Opportunities for Educators: Lead, Learn, Disseminate
Yale Pediatrics Office of Education
Leadership Opportunities
Soliciting Nominations for APA 2024 Election
The APA Nominating Committee is seeking applications for consideration in the nominating process for key leadership roles in the APA. Self-nomination is highly encouraged and expected. Candidates for all positions must submit an application to be considered. A final slate of candidates will be presented for affirmation by the Board of Directors and for selection through a national election
Education Committee Chair Overview: In addition to serving as a member of the Board of Directors of the Academic Pediatric Associating, the Education Chair is responsible for oversight of the APA’s education related professional development activities, including the National Academy of Distinguished Educators in Pediatrics, the faculty teaching awards, the education program award, the outstanding education abstract awards, the FLEAT Accreditation Committee, the Top Articles workgroup, Journal Club workgroup, and the Educational Scholars Program. In addition, the Education Committee Chair may serve as a liaison between the APA and the educational programs of other national organizations, included AAP and PAS.
Individuals or nominations must fill out the application. The deadline to submit is December 15, 2024.
APPD LEAD Council Members Needed
The APPD is pleased to announce a call for one new faculty member to help direct APPD LEAD. New faculty members will join the APPD LEAD Council which oversees LEAD, a nationally recognized program in which pediatric GME directors engage and learn from seasoned pediatric educators. Council members are responsible for developing, implementing and evaluating the APPD LEAD program, as well as choosing participants.
If you are interested in becoming a candidate for a position on the Council, please see the criteria and details of the selection process on the APPD LEAD Council application site: www.appd.org/lead-council-member-application. Completion of LEAD is not a prerequisite.
All materials must be submitted by November 4, 2024.
APPD SMERFS Call for Mentors
APPD is proud to announce the call for mentors for the SMERFS (Supporting Medical Education Fellow Scholars) program.
The APPD Supporting Medical Education Research Fellow Scholars (SMERFS) is a program that provides pediatric subspecialty fellows with instruction about scholarship with mentoring of a medical education research project. This program supports project development, collection of data, data analysis, presentation of the project and publication. The goal is for this research project to meet the American Board of Pediatrics' Fellowship Scholarly Work requirement.
Goal: To provide mentoring and support for medical education research for pediatric subspecialty fellows.
Objectives: By the end of the APPD SMERFS Program, fellows will:
- Describe foundational concepts in medical education research
- Develop a mentoring relationship with a medical education research expert
- Design and carry out a medical educational scholarly project with assistance of a mentor
- Present their medical education research at the APPD Spring Meeting during their last year in the program
- Draft a medical education research manuscript in preparation for publication
Travel support for mentors will be provided. The deadline to apply is January 31.
For more information and the application, please visit: APPD Supporting Medical Education Fellow Scholars (SMERFS) - Association of Pediatric Program Directors
Upcoming Conferences & Events
Learn Serve Lead: The AAMC Annual Meeting
Learn Serve Lead is the premier AAMC learning and networking event. This annual meeting is an exceptional forum where educators, students, residents, researchers, clinicians, administrators, and health system leaders can build professional connections, expand collaborations, and take part in thought-provoking discussions.
This year, Learn Serve Lead: The AAMC Annual Meeting convenes in Atlanta, Georgia. Join your colleagues in the academic medicine community Nov. 8-12, for a unifying and rewarding experience that promises premier learning, inspiration, and networking.
APPD Annual Spring Meeting: Meeting Theme: Forty and Forward! Cultivating the Future of Pediatrics
- March 25-28, 2025, in Atlanta, GA
- Click here to register
Call for Abstracts
Pediatric Academic Society 2025
- Abstracts & Works In Progress Poster Submitters
- Call for Abstracts and Works in Progress: Deadline November 4, 2024
- Submit here.
Learn Serve Lead: The AAMC Annual Meeting Call for Medical Education Proposals
- The AAMC is accepting submissions for the 2025 AAMC Learn Serve Lead Meeting to be held November 1-5, 2025. Learn Serve Lead (LSL) is open to all those engaged in advancing academic medicine and brings together our medical school and teaching hospital community from across campuses, across disciplines, and across missions.
- The call for submissions consists of 1) Sessions, 2) Research Abstracts, and 3) Innovation Abstracts. Work focused on a wide variety of themes incorporating a broad representation of topics, institutions, and presenters will be selected for presentation.
- Abstracts must be submitted online no later than 11:59pm (PST) on December 2, 2024.
- We recommend that you prepare your proposal in a word processing application and then paste each component into the corresponding online section. An abstract submission is considered a commitment to attend the meeting and present if accepted, and an acknowledgement of the costs associated with travel and meeting registration. Decisions will be sent to the contact author in March 2025.
Call for Enhanced Learning Session (ELS) Proposals
The Call for Enhanced Learning Session (ELS) Proposals is Now Open for the APPD 2025 Annual Spring Meeting, including the MPPDA Annual Meeting!
For detailed instructions on how to submit, please click here. Deadline to submit is November 12.
APPD Annual Spring Meeting
Download submission guidelines (also noted below). For detailed instructions on how to submit, please click here.
The Spring Planning Executive Committee welcomes submissions on a variety of topic categories listed below. Enhanced Learning Sessions that are well written, have well described educational goals and objectives, and well thought out agendas are highly sought for review.
Submissions should include a detailed agenda for a 90-minute small (50 person), medium sized (50-100 person), or a large sized (100-200 person) session. Submissions may include a variety of formats, such as panel discussions, debates, workshops, flipped classroom, or other alternative/creative formats. We encourage presenters to explore non-traditional, engaging, and innovative session formats that incorporate active learning, as well as those that allow time for questions, answers, and dialogue between presenters and participants.
Priority will be given to submissions that feature timely and important topics from presenters representing multiple institutions and job roles within pediatric education. During the submission process you will be asked to specify target audience and what career level your session appeals to (early career, those seasoned, or both).
Deadline for Submission: Tuesday, November 12, 2024 (11:59 p.m. Pacific Time)
APPD 2025 Forum for Fellowship Leaders
We are excited to announce the APPD 2025 Forum for Fellowship Leaders on Wednesday, February 5 from 1-4 p.m. EST, co-sponsored by the Fellowship Directors and Coordinators Executive Committees.
Join our vibrant fellowship leadership community, including fellowship directors, associate fellowship directors, and fellowship coordinators, for this great opportunity to come together to learn and network. The forum will be offered as a virtual learning experience to allow easy access and participation.
Because we want to hear from our community and have broad participation, we are opening a call for learning proposals. Submitted proposals should target the needs of pediatric subspecialty fellowship leaders, programs and/or our subspecialty trainees. Proposals with presenters from more than one institution and that are broadly applicable to most or all subspecialties are appreciated.
Be creative! Priority will be given to innovative topics and strategies, with interactive formats that incorporate participant engagement (e.g., interactive debates, symposia, hot topic rapid fire sessions, workshops, and mini sessions).
Proposals should include at least 2 learning objectives, be limited to 60 minutes in duration (though shorter is welcome), and demonstrate specific plans for audience participation and interaction.
Go fellowships!
Click here for more information.
Deadline for Submissions: December 3, 2024
APPD LEARN is the APPD's Longitudinal Educational Assessment Research Network
APPD LEARN provides an infrastructure for multi-centered, collaborative research projects and a centralized data collection system. LEARN encompasses three research networks that share the APPD LEARN infrastructure and governance.
- The APPD Pediatric Residency Investigators in Medical Education (APPD PRIME) network was APPD LEARN's first network and focuses on research on Pediatric residents and residency programs.
- The APPD Subspecialty Pediatrics Investigator Network (APPD SPIN) is a medical education research network for the Pediatric Subspecialties to evaluate the education and assessment of fellows.
- The APPD Surveys Enhancing Educator Knowledge (SEEK), formerly the survey component of the Research and Scholarship Learning Community, is a research network that supports projects on program operations and projects designed to study novel curricular or evaluation instruments that will allow programs to address and measure ACGME competencies.
Open calls for proposals
Proposals are reviewed three times per year, next Deadline January 31, 2025. Learn more about submitting here.
Learning Opportunities
APPD FUEL - Mentorship Opportunity
APPD is proud to present the Call for Applications for the fourth cohort for FUEL (Fostering UIM Education Leadership) Faculty Mentoring Program. The FUEL Program aims to increase diversity in pediatric medical education leadership through professional development and mentorship of underrepresented in medicine early career faculty. Participants will be exposed to the many careers in pediatric medical education, as well as the professional development opportunities and educational leaders within the APPD community. The program is based on mentorship, sponsorship and representation with a focus on experiential learning.
Deadline to Apply: Monday, November 11 by 11:59 P.M. Eastern. For more information click here.
APPD AIMS (Advancing Inclusiveness in Medical Education Scholars) Program
The Underrepresented in Medicine Learning Community, in collaboration with the APPD Board, are proud to announce that we are taking applications for the sixth cohort of residents to participate in the APPD AIMS (Advancing Inclusiveness in Medical Education Scholars) Program.
The AIMS Program provides professional development and mentorship with the objective of exposing underrepresented in medicine pediatric residents to the APPD community, and careers in pediatric medical education, earlier in their training with the goal of increasing diversity in pediatric medical education leadership.
Funding will be provided for 16 residents across all APPD regions to attend the APPD Annual Spring Meeting in Atlanta, GA March 25-28, 2025.
Program Highlights:
- AIM Scholars programming on Tuesday, March 25 before the APPD Annual Spring Meeting, including overview of careers in medical education
- Panel discussions
- Speed mentoring
- Networking with APPD leadership and members
- Paired with a faculty mentor outside of your institution who is a member of the URiM in Peds GME learning community
- Attend the URiM in Peds GME learning community meeting during the conference
- 2nd year categorical pediatric resident or child neurology resident or 3rd year resident in a combined pediatrics program in good standing at a residency program that is a member of APPD
- Underrepresented in medicine: as defined by the AAMC, "those racial and ethnic populations that are underrepresented in the medical profession relative to their numbers in the general population"
- Have an interest in pursuing a career in pediatric medical education leadership
- Required to attend the pre-conference and spring APPD meeting
- Complete online application
To learn more about the program, past cohorts, and complete application, click here. Applications are due by Monday, November 11th (11:59pm Eastern). Notifications will be sent out in early/mid December.
If you have any questions about the program, please contact:
Tye Winters, DO (tyree.winters@atlantichealth.org)
AIMS Co-Director
Program Director, Atlantic Health/Goryeb Children's Hospital
Andria Tatem, MD, MEd (Andria.Tatem@chkd.org)
AIMS Co-Director and Chair, URIM Learning Community
Associate Program Director, Eastern Virginia Medical School
Advancing Pediatric Educator Excellence (APEX) Teaching Program Application
Participants will be chosen via a thorough peer-review process.
The applicant must be committed to attending two consecutive conferences. For more information on the timing and location of the conferences refer to the Pediatric Hospital Medicine Conference website and the Pediatric Academic Societies Conference website.
The applicant must also be prepared to participate in both independent and online instruction during the months between the conferences. The applicant must identify a local mentor, or request assistance in finding one. Upon acceptance to the program, the applicant is expected to meet with the identified mentor on a quarterly basis, either in person or via phone/web-conference, to discuss progress towards meeting teaching goals. In addition, the mentor will observe and provide feedback for at least two of the applicant's teaching sessions. If necessary, teaching sessions can be video-recorded and shared with mentor at a later date.
To learn more about the APEX Teaching Program, check out this informational webinar.
The application period for the APEX Teaching Program anchored at the Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) Conference runs from September 15 through November 15. This track is open to general pediatricians, pediatric subspecialists, or pediatric surgical specialists. Deadline for PAS Track is November 15.
The application period for the APEX Teaching Program anchored at the Pediatric Hospital Medicine (PHM) Conference runs from November 15 through January 15. This track is restricted to pediatric hospitalists or advanced practice providers who specialize in hospital care. Deadline for PHM Track is January 15.
Grants, Awards, and Funding Opportunities
Projects in Pediatric Education (PIPE) Award
The Yale Department of Pediatrics promotes excellence in teaching and mentoring by developing, supporting, and recognizing clinicians and educators to train the next generation of diverse pediatric care providers and thought leaders. Through this award we will support and mentor faculty with limited experience in medical education scholarship as well as those with a history of previous scholarship. We will fund projects aimed at improving teaching, improving learning, curriculum development and mentoring.
The deadline to apply is December 1, 2024. For the full description and application instructions, click here or contact Melissa Langhan for questions at Melissa.Langhan@Yale.edu.
COMSEP Grant Program
The purpose of this initiative is to promote and support innovative educational scholarship that is designed, implemented, and evaluated by COMSEP members. Selected educational grant(s) will be supported for a total of $5,000 each. A maximum of two grants will be funded.
Mentorship and its associated feedback and guidance are important to COMSEP and so each grant application should include information about the principal investigator’s project mentor, described in greater detail below. The total funding period of the grant is 24 months; hence projects that can be completed in 18 months are advised so that the remainder of the time can be used for data analysis/presentation and manuscript preparation.
Deadline: November 14, 2024
The Small Research Grants on Education Program supports education research projects that will contribute to the improvement of education, broadly conceived, with budgets up to $50,000 for projects ranging from one to five years. We accept applications three times per year.
This program is “field-initiated” in that proposal submissions are not in response to a specific request for a particular research topic, discipline, design, method, or location. Our goal for this program is to support rigorous, intellectually ambitious and technically sound research that is relevant to the most pressing questions and compelling opportunities in education.
Application Deadlines:
Applications Open October 10, 2024
Full Proposal Deadline December 4, 2024, 12:00 pm (noon), Central Time
Program contact: smallgrants@spencer.org
APPD Special Project Proposals
The Special Projects Program provides financial support for projects that further the APPD’s mission and strategic plan. Through the process described below, the APPD may grant up to $10,000 per selected project. The Board of Directors will determine the funds available for this program annually. The number of awards will be dependent on the funds available, and the size of the grant requests of the selected projects. Proposals are due each January 7, 2025. Click here for more information.
Large Research Grants on Education Program
The Large Research Grants on Education Program supports education research projects that will contribute to the improvement of education, broadly conceived, with budgets ranging from $125,000 to $500,000 for projects ranging from one to five years. We anticipate awarding grants with budgets across each of the following funding tiers: $125,000 to 250,000; $250,001 to $375,000; and $375,001 to $500,000. Within each of our funding tiers, we evaluate projects within tier and strongly encourage applicants to submit for funding that best fits their project rather than applying for the highest amount. We accept Intent to Apply forms twice a year.
This program is “field-initiated” in that proposal submissions are not in response to a specific request for a particular research topic, discipline, design, method, or location. Our goal for this program is to support rigorous, intellectually ambitious and technically sound research that is relevant to the most pressing questions and compelling opportunities in education.
Applications Open December 2024
Intent to Apply January 14, 2025, 12:00 pm Noon (Central/Chicago Time)
Full Proposal Deadline February 11, 2025, 12:00 pm Noon (Central/Chicago Time)
Program contact: Maricelle Garcia largegrants@spencer.org
Recent Publications from Med-Ed Faculty!
- One size does not fit all for URiM applicants: a comparison of NPM program size on URiM applications. Scott K, Castera M, Gray MM, Myers P, Bonachea EM, Karpen H, French H, Carbajal M, Johnston L. J Perinatol. 2024 Oct 14. doi: 10.1038/s41372-024-02151-7. Online ahead of print. PMID: 39397057 Review.
- Medical-Legal Partnership Education Impacts Resident Physician Competencies Relating to Social Drivers of Health. Swallow MA, Kala S, O'Malley S, Rosenthal A, Fenick AM. J Law Med Ethics. 2024;52(2):264-270. doi: 10.1017/jme.2024.86. Epub 2024 Oct 22. PMID: 39435950