Increased astrocytic GLT-1 expression in tripartite synapses is associated with SCI-induced hyperreflexia
Benson C, King J, Kauer S, Waxman S, Tan A. Increased astrocytic GLT-1 expression in tripartite synapses is associated with SCI-induced hyperreflexia. Journal Of Neurophysiology 2023, 130: 1358-1366. PMID: 37877184, PMCID: PMC10972632, DOI: 10.1152/jn.00234.2023.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSpinal cord injuryRate-dependent depressionTripartite synapsesGLT-1Astrocytic GLT-1 expressionChronic neurological complicationsGLT-1 expressionAstrocyte involvementChronic spasticityUninjured shamsNeurological complicationsNeuropathic painHyperexcitability disordersH-reflexPSD-95 proteinReactive astrocytesVentral hornCord injuryMuscle toneAstrocytes' roleSpinal cordSpinal circuitsSynaptic transmissionHyperreflexiaSpasticity
The NaV1.7 sodium channel: from molecule to man
Dib-Hajj SD, Yang Y, Black JA, Waxman SG. The NaV1.7 sodium channel: from molecule to man. Nature Reviews Neuroscience 2012, 14: 49-62. PMID: 23232607, DOI: 10.1038/nrn3404.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDorsal hornPain disordersNerve endingsNociceptive dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neuronsPainful small fiber neuropathyDorsal root ganglion neuronsVoltage-gated sodium channel Nav1.7Small fiber neuropathyTreatment of painFree nerve endingsSecond-order neuronsSmall molecule blockersSodium channel Nav1.7Function mutationsOlfactory sensory neuronsProbability of neuronsNav1.7 sodium channelSuperficial laminaeGanglion neuronsRisk factorsSympathetic neuronsSlow depolarizationSpinal cordCardiac deficitsSensory neurons
Locomotor Dysfunction and Pain: The Scylla and Charybdis of Fiber Sprouting After Spinal Cord Injury
Deumens R, Joosten E, Waxman S, Hains B. Locomotor Dysfunction and Pain: The Scylla and Charybdis of Fiber Sprouting After Spinal Cord Injury. Molecular Neurobiology 2008, 37: 52-63. PMID: 18415034, DOI: 10.1007/s12035-008-8016-1.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsChronic painFiber sproutingAutonomic dysreflexiaMotor functionDorsal horn laminaePrimary afferent fibersSpinal cord injuryInterruption of connectionsDevelopment of therapiesMotor deficitsMotor dysfunctionNociceptive processingSensory fibersAfferent fibersCord injuryMotor fibersAberrant sproutingRegenerative sproutingSpinal cordLocomotor dysfunctionInhibitory barrierPainAxonal growthFiber tractsDysreflexia
29 Blocking the Axonal Injury Cascade Neuroprotection in Multiple Sclerosis and Its Models
Waxman S, Lo A. 29 Blocking the Axonal Injury Cascade Neuroprotection in Multiple Sclerosis and Its Models. 2005, 435-449. DOI: 10.1016/b978-012738761-1/50030-4.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchExperimental autoimmune encephalomyelitisWhite matter injuryAxonal injuryChannel blockersNitric oxideNon-glucocorticoid steroidsCalcium channel blockersHuman multiple sclerosis lesionsSodium channel blockersMultiple sclerosis lesionsEffects of drugsAutoimmune encephalomyelitisMS pathologyOptic nerveMultiple sclerosisFunctional outcomeNeuroprotective agentsΓ-aminobutyric acidHypoxic injuryPathological evidenceSpinal nervesSpinal cordAdrenergic receptorsVivo preparationSclerosis lesions
Primary motor neurons fail to up‐regulate voltage‐gated sodium channel Nav1.3/brain type III following axotomy resulting from spinal cord injury
Hains B, Black J, Waxman S. Primary motor neurons fail to up‐regulate voltage‐gated sodium channel Nav1.3/brain type III following axotomy resulting from spinal cord injury. Journal Of Neuroscience Research 2002, 70: 546-552. PMID: 12404508, DOI: 10.1002/jnr.10402.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSpinal cord injuryUpper motor neuronsPrimary motor cortexDorsal root gangliaMotor neuronsCord injuryMotor cortexRat primary motor cortexDorsal column transectionIpsilateral DRG neuronsCortical motor neuronsSciatic nerve transectionTraumatic head injuryFacial motor neuronsSodium channel expressionPrimary motor neuronsVoltage-gated sodium channelsPeripheral axotomyDRG neuronsNerve transectionLayer VControl brainsHead injuryRoot gangliaSpinal cord
Experimental Approaches to Restoration of Function of Ascending and Descending Axons in Spinal Cord Injury
Waxman S, Kocsis J. Experimental Approaches to Restoration of Function of Ascending and Descending Axons in Spinal Cord Injury. Contemporary Neuroscience 2000, 215-239. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-59259-200-5_10.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSpinal cord injuryRestoration of functionCord injuryDemyelinated spinal cord axonsSpinal cord traumaResult of demyelinationSpinal cord axonsSubpopulation of axonsNormal action potentialCord traumaResidual axonsAxonal conductionSpinal cordConduction blockDescending axonsSCI researchAction potentialsAxonsDemyelinationInjurySignificant factor
The role of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels in anoxic injury of spinal cord white matter
Imaizumi T, Kocsis J, Waxman S. The role of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels in anoxic injury of spinal cord white matter. Brain Research 1999, 817: 84-92. PMID: 9889329, DOI: 10.1016/s0006-8993(98)01214-1.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsVoltage-gated Ca2Spinal cord axonsAnoxic injuryDorsal columnsR-type voltage-gated Ca2N-type calcium channelsSpinal cord white matterRat dorsal columnsDorsal column axonsR-type Ca2Rat spinal cordCord white matterT-type channelsInflux of Ca2Dose-dependent mannerLoss of conductionAxonal conductionSpinal cordChannel blockersCalcium channelsSurface stimulationWhite matterPerfusion solutionInjuryGlass microelectrodes
Transplanted Olfactory Ensheathing Cells Remyelinate and Enhance Axonal Conduction in the Demyelinated Dorsal Columns of the Rat Spinal Cord
Imaizumi T, Lankford K, Waxman S, Greer C, Kocsis J. Transplanted Olfactory Ensheathing Cells Remyelinate and Enhance Axonal Conduction in the Demyelinated Dorsal Columns of the Rat Spinal Cord. Journal Of Neuroscience 1998, 18: 6176-6185. PMID: 9698311, PMCID: PMC2605360, DOI: 10.1523/jneurosci.18-16-06176.1998.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDorsal column axonsRat spinal cordSpinal cordRemyelinated axonsDorsal columnsAdult rat spinal cordExtent of remyelinationTransplantation of OECsSpinal cord lesionsCell injection siteQuantitative histological analysisFunctional remyelinationCord lesionsAxonal conductionNeonatal ratsFocal injectionsConduction blockSchwann cellsConduction velocityInjection siteElectrophysiological propertiesAction potentialsAxonsHistological analysisTransplantationEndogenous NMDA-Receptor Activation Regulates Glutamate Release in Cultured Spinal Neurons
Robert A, Black J, Waxman S. Endogenous NMDA-Receptor Activation Regulates Glutamate Release in Cultured Spinal Neurons. Journal Of Neurophysiology 1998, 80: 196-208. PMID: 9658041, DOI: 10.1152/jn.1998.80.1.196.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAMPA excitatory postsynaptic currentsExcitatory postsynaptic currentsNMDA receptor activationCultured spinal neuronsNMDA receptorsSpinal neuronsPresynaptic terminalsNMDA receptor-mediated glutamatergic neurotransmissionSpontaneous excitatory postsynaptic currentsAspartate receptor activationNMDA receptor activityRelease of neurotransmittersNonsynaptic receptorsTTX applicationGlutamate releaseImmature neuronsGlutamatergic neurotransmissionPostsynaptic currentsSpinal cordReceptor activationReceptor activityQuantal sizeQuantal analysisCNS developmentElectrical activityEffects of Glucose Deprivation, Chemical Hypoxia, and Simulated Ischemia on Na+ Homeostasis in Rat Spinal Cord Astrocytes
Rose C, Waxman S, Ransom B. Effects of Glucose Deprivation, Chemical Hypoxia, and Simulated Ischemia on Na+ Homeostasis in Rat Spinal Cord Astrocytes. Journal Of Neuroscience 1998, 18: 3554-3562. PMID: 9570787, PMCID: PMC6793162, DOI: 10.1523/jneurosci.18-10-03554.1998.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSpinal cord astrocytesChemical hypoxiaGlucose deprivationEnergy failureCultured spinal cord astrocytesGlutamatergic agonist kainateGlucose salineGlutamate reuptakeVivo ischemiaSpinal cordGlial functionMetabolic insultsSimulated ischemiaAgonist kainateIschemiaStandard salineAstrocytesSalineHypoxiaIntracellular ion concentrationsGlucose removalExtracellular spaceDeprivationL-lactateReperfusionNovel splice variants of the voltage-sensitive sodium channel alpha subunit
Oh Y, Waxman S. Novel splice variants of the voltage-sensitive sodium channel alpha subunit. Neuroreport 1998, 9: 1267-1272. PMID: 9631410, DOI: 10.1097/00001756-199805110-00002.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsChannel alpha subunitNeuroblastoma cellsSpinal cord astrocytesB104 neuroblastoma cellsCultured rat astrocytesChannel mRNA expressionNovel splice variantSplice variantsSodium channel alpha subunitAlpha-subunit mRNASpinal cordCerebral astrocytesUnique regulatory pathwaysAlpha subunitRat astrocytesAstrocytesMRNA expressionSubunit mRNAsMicroM A23187Dibutyryl cAMPPremature truncationCellsExpressionRegulatory pathwaysCordResistance to anoxic injury in the dorsal columns of adult rat spinal cord following demyelination
Imaizumi T, Kocsis J, Waxman S. Resistance to anoxic injury in the dorsal columns of adult rat spinal cord following demyelination. Brain Research 1998, 779: 292-296. PMID: 9473700, DOI: 10.1016/s0006-8993(97)01171-2.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCompound action potentialDorsal columnsSpinal cordAction potentialsWhite matterSpinal cord dorsal columnAdult rat spinal cordAdult spinal cordRat spinal cordMin of reoxygenationAdult white matterAction potential conductionControl ratsFocal demyelinationAnoxic injurySupramaximal stimulationOnset of anoxiaAdult ratsDemyelinationPotential conductionCordX-irradiationRatsGreater recoveryOnset
Pharmacological Characterization of Na+ Influx via Voltage-Gated Na+ Channels in Spinal Cord Astrocytes
Rose C, Ransom B, Waxman S. Pharmacological Characterization of Na+ Influx via Voltage-Gated Na+ Channels in Spinal Cord Astrocytes. Journal Of Neurophysiology 1997, 78: 3249-3258. PMID: 9405543, DOI: 10.1152/jn.1997.78.6.3249.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSpinal cordChannel inactivationCultured spinal cordSpinal cord astrocytesEffect of veratridineSodium-binding benzofuranMicroM tetrodotoxinPharmacological characterizationAgonist kainatePharmacological inhibitionTetrodotoxinAstrocytesVeratridineCordMembrane depolarizationKainateImportant functional roleInfluxFunctional roleInhibitionCellsProminent pathwayATPase activityInactivationBaselineImmunolocalization of the Na+–Ca2+ exchanger in mammalian myelinated axons
Steffensen I, Waxman S, Mills L, Stys P. Immunolocalization of the Na+–Ca2+ exchanger in mammalian myelinated axons. Brain Research 1997, 776: 1-9. PMID: 9439790, DOI: 10.1016/s0006-8993(97)00868-8.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOptic nerveSpinal cordDorsal root axonsSciatic nerve sectionRat optic nerveCentral myelinated axonsCardiac type IFiner processesSimilar staining patternNerve sectionDorsal columnsSciatic nerveFrozen cryostat sectionsAnoxic injuryAxonal profilesImmunofluorescence labeling techniqueMyelinated axonsCell bodiesCryostat sectionsImportant mediatorAxonal localizationMammalian axonsNerveAxonsStaining patternRegulation of Na+ channel β1 and β2 subunit mRNA levels in cultured rat astrocytes
Oh Y, Lee Y, Waxman S. Regulation of Na+ channel β1 and β2 subunit mRNA levels in cultured rat astrocytes. Neuroscience Letters 1997, 234: 107-110. PMID: 9364509, DOI: 10.1016/s0304-3940(97)00694-0.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsReverse transcription-polymerase chain reactionMRNA levelsSpinal cordCompetitive reverse transcription-polymerase chain reactionQuantitative competitive reverse transcription-polymerase chain reactionSpinal cord astrocytesRat optic nerveDibutyryl cAMPBeta 2 mRNACultured rat astrocytesTranscription-polymerase chain reactionBeta 1 mRNASubunit mRNA levelsNeuroblastoma cell linesOptic nerveChannel β1Cultured astrocytesRat astrocytesCalcium ionophoreAstrocytesBeta 1Chain reactionCell linesCordMRNASpinal Cord Repair: Progress Towards a Daunting Goal
Waxman S, Kocsis J. Spinal Cord Repair: Progress Towards a Daunting Goal. The Neuroscientist 1997, 3: 263-269. DOI: 10.1177/107385849700300414.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSpinal cord repairSpinal cordHuman spinal cord injuryUse of neurotrophinsSpinal cord injuryMyelin-forming glial cellsSpinal cord tractsFunctional recoveryNerve graftsAnatomical repairCord injuryGlial cellsAnimal modelsWhite matterGray matterClinical goalsCordInjuryPartial restorationRepairDaunting goalTransplantationNeurotrophinsGraftCNSFunctional Repair of Myelinated Fibers in the Spinal Cord by Transplantation of Glial Cells
Waxman S, Kocsis J. Functional Repair of Myelinated Fibers in the Spinal Cord by Transplantation of Glial Cells. Altschul Symposia Series 1997, 283-298. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4615-5949-8_28.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConduction velocityMyelinated axonsMyelin sheathNon-myelinated fibresClinical deficitsMyelin damageConduction abnormalitiesDemyelinated axonsSpinal cordGlial cellsMyelinated fibersConduction blockSynaptic terminalsAction potentialsRefractory periodCell bodiesDemyelinated fibersAxonsFunctional repair
Manipulation of the delayed rectifier Kv1.5 potassium channel in glial cells by antisense oligodeoxynucleotides
Roy M, Saal D, Perney T, Sontheimer H, Waxman S, Kaczmarek L. Manipulation of the delayed rectifier Kv1.5 potassium channel in glial cells by antisense oligodeoxynucleotides. Glia 1996, 18: 177-184. PMID: 8915650, DOI: 10.1002/(sici)1098-1136(199611)18:3<177::aid-glia2>3.0.co;2-x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGlial cellsKv1.5 channel proteinSpinal cordKv1.5 proteinCultured spinal cordTEA-insensitive currentSpinal cord astrocytesRectifier current densityPotassium channel typesAntisense oligodeoxynucleotide treatmentKv1.5 potassium channelAdult ratsCerebellar slicesChannel proteinsAstrocytesOligodeoxynucleotide treatmentPotassium channelsRectifier currentEndfoot processesSuch treatmentCurrent activationAntisense oligodeoxynucleotidesCordCellsTreatmentExpression of mRNA for a sodium channel in subfamily 2 in spinal sensory neurons
Waxman S, Black J. Expression of mRNA for a sodium channel in subfamily 2 in spinal sensory neurons. Neurochemical Research 1996, 21: 395-401. PMID: 8734431, DOI: 10.1007/bf02527702.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDorsal root gangliaSpinal sensory neuronsSchwann cellsDRG neuronsSensory neuronsRat dorsal root gangliaSodium channelsΒ1 subunitExpression of mRNARoot gangliaSpinal cordSitu hybridization cytochemistryNeuronsΑ-subunitAntisense riboprobesBlot analysisType IMRNACellsExpressionHigh levelsGangliaRNA blot analysisHippocampusCord
Na+ channel β1 subunit mRNA expression in developing rat central nervous system
Sashihara S, Oh Y, Black J, Waxman S. Na+ channel β1 subunit mRNA expression in developing rat central nervous system. Brain Research 1995, 34: 239-250. PMID: 8750827, DOI: 10.1016/0169-328x(95)00168-r.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGranule cell layerCell layerRat central nervous systemBeta 1Channel beta 1 subunitRexed's lamina IXDentate granule cellsPyramidal cell layerPostnatal day 2Beta 1 expressionSpecific neuronal populationsVentral-dorsal gradientCentral nervous systemSubunit mRNA expressionVoltage-dependent sodium channelsExternal granule cell layerInternal granule cell layerDorsal hornVentral hornLamina IXSpinal cordBeta 1 subunitAdult ratsIntensity of labelingGranule cells