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Welcoming new YCSC community members

March 13, 2023

In addition to the two new Yale Child Study Center community members announced last month, several others have joined since January. Welcome, everyone!

Aidan Doyle: As a research assistant for the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence (YCEI), Doyle provides research support to the well-being team, including through data management, analysis, and scientific dissemination and scholarship. Prior to his work at YCEI, he served as a research assistant for the Social Psychology Inquiry Lab at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. While earning a bachelor’s in psychological sciences from the University of Connecticut, he worked in the Academic Achievement Center as an academic coach. In this role, he helped students develop academic strategies and provided holistic support to foster academic success.

Bivas Nag: Currently a master’s student enrolled at Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich, Nag recently joined Kartik Pattabiraman's lab as a postgraduate associate to complete his master thesis project. Prior to beginning his graduate training in Germany, he earned a bachelor’s degree in India. Nag has a longstanding interest in molecular neuroscience and psychiatry.

Sara Sanchez-Alonso, PhD: After obtaining a PhD in psycho- and neuro-linguistics from Yale in 2018, Sanchez-Alonso completed a postdoctoral fellowship at Haskins Laboratories focused on pediatric neuroimaging and language acquisition in early development. She recently joined the Chawarska Lab as an Associate Research Scientist, and her research program examines neural and behavioral variation relevant to the development of language abilities in typically and atypically developing infants and toddlers. Her work combines multi-modal neuroimaging techniques, specifically functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and simultaneous functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), to map developmental neuro-behavioral variation.

Upasna Srivastava, PhD: Before joining the Vaccarino Lab as an associate research scientist in January, Srivastava conducted postdoctoral research at the University of Tokyo and University of California. She also served as a project scientist at the Cancer Institute of the Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research. She has expertise in integrative bioinformatics analysis of multidimensional genomics and deep sequencing datasets in bioinformatics research.