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CIRA Qualitative Research Discussion Group (QRDG): "Implementing Photovoice in Affected Communities: What Works and What Does Not Work?"

Talk Description:
CERiA: Centre of Excellence for Research in Infectious Diseases and AIDS, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, in collaboration with the University of Delaware and Yale University, conducted a photovoice project to hear the voices of the unheard. The term PHOTOVOICE coins the idea of using photographs to voice people's concerns. With cameras in their hands, key population groups vulnerable to HIV and People Living with HIV (PLWH) share their stories through photographs and narratives. I will share step-by-step the process of conducting an asynchronous photovoice project with key population groups affected by HIV in Malaysia.

In this project, the key population groups affected by HIV have captured their particular point of view and the way they have seen their world. Each photo seeks the answers to 'what makes them happy and sad', 'what challenges they face', and 'what they wish the clinicians to know about them'. In addition, sharing the messages through the photos reaches people from all walks of life and influences the policy-makers to bring in positive changes. This work was possible with funding support from the National Institute of Health (NIH). US: R34MH124390

Rumana Akhter Saifi, MSS, MA, MPH, PhD, Universiti of Malaya:

Rumana Saifi is the Director of CERiA: Centre of Excellence for Research in Infectious Diseases and AIDS. Faculty of Medicine (FoM), Universiti Malaya (UM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, She oversees the entire research and research administration platform of CERiA. Since its establishment in 2007, CERiA has been the leading Centre in Malaysia conducting HIV and infectious disease-related research in various fields including bio-medical, social-behavioral, clinical, and Implementation Science. For the last 17 years, Dr Saifi's research focus has been on population health and health policy across diversified cultural contexts from cross-border areas of irregular migrants to conservative Muslim rural areas to urban metropolitan to urban slum to hard- to- reach areas; and across various disadvantaged population groups from young adolescents in early marriage to men who have sex with men (MSM) to sex workers to transgender to injection drug users to prisoners to fishermen.

Dr Rumana Saifi's academic background is a blend of Demography, Public Health, and Epidemiology. She holds a Doctorate in Demography and Masters in (1) Public Health (Epidemiology and Biostatistics) (2) Population and Reproductive Health Research and (3) Social Science (Economics).

QRDG Overview:

The goal of the Qualitative Research Discussion Group (QRDG) is to provide opportunities for individuals involved in qualitative or mixed-methods research to meet regularly to discuss the qualitative research process and potentially problem-solve issues that may arise when engaged in qualitative research. Discussion topics include, but are not limited to: logistics, data management, analysis, dissemination, role of the researcher, and ethics. It is intended as a venue for discussing research in progress and new or relevant literature on qualitative methods and practice as well as to create networking opportunities and foster research collaborations. CIRA's Dissemination Implementation Science and Methods (DISM) Core member, Lauretta Grau, PhD, is coordinating the meetings. She can be reached at


  • Universiti Malaya

    Rumana Akhter Saifi
    Director of CERiA: Centre of Excellence for Research in Infectious Diseases and AIDS


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