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Yale researchers were among the first to show that falls among seniors could be prevented and that fall-prevention interventions mean that seniors are less likely to be hospitalized or need advanced medical care. This research has since been translated into protocols that are used in clinical and community settings to help prevent falls.
Falls and fall injuries:
- Are more common than strokes and can be just as serious in their consequences
- Are the most preventable cause of needing nursing home placement
- Lead to problems with daily activities like dressing, bathing, and walking
Among adults 70 years and older:
- Three in 10 fall each year
- Two in 10 who need home health care after being in the hospital will fall during the first month after coming home
- One in 10 suffer a serious fall injury such as a broken bone or head injury
- Five in 10 have problems getting up without help after they have fallen
- Falls cause over 90% of broken hips; only half of those who break their hip will get around as well as they did before their broken hip
- In the United States, 16% of all emergency department visits and almost 7% of all hospitalizations are for fall-related injuries