Opportunities for Educators: Lead, Learn, Disseminate
Yale Pediatrics Office of Education
Upcoming Conferences & Events
August 2024
- International Association for Health Professions Education, AMEE 2024
- August 24-28, 2024, Messe Congress Centre, Basel, Switzerland
- Click here to register
September 2024
- Pediatric Medical Education Conference
- September 18-20, 2024 at the Renaissance Arlington Capital View hotel in Arlington, VA
- Click here to register
- Eleventh annual Innovations in Healthcare Education Research (IHER) Conference
- September 17-19, 2024, Medical College of Wisconsin
- Click here to register
AWIP (Academic Work-in-Progress) Sign Ups for 2024-2025
Medical Education Research Presenters Wanted!
Our next season of the Department of Pediatrics Academic Work-in-Progress (AWIP) conferences will take place on Tuesdays with the kick-off on Tuesday, September 17, 2024, at noon and will continue through May 27, 2025. We have allotted three Tuesday slots specifically for Medical Education Research (10/1, 1/7, 4/1).
- Presentations will take place in-person in Trask LMP 3108 from 12:00-1:00 pm. We strongly encourage in-person attendance but will continue with a virtual option to support community participation.
- Each Friday, the Pediatrics Weekly Events Digest will include the upcoming AWIP speaker and presentation information. We will no longer be using the Yale Message system for these announcements.
- Please select ONE date only by Friday, August 9, 2024 by clicking on the Signup Genius poll link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E4BAAAE2CABF9C70-50363197-academic
The conference series will remain an open forum for all of us to present our ACADEMIC WORK (laboratory-based and patient-oriented research, clinical programs, educational initiatives, quality improvement, etc). We ask that the presentation and discussion focus on ongoing or new work only, rather than past/published work. Presenters often find AWIP a useful forum for generating ideas, receiving helpful feedback, and forming potential collaborations.
Call for Abstracts
Innovations in Medical Education Conference
- The 22nd annual Innovations in Medical Education Conference will be a 100% online event in 2025. This format supports the expansion of a global network of innovative health care educators. An online conference eliminates travel expenses and accommodates any travel restrictions.
- The conference is an excellent opportunity to join a growing community of learners, teachers, scholars, and leaders from around the world working together to promote change through innovation in health professions education. Our goal is to move education in the health professions toward a higher level of excellence and well-being by providing a forum for sharing new ideas and educational innovations.
Monday, September 30, 2024, 11:59 p.m. PDT - Additional information & submission directions here
Learning Opportunities
Academic Pediatric Association Educational Scholars Program
- The ESP is a three-year, national, faculty development program for academic pediatric educators who wish to build their skills in educational scholarship and leadership. The program aims to teach scholars to develop, implement, evaluate and disseminate educational interventions and other types of educational scholarship.
- ESP’s curriculum includes in person workshops annually and online courses facilitated by faculty throughout the year. Each scholar is assigned to a small group of peers and two national faculty advisers who meet monthly through the three years. Scholars participate in person annually at the Pediatric Academic Society meeting where additional workshops on educational topics concepts such as conceptual frameworks, mentoring and survey design are taught by national experts in medical education. Scholars work on a longitudinal educational research project throughout the three years and share their work with their peers and faculty in small groups at PAS.
- ESP is currently recruiting for Cohort 11
- Submit an Application by September 27, 2024, at 11:59pm ET here
COMSEP COACH Certificate Program: Creating Committed, Academic CoaCHes
- COMSEP's COACH Certificate Program kicked off in 2022 followed by a rewarding and successful program in 2023. This interactive, longitudinal course, based on the competencies of the International Federation of Coaches, gives medical educators the skills and resources to effectively coach their learners and peers.
- The program starts on the evening of September 16 with a welcome reception and ends by 12:30 m. eastern time on September 18.
- Register here
Medical Education Research Certificate (MERC) Program
- The Medical Education Research Certificate (MERC) program is intended to provide the knowledge necessary to understand the purposes and processes of medical education research, to become informed consumers of the medical education research literature, and to be effective collaborators in medical education research. Alone, MERC is not intended to produce independent medical education researchers.
- The program is open to all who are interested in improving their educational research skills and is targeted for those with a background in medical education but relatively less experience in conducting educational research. The courses are targeted for clinicians and other educators who desire to learn research skills that will enable collaborative participation in medical education research projects.
- Register here
Grants, Awards, and Funding Opportunities
NEW Internal Funding Opportunity: Projects in Pediatric Education (PIPE) Award
The Yale Department of Pediatrics promotes excellence in teaching and mentoring by developing, supporting, and recognizing clinicians and educators to train the next generation of diverse pediatric care providers and thought leaders. Through this award we will support and mentor faculty with limited experience in medical education scholarship as well as those with a history of previous scholarship. We will fund projects aimed at improving teaching, improving learning, curriculum development and mentoring.
The deadline to apply is October 1, 2024. For the full description and application instructions, click here or contact Melissa Langhan for questions at Melissa.Langhan@Yale.edu.
Spencer Foundation
- The Research-Practice Partnership (RPP) Grants Program is intended to support education research projects that engage in collaborative and participatory partnerships with project budgets up to $400,000 and durations of up to three years. We accept Intent to Apply forms once a year in this program.
- We view partnerships as an important approach to knowledge generation and the improvement of education, broadly construed. Over the long term, we anticipate that research conducted by RPPs will result in new insights into the processes, practices, and policies that improve education for learners, educators, families, communities, and institutions where learning and teaching happen (e.g., schools, universities, community centers, parks, museums, other workplaces).
- Details about the program and application process can be found below. In addition, you may wish to read the "RPP Writing Guide" found here. Various details discussed in this request for proposals document are elaborated on in the writing guide.
- We also offer "A Guide to Writing Proposals That Engage Research With Youth, Families, and Community-Based Organizations," found here. This guide offers grounding ideas and suggestions for centering a strengths-based approach when working in partnership with communities.
- Applications Open: July 9, 2024
- Intent to Apply: September 13, 2024, 12:00 p.m. Central time
- Full Proposal Deadline: October 31, 2024, 12:00 p.m. Central time
- See details and application here
INSPIRE Funding Awards
- The International Network for Simulation-based Pediatric Innovation, Research and Education was established in 2011 from a group of simulation-based pediatric researchers from a variety of disciplines looking to improve collaboration, mentorship, and productivity. Our mission is to improve the lives of children through healthcare simulation science. INSPIRE is united in its desire to improve performance, foster innovation, and reduce errors in patient care via rigorous pediatric simulation-based research using all types of simulation tools (computer screen-based simulators, task trainers, human patient simulators, virtual reality, hybrid devices, and standardized patients). INSPIRE is seeking studies that are both innovative and have strong potential for a positive impact on healthcare delivery.
- The submission portal for the INSPIRE Funding Awards is now open. Submissions will close on Saturday, August 31, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. ET (3:59 a.m. UTC).
- INSPIRE Emotional Safety and Family-Centered Care Award:
Three proposals for research related to emotional safety in pediatrics will be funded for a one-year duration with a maximum budget of $15,000 USD total. INSPIRE Emotional Safety Award RFP. These projects must be simulation-based and have strong potential for a positive impact on healthcare delivery processes and outcome.
- INSPIRE Research Award:
INSPIRE is seeking studies that are both innovative and have strong potential for a positive impact on healthcare delivery. INSPIRE is proud to announce broad funding opportunities for simulation-based research in pediatrics. One proposal for broad research will be funded for a two-year duration with a maximum budget of $30,000 USD total. INSPIRE Research Award RFP - INSPIRE Micro-Awards:
INSPIRE is offering small project micro-awards for INSPIRE investigators with ongoing projects that require some additional funding for discrete, well-defined needs to complete the project. Awards will be given for up to $2,000 each. INSPIRE Micro-award RFP
Catalyst Awards for Transformation in Graduate Medical Education
- The Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation and Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) are partnering to present the Catalyst Awards for Transformation in Graduate Medical Education.
- The Catalyst Awards support projects that impact the clinical learning environment and improve the experience of residents and fellows in one of the three priority areas supported by the Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation:
- Promoting diversity, equity, and belonging
- Increasing opportunities to learn in and from high-performing interprofessional teams
- Preparing future health professionals to navigate ethical dilemmas
- Promoting diversity, equity, and belonging
- The application portal is now open, and all applications will be due on September 20, with funded projects informed by February 1, 2025
- The period of grant support will be 18 months, beginning on April 1, 2025, and ending on September 30, 2026
- Each project will receive up to $100,000 in total costs over the 18-month period
- Applications may be submitted by any resident, fellow, and faculty member involved with graduate medical education
- Learn more and apply here
- NBME launched this grant program in 2023. This grant is designed to support early- and mid-career medical education faculty or staff who share our commitment to advancing equitable assessment practices to foster a diverse and inclusive medical community. Equitable assessment practices and educational programs can support a stronger health care system with the potential to improve patient outcomes and reduce health care disparities, while also enhancing educational experience of learners. We also seek projects promoting innovative thinking to push boundaries of medical education and assessment locally and/or nationally.
- NBME will fund up to $25,000 in total for each accepted proposal. Four proposals that can be completed within a 1–2-year timeframe will be selected. Grants will be awarded to medical schools accredited by the LCME or the AOA/COCA or graduate medical education (GME) training facilities. Applications are accepted from principal investigators with appointments at LCME- and AOA/COCA-accredited medical schools or GME facilities.
- Applications for the 2024 cycle are currently being accepted through August 21, 2024 on the Emerging Innovators Research Grant Portal
Active Calls for Submissions
Med Ed Portal
- Community Engagement for Health Equity Education
- MedEdPORTAL and the AAMC Center for Health Justice invite educational innovations featuring authentic community engagement methods to facilitate positive and sustainable change within the medical profession through training and education. Read more.
- MedEdPORTAL and the AAMC Center for Health Justice invite educational innovations featuring authentic community engagement methods to facilitate positive and sustainable change within the medical profession through training and education. Read more.
- Climate and Health Education
- Health care professionals must play a key role in identifying, treating, and preventing climate-related adverse health outcomes while ensuring equity for all patients and communities. MedEdPORTAL invites educators to submit their innovative curricula for publication consideration and shape the future of climate-informed health care. Read more.
- Language-Appropriate Health Care
- Language is the principal tool that clinicians use in providing health care. MedEdPORTAL invites submissions with a focus on equitable language-appropriate health care and medical language education. Read more.
Medical Education Online: Refocusing on the “E” in Continuing Medical Education (CME)
The goal of this Article Collection is to further the call for educational scholarship and to enhance the body of knowledge in CME/CPD. This Article Collection aims to disseminate relevant original research, review articles, short communications, and rapid communications related to the following topics:
- Refocusing on the E in CME: outcomes and effectiveness of CME/CPD programming, curriculum development, and program evaluation.
- Modern learning theory, strategies, and instructional methods (e.g., e-learning modalities, remote learning, virtual learning, active learning, etc.).
- State of the Joint Accreditation practices in CME and progress toward true interprofessional education experiences to meet the joint accreditation requirements.
- Innovations in CME/CPD for special topics, e.g. Quality Improvement and Physician Wellbeing.
- Equity pedagogy and educational interventions in diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging.
- Meeting the needs of the future physician workforce.
- Infrastructure and resources needed to promote educational research and scholarship.
Journal of Graduate Medical Education
A Renewed Call for Papers on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice
- Over 3 years ago the Journal of Graduate Medical Education (JGME) issued a call for papers related to diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice in graduate medical education (GME). Since then, we have published a large number of articles in areas ranging from program recruitment, assessment, curriculum, and faculty development to cross-specialty institutional initiatives.
- We are re-issuing this call for papers to continue these ongoing, essential conversations. As before, manuscripts focusing on any area relevant to GME are welcome, in all JGME article categories. Authors can find guidance on how to submit a manuscript on the JGME website here. Please indicate in the cover letter that the submission is in response to the diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice call. Papers on this topic will be reviewed preferentially at any time.
Kudos to Med-Ed Faculty!
- Congrats to Isabel Gross, MD/PhD, MPH, who received the 2024 Dr. Lou Halamek Pediatric Simulation Excellence Award from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Section on Simulation and Innovative Learning Methods (SoSILM)!
Recent Publications from Med-Ed Faculty!
- How to define yourself as a medical educator along the path to academic promotion. Srinath AI, Greifer M, Leichtner A, Sauer C, Phatak UP. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2024 Jun 21. doi: 10.1002/jpn3.12288. Online ahead of print. PMID: 39031827
- Ghosted. Langhan ML. J Grad Med Educ. 2024 Apr;16(2):229-230. doi: 10.4300/JGME-D-24-00126.1. Epub 2024 Apr 15. PMID: 38993313
- A Sip of Hot Chocolate. Zimmerman CO, Doolittle BR. J Gen Intern Med. 2024 Jul 10. doi: 10.1007/s11606-023-08453-4. Online ahead of print. PMID: 38987478