing the development of A.D. in the future. Tom Ficklin hosts this community radio program on WNHH 103.5FM. Guests were Dr. Ryan O’Dell, MD, PhD – Yale A.D. Research Unit; Vanessa Clayton, Community Diversity Engagement Associate; and Revs. Leroy Perry and Elvin Clayton, YCCI Cultural Ambassadors.
  • Woman works for 30 years to end Alzheimer's : Dianne Davis was honored as a News 8 Wednesday's Warrior for being recently awarded the United Healthcare Champion Award. Dianne has volunteered with the Connecticut Alzheimer's Association for over 30 years.

Support Groups for Caregivers

Support groups for caregivers, located throughout Connecticut, can be found on the Alzheimer's Association Support Groups web page.