Noelle Smith, PhD
Depression, anxiety, and suicidal behaviors in a large-scale national survey of student athletes versus non-athlete college students: risk and protective factors
Woodson O, Rungta R, Smith N, Meuret A. Depression, anxiety, and suicidal behaviors in a large-scale national survey of student athletes versus non-athlete college students: risk and protective factors. Journal Of American College Health 2024, ahead-of-print: 1-9. PMID: 38442355, DOI: 10.1080/07448481.2024.2317187.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSuicidal behaviorStudent-athletesSelf-reported internalizing symptomsCollege studentsRates of internalizing symptomsRates of mental health difficultiesAssess severity of depressionNon-athlete college studentsSeverity of depressionMental health difficultiesMental health diagnosesNon-athlete peersSelf-reported mental health diagnosesMental health resourcesHealth difficultiesHealth diagnosisProtective factorsChi-square test of independenceAnxietyNon-athletesDepressionHealth resourcesNational sampleChi-square testAssess severityEffectiveness of residential treatment services for veterans with substance use disorders: A propensity score matching evaluation
Dams G, Ketchen B, Burden J, Smith N. Effectiveness of residential treatment services for veterans with substance use disorders: A propensity score matching evaluation. Drug And Alcohol Dependence 2024, 255: 111081. PMID: 38211367, DOI: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2024.111081.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSymptom improvementResidential treatmentCause mortality risk reductionOne-yearSelf-reported mental health outcomesSubstance use disorder treatmentOne-year followSelf-reported mental healthResidential careUse disorder treatmentSubstance use disordersSample of veteransMental health outcomesService utilizationMortality riskResidential treatment servicesUse disordersHealth outcomesTreatment servicesDisorder treatmentMortality risk reductionTreatment improvementPropensity scoreMental healthStudy period
Measurement-Based Care in Veterans Health Administration Mental Health Residential Treatment
Dams G, Burden J, Resnick S, Forno J, Smith N. Measurement-Based Care in Veterans Health Administration Mental Health Residential Treatment. Psychological Services 2023, 20: 130-135. PMID: 36795425, DOI: 10.1037/ser0000752.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPatient-reported outcome measuresVeterans Health AdministrationResidential stayResidential treatmentTreatment programResidential Rehabilitation Treatment ProgramBrief Addiction MonitorRehabilitation treatment programMeasurement-based careMental health servicesMental health initiativesSubsample of veteransLarge treatment effectsResidential treatment programOutcome measuresHealth AdministrationHealth initiativesHealth servicesVeteran engagementCollaborative treatment planningTreatment planningTreatment effectsAppropriate useAdmissionStay
Posttraumatic stress symptom courses in U.S. military veterans: A seven-year, nationally representative, prospective cohort study
Mota NP, Cook JM, Smith NB, Tsai J, Harpaz-Rotem I, Krystal JH, Southwick SM, Pietrzak RH. Posttraumatic stress symptom courses in U.S. military veterans: A seven-year, nationally representative, prospective cohort study. Journal Of Psychiatric Research 2019, 119: 23-31. PMID: 31546045, DOI: 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2019.09.005.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPTSD symptom courseSymptom courseU.S. military veteransLatent growth mixture modelingProspective cohort studyMilitary veteransLifetime psychiatric historyMental health treatmentPhysical health difficultiesLifetime traumatic eventsTrauma-exposed veteransProtective psychosocial characteristicsCohort studyProspective cohortModerate symptomsModifiable correlatesNational HealthSymptomatic coursePsychiatric historyHealth treatmentU.S. veteransVeterans StudyPsychosocial characteristicsHigher symptomsHealth difficultiesPredictors of Dropout From Residential Treatment for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Among Military Veterans
Smith NB, Sippel LM, Rozek DC, Hoff RA, Harpaz-Rotem I. Predictors of Dropout From Residential Treatment for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Among Military Veterans. Frontiers In Psychology 2019, 10: 362. PMID: 30873081, PMCID: PMC6401625, DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00362.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPosttraumatic stress disorderTreatment dropoutResidential treatmentStress disorderSymptomatic patient populationResidential PTSD programsType of treatmentTrauma-focused psychotherapyVeterans Affairs programsTrauma-focused therapyResidential programsResidential PTSD treatmentPredictors of dropoutPatient populationSuccessful treatmentPhysical functioningSymptomatic individualsPsychiatric symptomsHigh riskPTSD treatmentReduced likelihoodFiscal year 2015PTSD programGreater PTSD symptomsGreater symptoms
Psychiatric and Interpersonal Correlates of Suicide Ideation in Military Sexual Trauma Survivors: The National Health and Resilience in Veterans Study
Monteith LL, Smith NB, Holliday R, Pietrzak RH. Psychiatric and Interpersonal Correlates of Suicide Ideation in Military Sexual Trauma Survivors: The National Health and Resilience in Veterans Study. Chronic Stress 2018, 2: 2470547018815901. PMID: 31218269, PMCID: PMC6583800, DOI: 10.1177/2470547018815901.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMilitary sexual traumaMilitary sexual trauma survivorsSexual trauma survivorsHazardous alcohol useSexual traumaPsychological distressInterpersonal correlatesTrauma survivorsAlcohol useGeneral disapprovalSuicidal ideationVeterans StudyWorst traumatic eventSelf-report measuresSuicide attemptsSevere psychological distressWorst traumaInterpersonal responsesTraumatic eventsSocial acknowledgmentCross-sectional designLongitudinal researchSocial supportAlcohol misuseSuicide ideation
Differential predictive value of PTSD symptom clusters for mental health care among Iraq and Afghanistan veterans following PTSD diagnosis
Smith NB, Tsai J, Pietrzak RH, Cook JM, Hoff R, Harpaz-Rotem I. Differential predictive value of PTSD symptom clusters for mental health care among Iraq and Afghanistan veterans following PTSD diagnosis. Psychiatry Research 2017, 256: 32-39. PMID: 28622572, DOI: 10.1016/j.psychres.2017.06.005.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPosttraumatic stress disorderAfghanistan veteransPTSD symptom clustersNational VA administrative dataVeterans AffairsSymptom clustersMental health service utilizationTreatment-related variablesHealth service utilizationVA administrative dataSelection of treatmentMental health carePTSD symptom cluster severitySymptom cluster severityTrauma-exposed veteransInitial diagnosisClinical variablesPsychotherapy visitsAdequate doseService utilizationDifferential predictive valueLarge cohortCombination treatmentPsychotherapy initiationTreatment approachesFear extinction and memory reconsolidation as critical components in behavioral treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder and potential augmentation of these processes
Smith NB, Doran JM, Sippel LM, Harpaz-Rotem I. Fear extinction and memory reconsolidation as critical components in behavioral treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder and potential augmentation of these processes. Neuroscience Letters 2017, 649: 170-175. PMID: 28065842, DOI: 10.1016/j.neulet.2017.01.006.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPosttraumatic stress disorderReconsolidation processPTSD psychotherapyStress disorderBehavioral treatmentExposure-based treatmentsCritical brain regionsFear extinctionMemory reconsolidationTraumatic memoriesImportant future directionsPTSD populationsPTSD therapyNeurobiological mechanismsPrefrontal cortexReconsolidationBrain regionsPsychotherapyProcess of extinctionMemoryPotential avenuesFuture directionsBehavioral modificationExtinctionDisorders
Nature and determinants of suicidal ideation among U.S. veterans: Results from the national health and resilience in veterans study
Smith NB, Mota N, Tsai J, Monteith L, Harpaz-Rotem I, Southwick SM, Pietrzak RH. Nature and determinants of suicidal ideation among U.S. veterans: Results from the national health and resilience in veterans study. Journal Of Affective Disorders 2016, 197: 66-73. PMID: 26970267, DOI: 10.1016/j.jad.2016.02.069.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsChronic suicidal ideationPhysical health difficultiesSuicidal ideationU.S. veteransProtective psychosocial characteristicsNational HealthPsychosocial characteristicsHealth difficultiesSI onsetMajor public health concernProspective cohort studyPublic health concernSubstance abuse historyWave 1Majority of veteransU.S. military veteransCohort studyProtective correlatesTwo-week timeframePsychiatric distressVeterans StudySociodemographic characteristicsSuicidal thoughtsHealth concernTreatment efforts
Mental Health Treatment for Older Veterans Newly Diagnosed with PTSD: A National Investigation
Smith NB, Cook JM, Pietrzak R, Hoff R, Harpaz-Rotem I. Mental Health Treatment for Older Veterans Newly Diagnosed with PTSD: A National Investigation. American Journal Of Geriatric Psychiatry 2015, 24: 201-212. PMID: 25772341, DOI: 10.1016/j.jagp.2015.02.001.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMental health treatmentPosttraumatic stress disorderOlder veteransVA healthcare systemHealth treatmentClinical characteristicsDecreased oddsNational administrative data setVeterans AffairsMental health service utilizationAppropriate mental health treatmentOdds of treatmentMental health visitsHealth service utilizationHealthcare systemPharmacy recordsHealth visitsCox regressionPsychiatric comorbidityPsychotherapy visitsService utilizationLarge cohortMedical appointmentsAdministrative data setsNew diagnosis
- August 16, 2022Source: Psychological Medicine
Comparative effectiveness of group v. individual trauma-focused treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder in veterans
- May 12, 2020Source: Depression & Anxiety
Courses of Suicidal Ideation Among Military Veterans in Residential Treatment for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder