Dorsolateral prefrontal lesions and oculomotor delayed-response performance: evidence for mnemonic "scotomas"
Funahashi S, Bruce C, Goldman-Rakic P. Dorsolateral prefrontal lesions and oculomotor delayed-response performance: evidence for mnemonic "scotomas". Journal Of Neuroscience 1993, 13: 1479-1497. PMID: 8463830, PMCID: PMC6576716, DOI: 10.1523/jneurosci.13-04-01479.1993.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMemory-guided eye movementsPrefrontal lesionsPrefrontal cortexEye movementsDelay periodDelayed-response deficitsDorsolateral prefrontal lesionsDelayed-response performancePeripheral visual cuesDelayed-response paradigmFrontal eye field regionVisual field locationsSaccadic reaction timesUnilateral lesionsSpatial memory functionIpsilateral cuesMonkey prefrontal cortexODR taskOpposite hemifieldSpatial cuesVisual cuesSimple sensoryMemory mechanismsMemory deficitsVisual targetsSmooth eye movements elicited by microstimulation in the primate frontal eye field
Gottlieb J, Bruce C, MacAvoy M. Smooth eye movements elicited by microstimulation in the primate frontal eye field. Journal Of Neurophysiology 1993, 69: 786-799. PMID: 8385195, DOI: 10.1152/jn.1993.69.3.786.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSmooth eye movementsFrontal eye field regionFixation targetEye movementsStimulation intensityPursuit systemPrimate frontal eye fieldCortex. 5Frontal eye fieldPeak velocityTrains of stimulationAverage peak velocityDegrees/sStationary fixation targetIpsilateral movementsMs. 2Principal sulcusEye velocityRetinal slipAdult monkeysElectrical stimulationEye fieldPosterior bankElectrode penetrationsStimulation site
Mnemonic coding of visual space in the monkey's dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
Funahashi S, Bruce C, Goldman-Rakic P. Mnemonic coding of visual space in the monkey's dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Journal Of Neurophysiology 1989, 61: 331-349. PMID: 2918358, DOI: 10.1152/jn.1989.61.2.331.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDelay-period activityDorsolateral prefrontal cortexPS neuronsPrefrontal cortexPrincipal sulcusDirectional delay-period activityMonkey dorsolateral prefrontal cortexSpontaneous rateFrontal eye field regionOculomotor delayed-response taskSpatial memory functionPeriod activityCue directionSaccadic eye movementsOculomotor behaviorPrimate prefrontal cortexSubsequent delay periodTask-related activityVisual field locationsExcitatory responsesMost neuronsAnterior bankArcuate sulcusInhibitory responsesFixation target