Week in Review
Carefully curated for busy inboxes.
Week of Jan. 6-10
Shout Outs
- Faculty-Led FDA Win: Dr. Sara Pai received FDA orphan drug status for pembrolizumab to treat recurrent respiratory papillomatosis, improving patient access and fostering further research.
- New Fellowship Directors: Drs. David Colen and Siba Haykal have been appointed as Fellowship Directors for the Hand and Microsurgery and Reconstructive Microsurgery programs in plastic surgery.
- Transplant in the News: Watch this heartwarming FOX61 segment about a Middlebury patient saved by Yale’s Living Donor Program and the generosity of a childhood acquaintance.
- Student Achievement: Yale med student Jake Moscarelli will present his innovative research at the prestigious AAPS Annual Meeting in May, selected from over 1,000 submissions.
Faculty Affairs
- FDAQ Completion: 80% of faculty have completed their online FDAQs (thank you!) and should arrange to meet 1:1 with Chiefs in the coming weeks.
- Faculty Meeting Recap: Dean Brown discussed alignment priorities followed by Q&A. Stay updated via the alignment website.
Clinical Affairs
- Surge Update: YNHH continues disaster surge efforts. Teams are encouraged to ensure safe and timely discharges through the weekend. Share any barriers with leadership.
- Masking Update: The health system is upgrading to Mask Level 2, which requires all staff to mask for patient interactions, effective Wednesday, Jan. 15.
- OR Light Upgrade Demo: Stop by NP3-133 on Jan. 13, 8 a.m.–4 p.m., to preview the newest OR lights. Surgeons are encouraged to provide feedback to ensure the lights meet surgical needs.
- New CNO: Courtney Vose will become YNHH’s Chief Nursing Officer on Feb. 24, 2025, succeeding Ena Williams.
- ECC Electronic Referrals: Oncology's Extended Care Clinic now uses an electronic referral process. Refer to the attached materials for EPIC instructions.
- MLK Jr. Lectureship: Clear your calendar for a special combined grand rounds with former Surgeon General, Dr. Jerome Adams, Friday, Jan. 17, at Harkness Auditorium. Participation is mandatory.
- Winter Student Social: RSVP via Outlook to the Surgery Winter Social with med students, Friday, Jan. 31, 3–5 p.m., at the Harkness Ballroom.
- Clinical Teaching Development Course: Junior faculty and chief residents are invited to join Dr. Viji Kurup’s in-person course, meeting on five consecutive Mondays in March. Express interest via email.
- Call for Abstracts: Submit abstracts by Feb. 10 for a chance to showcase at Research Day. Four will be chosen for oral presentations on the mainstage.
- Personalized Grant Search: Tailored federal funding searches are available for faculty on Investigator/CS/Traditional tracks. CES track faculty can request support via email.
- Funding Applications: Submit applications to the Pre-Award team at least four weeks before the deadline. Workflows and forms are posted to the Intranet.
- NEJM Editorial: Insights and tips for authors on avoiding predatory journals that misrepresent themselves as scholarly.