336-OR: Insulin Delivery Modality Does Not Impact Glycemic Change during Physical Activity in Youth with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D)—Results from the Real-World T1DEXI Pediatric Study
RIDDELL M, BERGFORD S, GAL R, PATTON S, CLEMENTS M, CALHOUN P, SHERR J. 336-OR: Insulin Delivery Modality Does Not Impact Glycemic Change during Physical Activity in Youth with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D)—Results from the Real-World T1DEXI Pediatric Study. Diabetes 2023, 72 DOI: 10.2337/db23-336-or.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchInsulin delivery modalitiesPre-exercise glucoseJuvenile Diabetes Research FoundationPediatric studiesGlucose levelsDelivery modalitiesSpeakers bureauType 1 diabetesBlood glucose levelsInsulin delivery methodsNIH National InstituteAdvisory PanelGlycemic changesContinuous glucose monitorHarry B. Helmsley Charitable TrustPhysical activityExercise typeType 1Activity monitorDiabetesNovo NordiskEli LillyLeona M.Helmsley Charitable TrustT1D.
100-LB: Glycemic Control Using Recommended Settings in Youth and Adults with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) —Minimed 780G System with the Calibration-Free Guardian 4 Sensor Results
VIGERSKY R, BODE B, BRAZG R, BUCKINGHAM B, CARLSON A, KAISERMAN K, KIPNES M, LILJENQUIST D, PHILIS-TSIMIKAS A, PIHOKER C, POP-BUSUI R, REED J, SHERR J, SHULMAN D, SLOVER R, THRASHER J, CHEN X, LIU M, CORDERO T, VELLA M, RHINEHART A, SHIN J. 100-LB: Glycemic Control Using Recommended Settings in Youth and Adults with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) —Minimed 780G System with the Calibration-Free Guardian 4 Sensor Results. Diabetes 2022, 71 DOI: 10.2337/db22-100-lb.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMannKind CorporationSpeakers bureauKidney diseaseNovo NordiskEli LillyAdvisory PanelNational InstituteHealth researchMonths of useEffectiveness endpointReata PharmaceuticalsGlycemic controlPivotal trialsSevere hypoglycemiaEffectiveness outcomesGlycemic metricsDiabetesBayer AGHealth groupsRoche DiagnosticsUnitedHealth GroupLexicon PharmaceuticalsMiniMedTarget rangeSanofi
70-OR: Evaluation of the Omnipod 5 Automated Insulin Delivery System in Very Young Children with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D)
SHERR J, BODE B, FORLENZA G, LAFFEL L, BROWN S, BUCKINGHAM B, CRIEGO A, DESALVO D, MACLEISH S, HANSEN D, LY T. 70-OR: Evaluation of the Omnipod 5 Automated Insulin Delivery System in Very Young Children with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D). Diabetes 2021, 70 DOI: 10.2337/db21-70-or.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchDiabetes careDiabetic ketoacidosisStandard therapySevere hypoglycemiaSpeakers bureauEli LillyYoung childrenPrimary safety outcomePrimary effectiveness outcomeSerious adverse eventsAdvisory PanelLexicon PharmaceuticalsDaily dose requirementsType 1 diabetesNovo NordiskBoehringer Ingelheim PharmaceuticalsMannKind CorporationPermissive hyperglycemiaBaseline characteristicsHybrid closed-loop systemT1D durationAdverse eventsGlucose targetsEfficacy analysisInsulin delivery systems
1296-P: Omnipod Personalized MPC Algorithm at Target Glucose of 110mg/dl Is Safe in Children Aged 2-12 Years without Increasing Risk of Hypoglycemia
SHERR J, BUCKINGHAM B, FORLENZA G, GALDERISI A, EKHLASPOUR L, WADWA R, ZGORSKI M, KINGMAN R, BERGET C, LEE J, OCONNOR J, DUMAIS B, VIENNEAU T, HUYETT L, LY T. 1296-P: Omnipod Personalized MPC Algorithm at Target Glucose of 110mg/dl Is Safe in Children Aged 2-12 Years without Increasing Risk of Hypoglycemia. Diabetes 2020, 69 DOI: 10.2337/db20-1296-p.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchDiabetes careGlucose targetsEli LillySerious adverse eventsHigh-fat mealRisk of hypoglycemiaAdvisory PanelType 1 diabetesChildren Aged 2MannKind CorporationHybrid closed-loop systemT1D durationAdverse eventsT1D ExchangeFat mealGlucose managementMean glucosePivotal studiesAged 2Bolus challengeDaily exerciseInvestigational deviceDlPercent timeTarget glucose1304-P: Glycemic Trends in a Hockey Camp for Youth with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D)
RIDDELL M, LI Z, GAL R, MAZZUOCCOLO A, GREENE E, CALHOUN P, BEAULIEU L, CLEMENTS M, SHERR J, PATTON S, BECK R. 1304-P: Glycemic Trends in a Hockey Camp for Youth with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D). Diabetes 2020, 69 DOI: 10.2337/db20-1304-p.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchHeart ratePhysical activityObservational studyGlucose levelsLarge observational studiesType 1 diabetesMixed martial artsAdvisory PanelMedian timeT1D ExchangeHarry B. Helmsley Charitable TrustGlycemic trendsLexicon PharmaceuticalsGlucodynamicsEli LillyLeona M.Helmsley Charitable TrustFuture studiesPresent studyDexcom G5MedtronicDay campICE activityCAMPLilly1580-P: Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) Trajectories of Youth with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) over 10 Years Postdiagnosis from Three Continents
SHERR J, SCHWANDT A, PHELAN H, CLEMENTS M, HOLL R, BENITEZ-AGUIRRE P, MILLER K, WOELFLE J, DOVER T, MAAHS D, FRÖHLICH-REITERER E, CRAIG M. 1580-P: Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) Trajectories of Youth with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) over 10 Years Postdiagnosis from Three Continents. Diabetes 2020, 69 DOI: 10.2337/db20-1580-p.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchT1D ExchangeInternational registryStable HbA1cGerman Diabetes AssociationProspective Follow-upOnset of T1D.Type 1 diabetesStudy of DiabetesAdvisory PanelEli LillyHbA1c trajectoriesT1D onsetDiabetes AssociationYears postdiagnosisAustralasian Diabetes Data NetworkDiabetes careFollow-upHarry B. Helmsley Charitable TrustGerman centersRegistryHbA1cOlder ageGreater riskDiabetes researchLexicon Pharmaceuticals978-P: Omnipod Personalized MPC Algorithm at Target Glucose of 110mg/dl Is Safe in Adults and Adolescents without Increasing Risk of Hypoglycemia
FORLENZA G, BUCKINGHAM B, SHERR J, WADWA R, GALDERISI A, EKHLASPOUR L, BERGET C, HSU L, ZGORSKI M, LEE J, OCONNOR J, DUMAIS B, VIENNEAU T, HUYETT L, LY T. 978-P: Omnipod Personalized MPC Algorithm at Target Glucose of 110mg/dl Is Safe in Adults and Adolescents without Increasing Risk of Hypoglycemia. Diabetes 2020, 69 DOI: 10.2337/db20-978-p.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchDiabetes careMeal bolusEli LillyPercent timeRisk of hypoglycemiaAdvisory PanelType 1 diabetesHigh-fat dinnerMannKind CorporationHybrid closed-loop systemT1D durationGlucose targetsT1D ExchangeGlucose managementPivotal studiesDaily exerciseInvestigational deviceDlTarget glucoseCareLexicon PharmaceuticalsMedtronicBolusLower targetsAdults
926-P: Frequency of Hypoglycemia by Gender in Healthy Individuals without Diabetes—Not So Different After All
DUBOSE S, LI Z, SHAH V, SHERR J, TAMBORLANE W, BERGENSTAL R, BECK R. 926-P: Frequency of Hypoglycemia by Gender in Healthy Individuals without Diabetes—Not So Different After All. Diabetes 2019, 68 DOI: 10.2337/db19-926-p.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchHealthy individualsMedtronic MiniMedFrequency of hypoglycemiaDuration of hypoglycemiaEli LillyPercentage of participantsHelmsley Charitable TrustNon-Hispanic whitesBoehringer Ingelheim PharmaceuticalsRace/ethnicityTakeda Pharmaceutical Company LimitedNondiabetic childrenSanofi USAdvisory PanelMean HbA1cHypoglycemic eventsKidney diseaseMulticenter studyDiabetes careMore hypoglycemiaHarry B. Helmsley Charitable TrustPercentage of timeAverage glucoseDiabetesHypoglycemia1424-P: Changes in Device Uptake and Glycemic Control among Pregnant Women with Type 1 Diabetes: Data from the T1D Exchange
LEVY C, FOSTER N, DUBOSE S, AGARWAL S, LYONS S, PETERS A, UWAIFO G, DIMEGLIO L, SHERR J, POLSKY S. 1424-P: Changes in Device Uptake and Glycemic Control among Pregnant Women with Type 1 Diabetes: Data from the T1D Exchange. Diabetes 2019, 68 DOI: 10.2337/db19-1424-p.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPregnant womenMannKind CorporationSanofi USKidney diseaseDiabetes FoundationPump useT1D Exchange Clinic RegistryEli LillyLexicon PharmaceuticalsBarbara Davis CenterInsulin pump useCohort of womenType 1 diabetesReal-world populationNational InstituteAdvisory PanelHelmsley Charitable TrustHealth researchPregnancy outcomesGlycemic controlSevere hypoglycemiaClinic registrySelf-reported useT1D ExchangeNovo Nordisk A/S2418-PUB: Incident Diabetes Complications among Women with T1D Based on Parity
POLSKY S, FOSTER N, DUBOSE S, AGARWAL S, LYONS S, PETERS A, UWAIFO G, DIMEGLIO L, SHERR J, LEVY C. 2418-PUB: Incident Diabetes Complications among Women with T1D Based on Parity. Diabetes 2019, 68 DOI: 10.2337/db19-2418-pub.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchStudy enrollmentMannKind CorporationSanofi USKidney diseaseDiabetes FoundationT1D Exchange Clinic RegistryCardiovascular disease risk factorsEli LillyRate of neuropathyDisease risk factorsDiabetes-related complicationsLexicon PharmaceuticalsBarbara Davis CenterBody mass indexType 1 diabetesNational InstituteAdvisory PanelHelmsley Charitable TrustHealth researchYear of enrollmentRace/ethnicityPreg groupPregnant cohortClinic registryMass index
Suppression of Ketogenesis in Type 1 Diabetes Is Not Delayed by SGLT2 Inhibitor Therapy
SIEBEL S, PATEL N, GALDERISI A, CARRIA L, TAMBORLANE W, SHERR J. Suppression of Ketogenesis in Type 1 Diabetes Is Not Delayed by SGLT2 Inhibitor Therapy. Diabetes 2018, 67 DOI: 10.2337/db18-117-lb.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPlasma glucoseSGLT2i useBHB levelsMedtronic MiniMedBoehringer Ingelheim GmbHSGLT2 inhibitor therapyInterruption studiesRapid-acting insulinType 1 diabetesRisk of DKABasal insulin infusionEli LillySuppression of ketogenesisCanagliflozin therapyRescue doseSGLT2i therapySGLT2i treatmentBasal insulinInhibitor therapySGLT2 inhibitorsT1D patientsAdjunctive agentsMetabolic decompensationInsulin infusionJanssen PharmaceuticalsSafety and Performance of the Omnipod® Hybrid Closed-Loop System in Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes over Five Days Under Free-Living Conditions
FORLENZA G, BUCKINGHAM B, SHERR J, PEYSER T, LEE J, OCONNOR J, DUMAIS B, HUYETT L, LAYNE J, LY T. Safety and Performance of the Omnipod® Hybrid Closed-Loop System in Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes over Five Days Under Free-Living Conditions. Diabetes 2018, 67 DOI: 10.2337/db18-1376-p.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchModerate-intensity exerciseDiabetes careGlycemic outcomesFree-living conditionsType 1 diabetesMin/dAdvisory PanelHybrid closed-loop systemStandard therapyDays of useEligible participantsAge 14.3Percentage of timeCGM useInvestigational deviceMedtronic MiniMedType 1DlTime 70Usual routineCareEli LillyOmnipodAdolescentsConcomitant reductionSafety and Performance of the Omnipod® Hybrid Closed-Loop System in Children Aged 6-12 Years with Type 1 Diabetes over Five Days Under Free-Living Conditions
SHERR J, FORLENZA G, BUCKINGHAM B, PEYSER T, LEE J, OCONNOR J, DUMAIS B, HUYETT L, LAYNE J, LY T. Safety and Performance of the Omnipod® Hybrid Closed-Loop System in Children Aged 6-12 Years with Type 1 Diabetes over Five Days Under Free-Living Conditions. Diabetes 2018, 67 DOI: 10.2337/db18-1377-p.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchModerate-intensity exerciseDiabetes careGlycemic outcomesFree-living conditionsType 1 diabetesChildren Aged 6Min/dAdvisory PanelAge 9.9Hybrid closed-loop systemStandard therapyDays of useEligible participantsPercentage of timeCGM useAged 6Investigational deviceMedtronic MiniMedType 1DlTime 70Usual routineCareEli LillyOmnipodRisk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) in Adults with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D)
MEHTA S, WU M, FOSTER N, POP-BUSUI R, KATZ M, CRANDALL J, BACHA F, NADEAU K, LIBMAN I, HIERS P, MIZOKAMI-STOUT K, DIMEGLIO L, SHERR J, PRATLEY R, AGARWAL S, SNELL-BERGEON J, CENGIZ E, POLSKY S, SHAH V. Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) in Adults with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D). Diabetes 2018, 67 DOI: 10.2337/db18-15-lb.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCVD risk factorsIncident cardiovascular diseaseRisk factorsCardiovascular diseaseDiabetic nephropathyT1D Exchange Clinic RegistryTraditional CVD risk factorsEli LillyPediatric Diabetes ConsortiumBlood pressure medicationsIschemic heart diseaseImportant risk factorType 1 diabetesNon-fatal eventsNational InstituteYears of ageBoehringer Ingelheim PharmaceuticalsAdvisory PanelEisai Inc.MannKind CorporationDiabetes durationComposite outcomeHeart failureClinic registryContemporary cohortSafety and Performance of the Omnipod® Hybrid Closed-Loop System in Adults with Type 1 Diabetes over Five Days Under Free-Living Conditions
BUCKINGHAM B, SHERR J, FORLENZA G, PEYSER T, LEE J, OCONNOR J, DUMAIS B, HUYETT L, LAYNE J, LY T. Safety and Performance of the Omnipod® Hybrid Closed-Loop System in Adults with Type 1 Diabetes over Five Days Under Free-Living Conditions. Diabetes 2018, 67 DOI: 10.2337/db18-207-or.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchModerate-intensity exerciseDiabetes careGlycemic outcomesFree-living conditionsType 1 diabetesMin/dAdvisory PanelHybrid closed-loop systemStandard therapyDays of useEligible participantsPercentage of timeCGM useInvestigational deviceMedtronic MiniMedType 1DlTime 70Usual routineCareEli LillyOmnipodAdultsConcomitant reductionDaysIncreased HbA1c Variability May Shorten Time to Microalbuminuria Development in Type 1 Diabetes (T1D)
CLEMENTS M, WU M, FOSTER N, LAFFEL L, SHAH V, VENDRAME F, KINGMAN R, ALONSO G, CARLSON A, DESALVO D, BUCKINGHAM B, SHERR J, BENJAMIN R, EYTH E, DUBOSE S. Increased HbA1c Variability May Shorten Time to Microalbuminuria Development in Type 1 Diabetes (T1D). Diabetes 2018, 67 DOI: 10.2337/db18-26-lb.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchRisk of microalbuminuriaSD HbA1cDiabetes careT1D Exchange Clinic RegistryShorter diabetes durationSpeakers bureauType 1 diabetesAge of diagnosisEli LillyBoehringer Ingelheim PharmaceuticalsAdvisory PanelMannKind CorporationMicroalbuminuria developmentSanofi USDiabetes durationMean HbA1cT1D durationRenal diseaseClinic registryRegistry enrollmentClinic visit recordsT1D populationMedian numberMicroalbuminuriaDiabetes Institute