Scaffolding Protein Grb2-associated Binder 1 Sustains Epidermal Growth Factor-induced Mitogenic and Survival Signaling by Multiple Positive Feedback Loops*
Kiyatkin A, Aksamitiene E, Markevich NI, Borisov NM, Hoek JB, Kholodenko BN. Scaffolding Protein Grb2-associated Binder 1 Sustains Epidermal Growth Factor-induced Mitogenic and Survival Signaling by Multiple Positive Feedback Loops*. Journal Of Biological Chemistry 2006, 281: 19925-19938. PMID: 16687399, PMCID: PMC2312093, DOI: 10.1074/jbc.m600482200.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsEpidermal growth factorRas/MAPK signalingGab1 tyrosine phosphorylationGrowth factorRole of Gab1PI3K/Akt activationMultiple positive feedback loopsProtein Grb2Mutant proteinsScaffold proteinTyrosine phosphorylationBinder 1Positive feedback loopMitogenic pathwaysMAPK signalingEssential functionsSurvival signalingDiverse perturbationsCellular responsesAkt activationCytokine receptorsPharmacological inhibitorsGab1EGF dosesGrb2
Signal processing at the Ras circuit: what shapes Ras activation patterns?
Markevich NI, Moehren G, Demin OV, Kiyatkin A, Hoek JB, Kholodenko BN. Signal processing at the Ras circuit: what shapes Ras activation patterns? IET Systems Biology 2004, 1: 104-13. PMID: 17052120, DOI: 10.1049/sb:20045003.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAnimalsCells, CulturedComputer SimulationGene ExpressionGuanosine TriphosphateHepatocytesKineticsModels, Biologicalras ProteinsRatsSignal TransductionConceptsP190 RhoGAPEpidermal growth factorActive GTP-bound stateGDP/GTP exchange factorGTP-bound stateSmall GTPase RasCellular signal transductionGTP exchange factorSystems biology approachSoluble tyrosine kinaseReceptor-mediated recruitmentSOS activationRasGAP activityRas proteinsCell fateExchange factorGTPase RasBiology approachRas mutantsSignal transductionInhibitory phosphorylationGTPase activityPlasma membraneRasGAPRegulatory mechanisms