Bri Yeskey
Class of 2025
Hello! Bonjour! Namaste! My name is Bri Yeskey, and I am a Physician Associate (PA) student originally from Detroit. I went to college at the University of Michigan where I studied anthropology, French, and Hindi. After graduating, I taught English in India as a Fulbright Fellow. Within YSM, I conduct research on the intersection of eating disorders and LGBTQ+ youth. In my free time, you can find me at the gym training for my next powerlifting meet, or in the gardens tending to my dahlias. I also love roller skating, running, walking in nature (I guess some people call it 'hiking'), skiing, solo traveling, thrifting/estate sales, and my cats--Gogo and Junie. You are absolutely welcome to call or text me at any time of the day, sunup or sundown. I’m here for you.