“Those who attended the February Alumni Day activities at the School of Medicine were privileged to hear a stimulating panel discussion on ‘Recent Advances in Cardiovascular Surgery at Yale.’ This program was arranged and moderated by Dr. William W.L. Glenn, associate director of surgery, who heads the section of cardiovascular surgery. …
“The growth of cardiovascular surgery at Yale has been possible through the integrated efforts and cooperation of various departments in the School of Medicine, and it was not possible to include all who have been active in this important field. …
“Recent advances in the diagnosis of heart disease in the adult were reviewed by Dr. Allan V.N. Goodyer (’42), associate professor of medicine, who heads the cardiovascular section of the Department of Medicine. He was followed by Dr. Richard L. Barach (’49), assistant professor of radiology, who presented a remarkable motion picture taken during fluoroscopy to illustrate cineangiography in the diagnosis of congenital heart disease. Features of various anomalies amenable to right heart bypass were discussed by Dr. Marie J. Browne, clinical fellow in rheumatic fever and heart disease, of the Department of Pediatrics.
“In conclusion, Dr. Glenn contributed some observations on the breadth and scope of cardiac surgery. A pump oxygenator (heart-lung machine) currently being used in open heart surgery was demonstrated. As a special bonus, Dr. Alexander Mauro, assistant professor of physiology, was called upon to describe a newly developed electronic cardiac pacemaker. … which recently underwent its first clinical trial successfully.”