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  • Co-Director, Yale Liver Center

    Gladys Phillips Crofoot Professor of Medicine (Digestive Diseases) and Professor of Cell Biology; Co-Director, Yale Liver Center, Digestive Diseases; Director, Center for Cell and Molecular Imaging

Faculty Members

  • Co-Director, Yale Liver Center

    Gladys Phillips Crofoot Professor of Medicine (Digestive Diseases) and Professor of Cell Biology; Co-Director, Yale Liver Center, Digestive Diseases; Director, Center for Cell and Molecular Imaging

  • Co-Director, Yale Liver Center

    Professor of Medicine; Clinical Program Leader, Liver Cancer Program; Co-Director, Yale Liver Center, Internal Medicine

  • Dorys McConnell Duberg Professor of Pharmacology and Professor of Comparative Medicine; Director, Yale Center for Molecular and Systems Metabolism (YMSM); Director, BBS Minority Affairs

  • Waldemar Von Zedtwitz Professor of Medicine (Rheumatology) and Professor of Pathology and of Epidemiology (Microbial Diseases); Chief, Rheumatology, Allergy, & Immunology; Affiliated Faculty, Yale Institute for Global Health; Rheumatologist in Chief, Rheumatology, YNHH

  • C. N. H. Long Professor of Medicine (Nephrology) and Professor of Cellular And Molecular Physiology; Vice Chair, Research; Co-director of Education, Yale Center for Clinical Investigation

  • Anthony N. Brady Professor of Comparative Medicine and of Pathology and Director of Vascular Biology & Therapeutics Program; Director, Vascular Biology and Therapeutics Program

  • Assistant Professor of Medicine (Digestive Diseases) and of Pathology; Associate Director, Cellular & Molecular Physiology Core

  • Assistant Professor of Medicine (Digestive Diseases); Director, Yale Clinic for Alcohol and Addiction Treatment in Hepatology, Digestive Diseases

  • Ensign Professor of Medicine (Endocrinology and Metabolism), and Professor of Molecular and Cellular Physiology; Faculty Director, Core in Chemical Metabolism; Associate Director, Yale Program for Translational Biomedicine; Associate Chief of Research, Endocrinology

  • Professor of Medicine (Digestive Diseases); Chief, Section of Digestive Diseases, Internal Medicine; Chief, Section of Digestive Diseases; Medical Chief, Digestive Health, Yale New Haven Health

Associate Members