Faculty Development
A priority within our group is prioritizing wellness and supporting each other. The year 2020 and the COVID-19 pandemic brought us closer together in many ways, including stretching our clinical skills to take care of adults with COVID-19 during the first surge in the spring of 2020 and then again the fall of 2020. Here are some of our programs:
Each junior faculty is paired with a more senior faculty member within the division. Each dyad is given expectations for meetings and goal setting and reports back to the Section Chief annually.
Buddy Program
Each hospitalist is paired up with another hospitalist with the goal of weekly check-ins about work on non-work related things. We follow a monthly calendar of activities that includes sharing gratitude, a holiday gift exchange, among other things.
Faculty Development Annual Questionnaire (FDAQ)
Each hospitalist faculty member completes a formal career development questionnaire designed by the School of Medicine and meets with the Section Chief to review accomplishments, career goals, barriers and facilitators to success in academic medicine. These meetings help prepare faculty for Appointments and Promotions.