Perspectives of Adolescents and Young Adults with Sickle Cell Disease and Clinicians on Improving Transition Readiness and a Videogame Intervention
Aronson P, Nolan S, Schaeffer P, Hieftje K, Ponce K, Calhoun C. Perspectives of Adolescents and Young Adults with Sickle Cell Disease and Clinicians on Improving Transition Readiness and a Videogame Intervention. Blood 2023, 142: 5116. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2023-173310.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAdult careSickle cell diseaseTransition readinessPatient engagementClinician experienceVideogame interventionCell diseaseMedical decisionsYoung adultsDisease-specific knowledgeQuaternary care hospitalYoung SCD patientsSuccessful home managementHigh rateParents/caregiversPain crisisCare hospitalPatient factorsSuccessful disease managementHealthcare utilizationSCD patientsClinical manifestationsEmergency departmentProvider judgmentClinician's perspective
A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial to Evaluate a Cognitive Behavioral Videogame Intervention: empowerED
Fernandes C, Deng Y, Tran A, Hieftje K, Boomer T, Taylor C, Fiellin L. A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial to Evaluate a Cognitive Behavioral Videogame Intervention: empowerED. Games For Health Journal 2022, 12: 42-52. PMID: 36350349, PMCID: PMC10331148, DOI: 10.1089/g4h.2021.0118.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCognitive reappraisalBeliefs/attitudesVideogame interventionEmotion regulation strategiesCognitive reappraisal skillsSchool climateYouth mental health needsPilot RCTHigh school settingReappraisal skillsMental health needsRegulation strategiesYouth perceptionsPreliminary effectsSchool settingsControl conditionSkill developmentHealthy developmentPreliminary efficacyPerceptionReappraisalYouthAttitudesInterventionHealth needs
Effectiveness of a Web-Based Tobacco Product use Prevention Videogame Intervention on Young Adolescents’ Beliefs and Knowledge
Hieftje KD, Fernandes CF, Lin IH, Fiellin LE. Effectiveness of a Web-Based Tobacco Product use Prevention Videogame Intervention on Young Adolescents’ Beliefs and Knowledge. Substance Use & Addiction Journal 2021, 42: 47-53. PMID: 31825759, DOI: 10.1080/08897077.2019.1691128.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTobacco product useVideogame interventionE-cigarettesElectronic cigarettesProduct useMcNemar testKnowledge questionsSingle group pre-post studyTobacco product initiationPre-post studySignificant differencesCigarette smokingProduct initiationTobacco useUse preventionHealthy beliefsPromising effectsKnowledge surveyInterventionVapingCigarettesDescriptive statisticsAdolescentsCorrect answersAge differences
Videogame intervention to encourage HIV testing and counseling among adolescents
Pendergrass T, Hieftje K, Duncan L, Fiellin L. Videogame intervention to encourage HIV testing and counseling among adolescents. MHealth 2020, 6: 26-26. PMID: 32632364, PMCID: PMC7327291, DOI: 10.21037/mhealth.2020.01.05.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchHIV testingNew HIV casesVideogame interventionCrucial public health concernPublic health concernUndiagnosed HIVHIV casesHIV preventionMajority of adolescentsFocus groupsPositive diagnosisHIVHealth concernPilot studyStrong misperceptionAdolescentsRisk reductionHigh ratePretest-posttest designSocial stigmaBehavior changeIncorrect knowledgeOne-fifthInterventionAssessment measures
A videogame intervention for tobacco product use prevention in adolescents
Pentz MA, Hieftje KD, Pendergrass TM, Brito SA, Liu M, Arora T, Tindle HA, Krishnan-Sarin S, Fiellin LE. A videogame intervention for tobacco product use prevention in adolescents. Addictive Behaviors 2018, 91: 188-192. PMID: 30477819, PMCID: PMC6358489, DOI: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2018.11.016.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsRisk perceptionInteractive videogameGame experienceCommunity-based afterschool programsSingle-group pre-post designPlayers' game experienceGroup pre-post designGreater risk perceptionPre-post designMediational effectsVideogame interventionOlder adolescentsPost-test surveyPre-test surveyPath analysisPerceptionE-cigarette knowledgeAfterschool programsDemographic variablesUse preventionBeliefsAdolescents' knowledgeVideogamesIntentionAdolescents“But Do They Like It?” Participant Satisfaction and Gameplay Experience of a Public Health Videogame Intervention in Adolescents
Hieftje K, Pendergrass T, Montanaro E, Kyriakides T, Florsheim O, Fiellin L. “But Do They Like It?” Participant Satisfaction and Gameplay Experience of a Public Health Videogame Intervention in Adolescents. 2018, 1-7. DOI: 10.1109/segah.2018.8401349.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchA Pilot Intervention to Encourage HIV Testing and Counseling Among Minority Adolescents
Pendergrass T, Hieftje K, Duncan L, Arora T, Fiellin L. A Pilot Intervention to Encourage HIV Testing and Counseling Among Minority Adolescents. 2018, 1-1. DOI: 10.1145/3183654.3183675.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Development of an HIV Prevention Videogame: Lessons Learned
Hieftje K, Fiellin L, Pendergrass T, Duncan L. Development of an HIV Prevention Videogame: Lessons Learned. International Journal Of Serious Games 2016, 3 DOI: 10.17083/ijsg.v3i2.110.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchIf We Build It, Will They Come? A Qualitative Study of Key Stakeholder Opinions on the Implementation of a Videogame Intervention for Risk Reduction in Adolescents
Pendergrass TM, Hieftje K, Crusto CA, Montanaro E, Fiellin LE. If We Build It, Will They Come? A Qualitative Study of Key Stakeholder Opinions on the Implementation of a Videogame Intervention for Risk Reduction in Adolescents. Games For Health Journal 2016, 5: 279-285. PMID: 27336205, PMCID: PMC4991582, DOI: 10.1089/g4h.2015.0092.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsRisk reductionParents/guardiansReal-world settingAdditional toolVideogame interventionKey stakeholders' opinionsHigh acceptabilityAdolescentsDrugsSexGroupQualitative studyTopic of sexSuccessful disseminationBehavioral skillsCommunity partnersSettingSemi-structured interviewsViable optionImplementation strategiesThe design and implementation of a randomized controlled trial of a risk reduction and human immunodeficiency virus prevention videogame intervention in minority adolescents: PlayForward: Elm City Stories
Fiellin LE, Kyriakides TC, Hieftje KD, Pendergrass TM, Duncan LR, Dziura JD, Sawyer BG, Fiellin DA. The design and implementation of a randomized controlled trial of a risk reduction and human immunodeficiency virus prevention videogame intervention in minority adolescents: PlayForward: Elm City Stories. Clinical Trials 2016, 13: 400-408. PMID: 27013483, PMCID: PMC4942329, DOI: 10.1177/1740774516637871.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGame dataHuman immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infectionHuman immunodeficiency virus prevention interventionsPsychosocial antecedentsImmunodeficiency virus infectionRisk behavior reductionVideogame interventionMinority adolescentsBehavioral interventionsRisky sexual behaviorLarge-scale trialsMinority youthControl gameCommunity-based programsPeer pressureAssessment dataSummer campStudy visitBehavior reductionVirus infectionPrevention interventionsGame designersSchool programsAdolescentsEmpiric testingIf We Build It, Will They Come? A Qualitative Study of Key Stakeholder Opinions on the Implementation of a Videogame Intervention for Risk Reduction in Adolescents
Pendergrass T, Hieftje K, Fiellin L, Montanaro E, Crusto C. If We Build It, Will They Come? A Qualitative Study of Key Stakeholder Opinions on the Implementation of a Videogame Intervention for Risk Reduction in Adolescents. Journal Of Adolescent Health 2016, 58: s88-s89. DOI: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2015.10.189.Peer-Reviewed Original Research