STEP Learning Collaborative
The STEP Learning Collaborative is a public-academic collaboration between DMHAS, DCF, and STEP, which by partnering with agencies across Connecticut aims to deliver a system of care that provides rapid access to high quality treatment for all individuals experiencing recent-onset schizophrenia spectrum disorders (‘first-episode psychosis’).
Mindmap is the name of an Early Detection campaign being deployed within the statewide STEP Learning Collaborative to improve pathways to care at the collaborating agencies. Mindmap aims to deliver dignified and rapid (i.e., reduce the Duration of Untreated Psychosis (DUP) access to care for first-episode psychosis.
For the most up-to-date information, please visit the STEP Learning Collaborative website and the Mindmap website.
If you are interested in supporting this work, please contact the STEP Program Coordinator, Nina Levine.