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About Us

Primary care pediatric providers spend the majority of their time seeing patients in the office setting. However, due to multiple other training requirements, providers in training spend little time in the office. Our curriculum uses adult learning methods to maximize the educational value of this limited time, and ensure the quality, content, and accuracy of outpatient teaching sessions from week to week.

The curriculum serves as a guide for organized, case-centered, evidence-based discussions of core topics in outpatient pediatrics as well as issues relating to the ethical, legal, and business aspects of healthcare. The material is suitable for any clinician who provides care to children, but is designed specifically with trainees (residents, students, etc.) in mind. Currently, over 200 training programs and clinical practice sites around the world use the curriculum.

Since initial publication in 2005, we have continually updated content based on recently published information and suggestions from our users. This website contains the entire curriculum, including internet links to reference articles available through the Yale Medical Library. The curriculum is also available in print version.

In formally evaluating the impact of the curriculum, we found that implementation improved interns’ self-reported confidence, participation, and satisfaction. We have published our findings and presented at various national meetings. After the change to this structured curriculum, the primary care conference at our institution occurred more dependably, and was associated with improvement in learner attendance, advance preparation, and participation.

There are two versions of the curriculum: one for moderators and one for learners. In both versions, each chapter is arranged in a standardized format: a case vignette followed by a series of questions. The moderator’s version also contains suggested answers to the questions, teaching pearls, and suggestions for group exercises to reinforce key points. Each module contains references to be read prior to conference, which will minimize the amount of didactic information to be covered and enable vigorous discussion of the questions posed. The goal of the moderator should be to initiate lively discussion of the questions posed, eliciting input from all participants.

Click here to view a sample chapter.

If you are looking for the internal medicine counterpart to this educational program, visit the Yale Office Based Medicine Curriculum.

If you have questions or comments, or notice any errors or omissions, we would like your input. Contact us via email at,, or

- Jaideep S. Talwalkar, Samantha Smith & Ada M. Fenick