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Web Strategy Tips for 2024

November 06, 2023

5 quick steps to improve your website and prepare for T5

As the YSM Communications Office is busy planning and creating the infrastructure to publish the school’s next generation, user-focused website, you can start preparing for the transition now. Not only will this make fitting your content into the new model easier, but it will also improve your site’s performance and visibility now.

Here are 5 steps for your 2024 web goals:

  1. Remove old content such as archival material
    • Anything older than 5 years
    • Past events and photo galleries of those events
    • Archival videos
  2. Remove low traffic pages
    • We will work with you to identify these pages through Google Analytics
    • These pages tend to be pages with lots of text that do not contain any call to action (CTA), for example to apply to a program or fill out a form for information
  3. Convert to the Beatrix Newsletter tool with the automatic archive
    • Remove PDFs and links to other platforms like Constant Contact or Yale Message links that expire
  4. Optimize Landing Pages and priority recruitment pages via Semrush and submit tickets for the web team to implement the changes
  5. Identify internal content and start planning to move it to a Sharepoint Intranet.
    • If visitors need to log in to see it, it should be on your intranet
    • Even if the pages are currently public, if the content is only relevant for people within Yale University, it also should move to an intranet