Week in Review
Carefully curated for busy inboxes.
Week of Jan. 27-31
Shout Outs
- Celebrate National Women MD Day: Join us on Monday, Feb. 3 as we honor strides in inclusive excellence with cupcakes from 7:00 - 10:00 a.m. in FMB 102 and a special lecture by wellness advocate Dr. Dianne Shannon. The annual Women in Surgery Lectureship takes place Friday, Feb. 7.
- New Arrival: Congratulations to General Surgery Resident PGY5, Dr. Yuqi Zhang on the birth of her daughter, Amiya Roy, Tuesday morning!
Faculty Affairs
- FDAQ Due Feb. 1: Tomorrow is the YSM-enforced deadline for Part 1 of the FDAQ. Faculty must complete the online survey to proceed to Part 2, the 1:1 meetings. Both parts are required to maintain eligibility for the department’s Z-compensation incentive.
- MORE Retreat: Register for the 8th annual Minority Organization for Retention and Expansion (MORE) Professional Development retreat to be held March 28. This year’s retreat focuses on leveraging AI for professional development.
- Coffee Chats: Faculty can now schedule 20-minute, one-on-one sessions with Dr. Ahuja for open discussion around department culture.
Clinical Affairs
- Required Medical Billing Compliance Training: Faculty who are delinquent for last year's required two-step training have received emails from Chassidy Wells with instructions to complete by Jan. 31. Billing privileges will be suspended effective Feb. 15 if the requirement remains incomplete.
- Now Live: Add-On Levels: New guidelines for establishing the surgical priority for add-on cases went into effect system-wide, Jan. 28. An updated list of Case Classification is live in Epic.
- Telehealth Training Requirement: Faculty who bill for telehealth services and have been assigned the training in Workday must complete it by Feb. 21. Faculty who attended the Jan. 21 town hall on billing updates have already satisfied this requirement.
- Optional Telehealth Platform Training: Optional online training is available on the new video platform launching Feb. 18. A Town Hall will be held on Feb. 18 to review the platform and answer questions.
- Surge Update: YNHH continues disaster surge efforts. Teams are encouraged to ensure safe and timely discharges through the weekend. Share any barriers with leadership.
- SRC Electric Shutdown 2/1: There is a planned electrical shutdown scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 1 at SRC in Verdi from approximately 4:00 - 10:00 a.m. Affected ORs will not be utilized. MRI will be operational for 7 a.m.
- Residency Program In-Service Exams: The next residency program in-service exams will take place on Saturday, Feb. 8 from 7:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. for Cardiothoracic I-6 residents.
- Undergrad Shadowing Inquiries: Updated guidelines limit undergraduate shadowing opportunities to only those enrolled in the YNHH Volunteer Services program.
- Clinical Teaching Development Course: Junior faculty and chief residents are invited to join Dr. Viji Kurup’s in-person course, meeting on five consecutive Mondays in March. Express interest via email.
- Update on Federal Funding: The department is following University guidance, which encourages grant submissions and federally-funded research to continue, as we await further guidance on the potential changes to federal funding from the White House.
- Research Day Abstracts due Feb. 10: Submit abstracts by Feb. 10 for a chance to showcase at Research Day. Four will be chosen for oral presentations on the mainstage.
- Yale Surgery at ASC: Review a list of abstract presentations to be made by faculty and residents representing the department at the 20th Annual Academic Surgical Congress, Feb. 11-13 in Las Vegas.
- NIH Program Opportunities: An overview of all NIH Institutes and Centers with the Programs to view active funding opportunities.
Upcoming Events
- Feb 20254Tuesday
Yale Surgery Faculty Meeting
- Feb 20257Friday
Women in Surgery Lectureship
Yale Surgery Grand Rounds
- Feb 202514Friday
Department of Surgery QI
Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery M&M
- Feb 202518Tuesday
Yale Surgery Town Hall
- Feb 202521Friday
Clarence T. Sasaki MD Lectureship
Yale Surgery Grand Rounds
- Feb 202528Friday
Yale Surgery Grand Rounds
Vascular Surgery
- Feb 20253Monday
Yale Surgery Research Seminar
Dr. Yujun Cai