Simon Eickoff “Technical, conceptual and practical considerations on neuroimaging-based precision medicine”
March 07, 2023Information
- ID
- 9603
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- 00:06Next try. Where were we?
- 00:10Ohh, we were at the topic of connectome
- 00:12based predictive predictive modeling
- 00:14and just to get an idea how many
- 00:17of you have used it or using it,
- 00:19just great hands.
- 00:20OK, so it's a very popular topic.
- 00:23That's great.
- 00:24So I don't really need to explain for why
- 00:28since it was really pioneered here by there.
- 00:31But yeah guys,
- 00:32it's been a matter of steam and speed,
- 00:36one of the most exciting fields that we have.
- 00:39OK. If you're the science,
- 00:40I mean it's amazing what you can do,
- 00:41right, starting from this paradigmatic
- 00:44brain age where I think most of the
- 00:48development is happening and we
- 00:51see fantastic results and we have
- 00:53something that robustly works with
- 00:55a lot of different living entities.
- 00:58And in fact what I always find most
- 01:01of trading is and I think from the
- 01:04medical perspective that's interesting.
- 01:06I mean with age you can kind of if
- 01:08you are an experienced radiologists.
- 01:10Or just somebody who looks at
- 01:11why you're just quite a bit.
- 01:13You can more or less tell by who is
- 01:15the old and who is the young person.
- 01:18But what about these two scales do you buy?
- 01:21Eye can distinguish what's
- 01:24different between these two people.
- 01:26Well, one is a male, one is a female brain,
- 01:28and you all, even the most experience of you,
- 01:32just have a guessing chance.
- 01:34Well that's not the case.
- 01:36Or image based prediction where you can.
- 01:40Quite easily and quite nicely
- 01:42assigned separately for agenda to the
- 01:45images with very good probabilities.
- 01:48And obviously we are in our all pushing
- 01:51towards clinical application behaviors,
- 01:53the subtyping of psychiatric patients,
- 01:57individual prediction of symptom loads
- 02:00and the big holy rail at the end that
- 02:04obviously pretty cheap even into the
- 02:07future for example therapeutic success so.
- 02:10It's no wonder that this
- 02:12is used by so many people.
- 02:14It just has an amazing capability
- 02:17and it's such an exciting field.
- 02:20Let me start with thrush,
- 02:23but a little bit of that already
- 02:25onto the picture.
- 02:26And we did this with a survey that was
- 02:30published last year on phenotype prediction.
- 02:33And if you look over the years,
- 02:35yes,
- 02:35it's a quickly exploded field and
- 02:38the sample sizes do grow quite a bit
- 02:42for the key accuracies actually start
- 02:45to grow up a bit over the years.
- 02:48In fact, they grew up quite a bit.
- 02:51Over the years,
- 02:52and that's particularly true if people
- 02:54use an external validation set.
- 02:57Ohh well, we can hopefully live with that.
- 03:01But what do you think about this?
- 03:03We just have to look at how various
- 03:06factors of the study design influence
- 03:09prediction accuracy.
- 03:10And it seems in fact, yeah,
- 03:13that does make more of a difference
- 03:15than you would really like, right.
- 03:18So there's a little bit of clouds
- 03:21coming up over the mountain.
- 03:24And now I come to the main form part
- 03:26of my talk, which is then the big.
- 03:30No install.
- 03:31No, well, not that bad,
- 03:33but I just want to throw out
- 03:36a few thoughts and I'm very
- 03:38happy to discuss them with you.
- 03:40Then after this presentation and
- 03:42during the rest of the conference
- 03:44and we start at the very bottom,
- 03:47what if anything is my data.
- 03:50So here we are looking at
- 03:52voxel based morphometry,
- 03:54something that has been around for
- 03:56about 20 years and there are I think
- 03:59about 1000 to 2000 EBM studies that.
- 04:02Already published and you would certainly
- 04:04guess it's a very well established
- 04:07solid standard technique, right?
- 04:09Well, we had a little bit of a
- 04:12closer look and just set up a couple
- 04:15of pipelines that differ whether
- 04:18you use stunt stripping using end
- 04:20or bench or they have cut version,
- 04:24what kind of segmentation you use,
- 04:26which template and registration
- 04:28mode and that gives us in the
- 04:30end this sort of roughly.
- 04:32Wasn't different pipeline versions
- 04:34and what I'm showing you here now
- 04:38is for each region in the brain.
- 04:40So these are the the chef up parcels,
- 04:44the average correlation between
- 04:47individual Gray matter volumes
- 04:50per subject across pipelines.
- 04:53So you see that for relations.
- 04:55For example here the bright low
- 04:58across different BM pipelines,
- 05:01individual Gray matter volumes
- 05:04correlate in the range of about .3.
- 05:09Even in the best regions,
- 05:12which are here sort of around the
- 05:14singlet and the medial temporal lobe,
- 05:16we reach something about .7
- 05:20correlation between pipelines.
- 05:22Same subjects and it's all just simple VM.
- 05:28No, that's a small change,
- 05:31but when in fact it may actually not
- 05:33even be that much of a small change.
- 05:36But how much of an effect does it have?
- 05:39Well?
- 05:41Small changes,
- 05:42even small changes can have
- 05:44rather big effects and that's
- 05:46illustrated here in a paper from
- 05:48Shaman that's just being published.
- 05:50We actually tried different
- 05:52processing pipeline,
- 05:53different prediction pipelines for brain
- 05:55age prediction and brain age really
- 05:58is about the easiest test case, right.
- 06:00We have a lot of subjects.
- 06:02It's a fairly non ambiguous target measure.
- 06:06So what we've seen in the last slide
- 06:09is that our data itself is rather.
- 06:12Baby, now to make things easy,
- 06:15we use the same data,
- 06:17so we're not having a problem
- 06:19from the last slide.
- 06:20And they're just different
- 06:22prediction pipelines,
- 06:23all standard good and validated.
- 06:26And that's what you see in terms
- 06:28of rain age prediction accuracy
- 06:31across different pipelines.
- 06:33And there's really just minor differences.
- 06:36It's not like we using completely
- 06:39different architectures.
- 06:39It's all of the standard stuff,
- 06:41but you from the same data.
- 06:43Can have a meat average error and
- 06:46consolidation from less than five
- 06:48years which is good to about six
- 06:51years which is not so good and easily
- 06:53above 7 years as well with other pipelines.
- 06:57And this is already in a setting
- 06:59where it's always the same data,
- 07:01the same subject and in particular it's
- 07:04very easy case because we're using a
- 07:08very non ambiguous target measure,
- 07:10but unfortunately most of the
- 07:12cases that we are really
- 07:14interested in. They are not so easy.
- 07:18In particular, most of the philosophical
- 07:21targets we're looking at actually
- 07:24do not have such a fantastic both
- 07:28reliability and in some cases,
- 07:30objectivity and validity.
- 07:32And thanks to Martin sitting there,
- 07:35will explain a lot more detail in
- 07:37his post that night at the reception.
- 07:40We just made the whole thing a bit
- 07:44worse because now looking at the
- 07:47reliability of your target measure
- 07:49and the influence on accuracy.
- 07:51So remember your data is already
- 07:53problematic because it depends
- 07:55on the processing pipeline.
- 07:57Small changes in the prediction pipeline,
- 07:59even in a perfect setting,
- 08:00can introduce quite some
- 08:02differences in accuracy.
- 08:04And this is what happens if we go
- 08:06into The Dirty reality with not
- 08:09particularly reliable target measures.
- 08:12And we can see that from a
- 08:14pace from perfect reliability.
- 08:17So you see the accuracies for different
- 08:19training set sizes with perfect
- 08:20reliability and and they're not too bad,
- 08:23right?
- 08:23They're kind of in the range
- 08:25for what you see in many papers.
- 08:27And in fact, if the uh,
- 08:29reliability drops to about .5,
- 08:32then basically your accuracy
- 08:34goes away completely.
- 08:36And conversely,
- 08:38the less reliable your target measure is,
- 08:44the larger the training size you
- 08:47need for some useful accuracy.
- 08:50And if you put this together,
- 08:53then really anything that.
- 08:56It is in the typical range of self.
- 09:02Collective data is already
- 09:04rather problematic.
- 09:07OK, let's move on and say we need
- 09:10big data and in fact HCP was a
- 09:14good start but it's too small.
- 09:16But now we have UK Biobank,
- 09:19we now can see how things scale up
- 09:21and they should scale up well, right?
- 09:23And we hope, really hope it
- 09:25gets better with more data.
- 09:27That's what I meant.
- 09:29Looked at and we looked at the
- 09:33estimation of individual cognitive
- 09:34processing speed from resting state MRI.
- 09:37Something quite so effect this cognitive
- 09:40measures have fairly good reliability.
- 09:44And if you start to work
- 09:47with psychopathology skills,
- 09:49if you start to work with personality scores,
- 09:52you wish you would have stuck
- 09:54to commutative measures.
- 09:55OK now let's let's see what sort
- 09:57of all of these standardized and
- 10:00good resting state based prediction
- 10:03of processing speed from from Roy.
- 10:05What do we get?
- 10:07Well, we get a lot of jumping and
- 10:09jumping up to about 1000 subjects,
- 10:12which is kind of expected.
- 10:14And then and I think that's something
- 10:18quite relieving and I would say
- 10:21very reassuring that from about
- 10:231000 subjects we do see a monotonic
- 10:27increase in prediction accuracy and in
- 10:30fact also the order of the different.
- 10:34Models of the different ways of
- 10:37how we quantify resting state,
- 10:39they actually say quite honestly.
- 10:41So is that something that most
- 10:43of you would be happy with?
- 10:45Yeah, right. How about this?
- 10:48That's the prediction accuracy
- 10:49purely from the conference page
- 10:516 and intracerebral volume.
- 10:57Right, that's exactly the point.
- 10:59It's a big arch and in fact if
- 11:01you want to look at the preprint,
- 11:03we did this for a lot of different behaviors
- 11:07and you guess it is a very consistent
- 11:10pattern no matter what we look at.
- 11:12In fact those of you have
- 11:14been around for a bit.
- 11:16Do you remember the complete the 88th St.
- 11:19competition at OHM where the top prediction.
- 11:24Because the the the the depression.
- 11:28The competency was about 65% and
- 11:32the 2nd place the run up with 64%
- 11:35was only using the conference.
- 11:36So we're doing actually quite well with
- 11:40with the conference which is interesting.
- 11:43Now let's revisit some of the data
- 11:45I thought was very cool earlier on,
- 11:47which is about the, the, the sex prediction.
- 11:52Because remember there was
- 11:53this sort of proud say,
- 11:55we could do more than any radiologist.
- 11:57And in fact, yes,
- 11:58we do get a good classification rate.
- 12:00And the problem is if you look
- 12:02closer at the whole thing,
- 12:03you see that we actually just really
- 12:06classify on total brain volume to be honest.
- 12:09So again, this is something that is.
- 12:13Strongly driven by by confounds.
- 12:15Now many people could say,
- 12:16well in that case you could
- 12:19read just to confirm removal.
- 12:21Yes, we did a confront removal and what
- 12:24happens is that in this case we're
- 12:27not predicting until the brain volume
- 12:29anymore obviously because we removed it,
- 12:32but we're also not predicting
- 12:33very much else anymore.
- 12:34So prediction massively drops and
- 12:36then sort of a glimmer of hope if
- 12:39you start to work with things like
- 12:41matching and confront progression.
- 12:43You can get somewhat better,
- 12:46but you're always staying worse than
- 12:49what you can get with the conference.
- 12:52Is that specific to binary classifications?
- 12:55Well by now you should probably know,
- 12:57but I think this is a very
- 12:59illustrative case here.
- 13:00It's not brain based,
- 13:01it's just based on behavioral data.
- 13:04From there comma looking at hand grips,
- 13:07friends, sorry, it's from T1 and one.
- 13:10So if you predict handgrip strength
- 13:13from T1 MRI, we're getting quite a nice,
- 13:16pretty cheap if you.
- 13:20Go to sex specific models because you know,
- 13:22there's sort of this fundamental
- 13:24difference between men and female.
- 13:26Then yeah, that's still not bad.
- 13:28And regression of .27 you can probably
- 13:31live with now if you remove all
- 13:35the other confounds such as size,
- 13:38body weight and so on.
- 13:41Let's say the prediction becomes
- 13:43a little bit less important.
- 13:45In fact,
- 13:46there is nothing left anymore that you
- 13:49can predict when accounting for all
- 13:53these kind of anthropometric conforms.
- 13:59But. Is all of this is really
- 14:03surprising and we talked about
- 14:05this last night versus Thomas.
- 14:07There is some positive in that all
- 14:11of our behavior, all of our biology,
- 14:15all of us really live in a
- 14:18rather low dimensional state.
- 14:20We can and for those of you who dealt with
- 14:22the UK Biobank in some detail know it.
- 14:25We can get thousands,
- 14:27thousands and thousands of measures on.
- 14:30Everyone of you, right?
- 14:32All of these phenotypical medical
- 14:35anthropometric and so on details.
- 14:39But we as people don't vary in
- 14:43100,000 different dimensions,
- 14:45but rather into individual variability
- 14:48is rather low dimensional.
- 14:51And this has a positive in some
- 14:55way as familiar and in state,
- 14:57because then you can use things like
- 15:01transfer learning to actually learn,
- 15:03train the model on one behavior and
- 15:05then also Co predict other behaviors.
- 15:08That's good.
- 15:09But in another way,
- 15:10that means that we do need to
- 15:13rethink what we consider confirm.
- 15:16I think we are all.
- 15:18Most of us are from the youngest ones here.
- 15:21We've all grown up in the sort
- 15:24of more simplistic view.
- 15:26That's the thing I want to predict.
- 15:28And these are the two confirms
- 15:31and I remove them or adjust for
- 15:33them and life is good.
- 15:35Well,
- 15:36once you hit the stage
- 15:38where you have hundreds,
- 15:40thousands of information on each subject,
- 15:43then this old simple and convenient
- 15:46truths does not hold anymore.
- 15:49Now basically everything is a confound
- 15:52and most likely no feature has any
- 15:56information that goes beyond all of
- 15:58the confounds that are available.
- 16:02Why exactly?
- 16:03Because I want I said earlier.
- 16:06The dimensions are variations are rather few.
- 16:09So there is nothing that can be unlikely,
- 16:12nothing that can be specifically
- 16:14predicted by one particular feature
- 16:16that is not also captured by
- 16:19some combination of conference.
- 16:20So human variability is likely lower
- 16:23dimensional and hence I think we need
- 16:27to reconsider our ideas of confounds.
- 16:29And rather we now feel that confounds
- 16:32should be seen as a gradient
- 16:35starting from something that is very
- 16:38avoidable like get some sampling.
- 16:41All the patients are scanned on
- 16:43one scanner or the controls are
- 16:45scanned on the other scanner
- 16:47when that's something that's sort
- 16:49of very simple and avoidable.
- 16:51Then you have these things that
- 16:53are somewhat implausible but
- 16:55may have a biological link.
- 16:57So one of my favorites from the UK
- 16:59Biobank is that their GWAS hits or how
- 17:02often do you have baking breakfast?
- 17:05Yeah,
- 17:05it it it seems impossible to kind of laugh,
- 17:07but then you think about,
- 17:08well,
- 17:08maybe it has something to do
- 17:10with some sensitivity of saline
- 17:12receptors and and so there there
- 17:13could be some biological link.
- 17:15It's just quite implausible.
- 17:17Then there are things that are likely
- 17:21reflections of the same latent dimensions.
- 17:24A lot of cognitive scores,
- 17:25for example,
- 17:26are intercorrelated because it's like
- 17:29this one big factor of cognitive
- 17:32speed that really underlines virtually
- 17:34anything that has a reaction time.
- 17:37Then you probably have variables
- 17:39that are driven by a
- 17:42common factor and last but not least,
- 17:45things that are effectively
- 17:47measurement of the same biology.
- 17:49Now what is important is that this
- 17:53confound gradient is independent of the
- 17:56statistical strength of the compound.
- 17:59So this is what they are.
- 18:01Comma is that moment riding up
- 18:03and we hope we have the preprint
- 18:05out very soon is really to.
- 18:07Consider confounds as a 2D continuum,
- 18:11as the conceptual continuum from,
- 18:14as I said, bad sampling to you're
- 18:16in the fact in fact measuring
- 18:18more or less the same thing and
- 18:20the statistical continuum of how
- 18:23strongly something is associated.
- 18:25And just to complicate things a bit,
- 18:27more likely these things
- 18:28are even less like gender,
- 18:30for example,
- 18:31as part of this sort of super conference that
- 18:34influences a lot of other ones downstream.
- 18:37Now, why is that important?
- 18:40Why is it not just?
- 18:41Well,
- 18:42as long as we get good prediction accuracies,
- 18:44we should be happy.
- 18:46Well, it becomes quickly a problem
- 18:50if your conference structure
- 18:52differs between training and tests,
- 18:55or differs between different
- 18:57subpopulations of the test set.
- 18:59So that's work there,
- 19:03for example.
- 19:05Anything that shows that conviction
- 19:07accuracy systematically varies between
- 19:09African and white American participants
- 19:11from some of the larger US databases,
- 19:14and in fact it does service
- 19:17to offset and slope and so on.
- 19:20So basically in some way you
- 19:24could argue that these confound
- 19:26continuum 2D confirm continuum
- 19:28is a problem if you want to do
- 19:31some mechanistic cause insurance,
- 19:33but you wouldn't need to worry so much.
- 19:35So if it's just prediction accuracy and I
- 19:38hope this provides the counter argument.
- 19:41Because we cannot assume that the
- 19:44confound structure and cost structure
- 19:46is the same between training and test,
- 19:50in particular within subpopulations
- 19:52of a later applications.
- 19:54That this becomes a super big
- 19:57problem when it comes to bias,
- 19:59fairness and discrimination.
- 20:01And this then will quickly lead
- 20:05when it comes to application to the
- 20:08question of why and the we called.
- 20:12Show me the evidence problem
- 20:15and and here we have something.
- 20:16When we then particularly think about
- 20:19the medical application and we'll
- 20:21just briefly scratch that topic,
- 20:23we can talk about this more.
- 20:26For example,
- 20:27at the reception we have a
- 20:29particular problem when it comes
- 20:31to medical applications.
- 20:32The thing is that here we need
- 20:36to have an explanation towards.
- 20:41That Lady, not just the developer,
- 20:43it's not just the developer,
- 20:46it's not just the regulation bodies,
- 20:49it's not just the physicians.
- 20:51But in the end for medical application
- 20:54you need to be able to at least to some
- 20:59degree also convey your evidence to this,
- 21:02so to speak and customer.
- 21:04And they will be the same skeptic,
- 21:07right?
- 21:09Because.
- 21:10They don't really know what
- 21:12to do with this information.
- 21:13Now what's the difference between
- 21:16this very precise and very verifiable
- 21:19information you this year that the
- 21:22the physician saying give you higher
- 21:25powers and what you're complaining
- 21:27about no would recommend X.
- 21:30The key difference here is what
- 21:33is termed the connection into
- 21:35the web of beliefs.
- 21:37So this does not resonate with.
- 21:40Any experience, any feeling,
- 21:43any intersection that the patient has,
- 21:47it is an abstract information
- 21:49that has no connection with the
- 21:51existing web properties and hence
- 21:54it will not be seen as evidence.
- 21:57Whereas this, even if it's unreliable if
- 22:00it's maybe even more or less made-up.
- 22:03This resonates and this is something
- 22:06that will make the patient feel confident
- 22:08and that your treatment of soon.
- 22:11And then we have this huge gap there.
- 22:14And I think this is just something
- 22:16together with some of the other things
- 22:19that we built with friends that are more
- 22:22from the philosophy that I think are
- 22:25important to cut our enthusiasm a bit,
- 22:28just having a good prediction on it even if
- 22:32we could overcome all of the other problems.
- 22:34And then she will likely not result
- 22:37in something that is actually usable
- 22:41in practice because you do meet
- 22:44resistance that is not technical.
- 22:46And with that,
- 22:47I would like to close and hope I set
- 22:51the stage for the for the upcoming
- 22:53talks on connect on predictive modeling.
- 22:56Thank everybody who's been involved,
- 22:58in particular the groups by Saginaw and.