Gender and non‐medical use of prescription opioids: results from a national US survey*
Tetrault JM, Desai RA, Becker WC, Fiellin DA, Concato J, Sullivan LE. Gender and non‐medical use of prescription opioids: results from a national US survey*. Addiction 2007, 103: 258-268. PMID: 18042194, DOI: 10.1111/j.1360-0443.2007.02056.x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPast-year non-medical useNon-medical usePrescription opioidsDrug useSedative/tranquilizer useIllicit drug use disordersAlcohol abuse/dependenceDrug use disordersSerious mental illnessAbuse/dependenceIllicit drug useIllicit substance useSelf-reported alcoholGender-specific factorsCigarette smokingPrescription medicationsRisk factorsOpioidsUse disordersTranquilizer useGender-related factorsMental illnessUS residenceGreater riskSubstance use
Injury related infant death: the impact of race and birth weight
Jain A, Khoshnood B, Lee K, Concato J. Injury related infant death: the impact of race and birth weight. Injury Prevention 2001, 7: 135. PMID: 11428561, PMCID: PMC1730711, DOI: 10.1136/ip.7.2.135.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsLow birthweight babiesBirth weightUnintentional injuriesRisk factorsOdds ratioSociodemographic factorsBirthweight babiesRisk of homicideInfant deathHigh riskImportant independent risk factorEffect of raceAfrican AmericansIndependent risk factorPreventable risk factorsAdjusted odds ratioRisk of deathMexican-American infantsLast pregnancyAlcohol intakePrenatal careMaternal ageMaternal raceInfant injuriesInfant's birth