Fourteen fellows have completed the Fellows as Medical Educators (FAME) certificate course for the 2021 – 2022 academic year.
The year-long course aims to enhance one’s preparation for a career as a clinician educator through participation in sessions exploring learning theory, teaching skills, curriculum development, clinician educator careers, among other topics. In addition to the course work, each fellow is required to complete an experiential component that includes a minimum of five teaching sessions, led by the fellow, during which they are observed and given feedback from a program mentor. The program is co-led by Dana Dunne, MD, MHS, from the Department of Internal Medicine and Lindsay Johnston, MD, MEd, from the Department of Pediatrics.
Congratulations to the following 10 Department of Medicine fellows:
- Cardiovascular Medicine: Ricardo Avendaño, MD, and Amarnath Annapureddy, MD
- Digestive Diseases: Kay Chen, MD, and Laura Rotundo Sahyoun, MD
- Endocrinology & Metabolism: Brian Wojeck, MD, MPH
- Infectious Diseases: Mollie Tucker, MD, and Carlo Palacios, MD
- Medical Oncology – Hematology: Eric Chang, MD
- Occupational & Environmental Medicine: Romero Santiago, MD, MPH
- Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine: Katie McAvoy, MD
Congratulations to the following four Department of Pediatrics fellows:
- Gastroenterology: Sarah Abu-Alreesh, MBBS
- Pulmonary: Eliaz Brumer, MD
- Cardiology: Katherine Glover, MD
- Infectious Diseases: Elissa Zirinsky, DO