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Better science, better lives

When it comes to health care — and the research that informs it — it's time to include everyone.

Precise, effective medicine focuses on each individual’s biology, psychology, and medical history. This means understanding our unique needs to develop more inclusive treatments.

Women’s Health Research at Yale incorporates the study of women and the influence of sex and gender in science and medicine. We bring together Yale faculty from diverse fields. We respond to health questions women face and discover sex/gender differences that benefit all. We train the next generation of researchers and clinicians committed to improving the health of women. And we collaborate in advancing health policy. Learn more about how we're shaping the future of research.

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Miscarriage is common. These researchers are on a mission to better understand why.

Dr. Harvey Kliman, a research scientist in the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences at Yale School of Medicine, has long advocated for more thorough investigation of placentas after miscarriage. As part of a study published last year, Kliman examined more than 1,200 placentas from previously unexplained miscarriages and stillbirths. His team found that most of the miscarriages were marked by dysmorphic chorionic villi (DCV), a category that includes abnormal placental folds. Kliman’s team also found about a third of unexplained stillbirths were associated with a small placenta.

Source: PBS News Hour
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Heart of the Matter

The most common cause of heart attack is a blocked artery, but it is not the only cause. Coronary vasospasm and microvascular disease have led to an under-diagnosis of heart disease, especially in women. A Women's Health Research at Yale study is changing that, providing greater insight into heart disease and accurate cardiac diagnoses for improved patient care.