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2024-2025 YCSC postdoctoral scholar travel awardees announced

February 07, 2025

The results of the second round of Yale Child Study Center (YCSC) postdoctoral scholar travel awards were announced on January 10, 2025. This annual opportunity, launched in early 2024, offers awards of up to $1000 each to reimburse and/or contribute to the costs associated with attending and/or presenting research at national and international academic scientific conferences.

The award recipients for this round, along with their faculty mentors, were as follows. Congratulations to all!

  • Rebecca Etkin (Mentor: Wendy Silverman)
  • Stella Jackman-Ryan (Mentor: Craig Bailey)
  • Brianna Cairney (Mentor: James McPartland)

Review Committee & Application Process

Review committee members Youngsun Cho, Karim Ibrahim, Emily Olfson, and Soraya Scuderi met in December 2024 to review all applications for this round of funding. Each application was scored and discussed using an NIH Study Section format, and committee members recused themselves from discussion and voting on any application in which they are closely associated with the applicant.

Applications for the next cycle of YCSC postdoctoral scholar travel awards will be accepted in May. Eligible candidates must hold a position as YCSC postdoctoral associate or fellow and submit an abstract that has been accepted for presentation (poster or oral presentation) at a national or international scientific conference with a focus on research performed as part of their role in the department. Additional information and application instructions are available on the center’s intranet.