Employment & Education
Supported Employment
CSN Supported Employment services help people find and retain jobs in the community that pay competitive wages and are based on individual preferences and abilities. Supportive services include resume writing, interview skills, job seeking and retention, career counseling, job placement and coaching, workplace skills training, benefits counseling, peer supports and small business development.
SUPPORTED EMPLOYMENT is based on six principles
- Eligibility is based on YOUR choice. No one is excluded who wants to participate.
- Supported employment is integrated with treatment. Employment specialists coordinate plans with your treatment team: your case manager, therapist, psychiatrist, etc.
- Competitive employment is the goal. The focus is community jobs anyone can apply for that pay at least minimum wage, including part-time and full-time jobs.
- Job search starts soon after YOU express interest in working. There are no requirements for completing extensive pre-employment assessment and training, or intermediate work experiences (like prevocational work units, transitional employment, or sheltered workshops).
- Follow-along supports are continuous. Individualized supports to maintain employment continue as long as YOU want the assistance.
- YOUR preferences are important. Choices and decisions about work and support are individualized based on YOUR preferences, strengths, and experiences.
To make a referral, complete an Inter-Agency Referral Form.
For general questions, you may also contact Ann Joy, ann.joy@yale.edu, 203-974-7874
Supported Education
CSN Supported Education provides counseling and assistance to help individuals living with a chronic mental illness begin and complete a post secondary education. Services include education assessment and planning, assistance with the college enrollment process (e.g. completing applications and financial aid forms, preparing for placement tests, and, when needed, seeking accommodations from the Disabilities Office), as well as on-going support while enrolled in classes. The program promotes self sufficiency and recovery with the long term goal of creating opportunities for participants to acquire the education and skills they need for meaningful employment. Requirements include that the individual must have a high school diploma or a GED. For additional information or to make a referral please contact Fellowship Place directly.