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Transitions Clinic

The Transitions Clinic programs in Connecticut are part of a growing national consortium of over 40 primary care centers, the Transitions Clinic Network (TCN), that serve the health and social needs of individuals recently released from incarceration. Each clinic has a culturally-competent healthcare provider with experience working with individuals impacted by incarceration as well as a community health worker who has been personally incarcerated.

Research has demonstrated that the TCN program has been associated with lower emergency department utilization, decreased odds of reincarceration, and lower incarceration days. Further, when patients are referred directly by correctional systems to TCN programs, they have fewer acute care visits.


We have received a one -year grant (2024-2025) from the Tow Foundation to create a statewide referral hub, TC-HUB, to connect all people leaving the Connecticut Department of Correction with chronic health conditions with health care in the community. At least 80% of incarcerated people in the state have a chronic health condition, and no other organization in the state serves the health needs of people being released if they do not have a severe mental health or addiction need. The TC-HUB will lay the infrastructure for the efficient utilization of the 1115 Medicaid waiver for which the state of Connecticut is currently applying, and which will make those leaving incarceration eligible for Medicaid 90 days prior to release. Medicaid coverage during this period will allow for continuity and a smooth transition to community health care. With the creation of the TC-HUB, a nurse manager who will coordinate all referrals to the existing Transitions Clinic programs and build relationships with other health centers around the state to facilitate referrals. A community health worker will support existing health centers and future community health workers in supporting those returning from incarceration with chronic health conditions.


As part of the Transitions Clinic Network, each year teams of healthcare providers, community health workers, and community members from across the country come together to envision how the healthcare system can improve the health and well-being of communities impacted by mass incarceration. Watch the videos to learn more.