Yury M. Morozov, PhD
Research Scientist in NeuroscienceCards
Research Scientist in Neuroscience
Many years of experience in worldwide laboratories (Russia, France, Norway and Hungary) lend to expertise in the methods of scanning and transmission electron microscopy including pre- and post-embedding immunolabeling. This also let me introduce to Yale the method of three-dimensional reconstruction of large cell fragments such as neuron cell bodies or processes from serial electron micrographs.
Research ScientistPrimary
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Education & Training
- Stipendiary of IBRO research fellowship
- Institute of Experimental Medicine, Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Budapest, Hungary. (2003)
- PhD
- National Phytopatholgy Research Institute (1991)
Medical Research Interests
Central Nervous System; Neurodegenerative Diseases
News & Links
- Mitochondrial initiated but unfinished fission in cerebral neurons correlates with the age of non-human primate.
- Transformation of interneurons migrating through the hippocampal dentate gyrus.
- Cannabinoid type 1 receptor (red) is colocalized with CCK (yellow), but not parvalbumin (green) in the hippocampal basket axons.
- Correlative light/electron microscopy of growth cone of cerebral projection neuron.
- 3D reconstruction of dividing cell in macaque embryo cerebrum.
- 3D reconstruction of a spiny dendrite.
- Heterogeneity of GFAP content in dividing cells from macaque embryo cerebral ventricular zone.
- Cannabinoid type 1 receptor (red) is well-detectable in migrating neurons from macaque, but not mouse, cerebral cortex.
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