Neurodevelopmental Disorders: Stereotypical Movement Disorders and Tic Disorders
Vitulano L, Vitulano M, King R, Yazgan M, Leckman J. Neurodevelopmental Disorders: Stereotypical Movement Disorders and Tic Disorders. 2024, 1685-1707. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-51366-5_45.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchDevelopmental coordination disorderStereotypic movement disorderTic disordersCoordination disorderMotor skillsBest practice assessmentsNeurodevelopmental disorder groupMotor disordersMovement disordersSelf-bitingHead bangingNeurobiological disorderMotor behaviorHand flappingDisordersPractical assessmentEarly-onsetNonrhythmic movementsChildrenGroup of conditionsJerking movementsMagnetic resonance imaging techniquesSkillsIndividualsAn evaluation of treatment response and remission definitions in adult obsessive-compulsive disorder: A systematic review and individual-patient data meta-analysis
Ramakrishnan D, Farhat L, Vattimo E, Levine J, Johnson J, Artukoglu B, Landeros-Weisenberger A, Zangen A, Pelissolo A, de B Pereira C, Rück C, Costa D, Mataix-Cols D, Shannahoff-Khalsa D, Tolin D, Zarean E, Meyer E, Hawken E, Storch E, Andersson E, Miguel E, Maina G, Leckman J, Sarris J, March J, Diniz J, Kobak K, Mallet L, Vulink N, Amiaz R, Fernandes R, Shavitt R, Wilhelm S, Golshan S, Tezenas du Montcel S, Erzegovesi S, Baruah U, Greenberg W, Kobayashi Y, Bloch M. An evaluation of treatment response and remission definitions in adult obsessive-compulsive disorder: A systematic review and individual-patient data meta-analysis. Journal Of Psychiatric Research 2024, 173: 387-397. PMID: 38598877, DOI: 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2024.03.044.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsYale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive ScaleObsessive-compulsive disorderCGI-IRandomized-controlled trialsAdult obsessive-compulsive disorderClinical Global Impression ImprovementObsessive-Compulsive ScaleTreatment responseIndividual-patient data meta-analysisPosttreatment scoresEvaluation of treatment responseMeta-analysis of randomized-controlled trialsFirst-line therapyCGIIndividual participant dataMeta-analysisNovel treatment modalitiesExpert consensusIndividual participant data meta-analysisSystematic reviewDisordersData meta-analysisPosttreatmentRemission definitionsImpressive improvement
Cognitive training for children with ADHD: composite cognitive score outcome in a randomized controlled trial
Bikic A, Dalsgaard S, Pittman B, Leckman J, Wexler B. Cognitive training for children with ADHD: composite cognitive score outcome in a randomized controlled trial. Nordic Journal Of Psychiatry 2023, 78: 87-91. PMID: 37905332, DOI: 10.1080/08039488.2023.2270954.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAttention-deficit/hyperactivity disorderCognitive trainingDeficit/hyperactivity disorderComposite cognition scoreSessions of trainingCognitive functioningHyperactivity disorderCognitive improvementCognition scoresTraining sessionsMixed resultsFrequency of trainingTrainingChildrenSessionsIntervention groupCognitionInterventionFunctioningPost Hoc AnalysisScore outcomesControl groupPrevious studiesDisordersOutcomesNeurodevelopmental Disorders: Stereotypical Movement Disorders and Tic Disorders
Vitulano L, Vitulano M, King R, Yazgan M, Leckman J. Neurodevelopmental Disorders: Stereotypical Movement Disorders and Tic Disorders. 2023, 1-23. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-42825-9_45-1.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchStereotypic movement disorderTic disordersDevelopmental coordination disorderMovement disordersMotor disordersCoordination disorderMotor skillsNeurodevelopmental disorder groupMagnetic resonance imaging techniquesBest practice assessmentHead bangingHand flappingNeurobiological disorderDisorder groupMotor behaviorDisordersNonrhythmic movementsSuch childrenPractice assessmentUnwanted attentionChildrenImaging techniquesSkillsYearsRecurrent
A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study of Tic Suppression in Tourette Syndrome
Peterson B, Shudlarski P, Anderson A, Zhang H, Gatenby J, Lacadie C, Leckman J, Gore J. A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study of Tic Suppression in Tourette Syndrome. 2022, 198-205. DOI: 10.4324/9780203822937-19.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMRI signal changesFunctional MRI signal changesFunctional debilityTourette syndromeTic suppressionNeuropsychiatric disordersNormal brain processesMagnetic resonance imaging studyResonance imaging studyFunctional magnetic resonance imaging studySignal changesFrequent causeBlood flowNeuronal activityImaging studiesStatistical significanceSignificant increaseSyndromeBehavioral problemsDebilityDisordersFailed inhibitionBrain processesImpulse controlIndirect measureA Family Study of Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome
Pauls D, Raymond C, Stevenson J, Leckman J. A Family Study of Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome. 2022, 64-73. DOI: 10.4324/9780203822937-6.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchObsessive-compulsive disorderTourette syndromeChronic ticsTS probandsGilles deFirst-degree relativesRelatives of probandsRelatives of controlsFamilies of probandsBiological relativesMorbid riskNormal subjectsNormal probandsFamilial disorderSyndromeProbandsCompulsive disorderFamily studiesTotal sampleDisordersPresent studyFurther evidenceRelativesPrevious studiesControl samplesTourette's Syndrome: When Habit-Forming Systems Form Habits of Their Own?
Leckman J, Riddlet M. Tourette's Syndrome: When Habit-Forming Systems Form Habits of Their Own? 2022, 153-158. DOI: 10.4324/9780203822937-15.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSocial and Adaptive Functioning in Tourette Syndrome
Sukhodolsky D, Kalvin C, Artukoğlu B, Eicher V, Leckman J. Social and Adaptive Functioning in Tourette Syndrome. 2022, 391-404. DOI: 10.1093/med/9780197543214.003.0023.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAdaptive functioningAttention-deficit/hyperactivity disorderTourette syndromeThorough clinical assessmentCo-occurring disordersHyperactivity disorderQuality of lifePsychosocial interventionsClinical assessmentBehavioral disordersSymptom severityFunctioningStandardized ratingsDisordersActive investigationImpairmentSyndromeSeverityNeuroimmunoendocrinology of Tourette Syndrome
Martino D, Johnson I, Escobar A, Leckman J. Neuroimmunoendocrinology of Tourette Syndrome. 2022, 257-276. DOI: 10.1093/med/9780197543214.003.0016.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchTourette syndromeImmune-modulatory interventionsImmune competent cellsGeneration of ticsCortico-subcortical circuitsNormal brain developmentNeuroimmune interactionsKey molecular pathwaysGut dysbiosisAllergic illnessHigh riskImmune pathwaysPostnatal lifeTherapeutic interventionsImmune primingImmune systemRelated disordersNeural circuitsBrain developmentNeurodevelopmental disordersDisordersMolecular pathwaysSyndromeDate summaryMolecular mechanisms
47.1 What Does Immunology Have to Do With Normal Brain Development and the Pathophysiology Underlying Tourette's Disorder, OCD, and ADHD?
Johnson I, Martino D, Leckman J. 47.1 What Does Immunology Have to Do With Normal Brain Development and the Pathophysiology Underlying Tourette's Disorder, OCD, and ADHD? Journal Of The American Academy Of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 2021, 60: s246. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaac.2021.09.368.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Empiric Recurrence Risk Estimates for Chronic Tic Disorders: Implications for Genetic Counseling
Heiman GA, Rispoli J, Seymour C, Leckman JF, King RA, Fernandez TV. Empiric Recurrence Risk Estimates for Chronic Tic Disorders: Implications for Genetic Counseling. Frontiers In Neurology 2020, 11: 770. PMID: 32849224, PMCID: PMC7432137, DOI: 10.3389/fneur.2020.00770.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchChronic tic disorderRecurrence risk estimatesTic disordersRecurrence riskTourette's disorderRisk estimatesNeuropsychiatric disordersPopulation-based family studyGenetic counselingFirst-degree relativesQuality of lifeFamily studiesVocal ticsPopulation prevalenceFamilial recurrence riskSuch counselingGenetic testingDisordersRiskCounselingEmpiric recurrence riskGenetic variantsRange of risksHeterogeneous genetic architectureComorbidities
What does immunology have to do with brain development and neuropsychiatric disorders?
Leckman J, Alvarenga P, Ravagnani B, Johnson I. What does immunology have to do with brain development and neuropsychiatric disorders? Revista De Medicina 2019, 98: 241-253. DOI: 10.11606/issn.1679-9836.v98i4p241-253.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchImmune systemNormal brain developmentBrain developmentNeuropsychiatric disordersNeural circuitsGut-brain axisRelevant review articlesAutism spectrum disorderObsessive-compulsive disorderBody of evidenceImmune cellsMood disordersValid biomarkersSubset of individualsTourette syndromeNovel interventionsNeurodegenerative disordersPersonalized approachLiterature searchDisordersMultiple biological systemsPathobiologyNeural developmentTraditional literature searchIndividual microbiomes
Attention and executive functions computer training for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): results from a randomized, controlled trial
Bikic A, Leckman JF, Christensen TØ, Bilenberg N, Dalsgaard S. Attention and executive functions computer training for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): results from a randomized, controlled trial. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 2018, 27: 1563-1574. PMID: 29644473, DOI: 10.1007/s00787-018-1151-y.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAttention-deficit/hyperactivity disorderCognitive functionMultiple cognitive functionsComputer training programCognitive trainingHyperactivity disorderComputer trainingTraining programOutcome measuresFunctional outcome measuresIntervention groupTrainingChildrenAttentionMeasuresSecondary outcome measuresDate of registrationControl groupSignificant beneficial effectDisordersInterventionSingle-blind trialSignificant effectOutcomesTrialsChapter 49 Genetic susceptibility in obsessive-compulsive disorder
Fernandez TV, Leckman JF, Pittenger C. Chapter 49 Genetic susceptibility in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Handbook Of Clinical Neurology 2018, 148: 767-781. PMID: 29478613, DOI: 10.1016/b978-0-444-64076-5.00049-1.Peer-Reviewed Reviews, Practice Guidelines, Standards, and Consensus StatementsConceptsObsessive-compulsive disorderPotential novel therapeutic avenuesNovel therapeutic avenuesSpecific risk allelesUnderlying pathophysiologyLarge cohortLifelong disabilityImmune pathwaysTherapeutic avenuesNew treatmentsGenetic susceptibilityRisk allelesCandidate gene association studiesMouse knockout modelsGenetic findingsGene association studiesKnockout modelsOCD pathologyRisk variantsNotable inroadsGenetic variantsDisordersVulnerable pathwaysSubstantial genetic contributionRepetitive behaviors
A total-population multigenerational family clustering study of autoimmune diseases in obsessive–compulsive disorder and Tourette’s/chronic tic disorders
Mataix-Cols D, Frans E, Pérez-Vigil A, Kuja-Halkola R, Gromark C, Isomura K, Fernández de la Cruz L, Serlachius E, Leckman JF, Crowley JJ, Rück C, Almqvist C, Lichtenstein P, Larsson H. A total-population multigenerational family clustering study of autoimmune diseases in obsessive–compulsive disorder and Tourette’s/chronic tic disorders. Molecular Psychiatry 2017, 23: 1652-1658. PMID: 29133949, PMCID: PMC5951741, DOI: 10.1038/mp.2017.215.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsObsessive-compulsive disorderAutoimmune diseasesChronic tic disorderIndividual autoimmune diseasesThird-degree relativesTic disordersRisk of ADsNational Patient RegisterPatterns of comorbidityFirst-degree relativesPatient RegisterPlacental transmissionNationwide studyBirth cohortCTD casesFamilial clusteringDisordersComorbiditiesPopulation controlsProbandsOCD probandsBiological relativesDiseaseFamilial linkRiskDe Novo Coding Variants Are Strongly Associated with Tourette Disorder
Willsey AJ, Fernandez TV, Yu D, King RA, Dietrich A, Xing J, Sanders SJ, Mandell JD, Huang AY, Richer P, Smith L, Dong S, Samocha KE, Genetics T, Abdulkadir M, Bohnenpoll J, Bromberg Y, Brown L, Cheon K, Coffey B, Deng L, Dietrich A, Dong S, Elzerman L, Fernandez T, Fründt O, Garcia-Delgar B, Gedvilaite E, Gilbert D, Grice D, Hagstrøm J, Hedderly T, Heiman G, Heyman I, Hoekstra P, Hong H, Huyser C, Ibanez-Gomez L, Kim Y, Kim Y, King R, Koh Y, Kook S, Kuperman S, Lamerz A, Leventhal B, Ludolph A, da Silva C, Madruga-Garrido M, Mandell J, Maras A, Mir P, Morer A, Münchau A, Murphy T, Nasello C, Openneer T, Plessen K, Richer P, Roessner V, Sanders S, Shin E, Sival D, Smith L, Song D, Song J, State M, Stolte A, Sun N, Tischfield J, Tübing J, Visscher F, Walker M, Wanderer S, Wang S, Willsey A, Woods M, Xing J, Zhang Y, Zhou A, Zinner S, Genetics T, Barr C, Batterson J, Berlin C, Bruun R, Budman C, Cath D, Chouinard S, Coppola G, Cox N, Darrow S, Davis L, Dion Y, Freimer N, Grados M, Hirschtritt M, Huang A, Illmann C, Kurlan R, Leckman J, Lyon G, Malaty I, Mathews C, MaMahon W, Neale B, Okun M, Osiecki L, Pauls D, Posthuma D, Ramensky V, Robertson M, Rouleau G, Sandor P, Scharf J, Singer H, Smit J, Sul J, Yu D, Neale B, Coppola G, Mathews C, Tischfield J, Scharf J, State M, Heiman G. De Novo Coding Variants Are Strongly Associated with Tourette Disorder. Neuron 2017, 94: 486-499.e9. PMID: 28472652, PMCID: PMC5769876, DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2017.04.024.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsWhole-exome sequencingTourette's disorderDamaging variantsLikely gene-disrupting variantsComplex neurodevelopmental disorderClinical casesUnrelated probandsNeurodevelopmental disordersDe novo damaging variantsDisordersRisk genesGenetic cohortsConsistent evidenceCoding variantReplication sampleProbandsInternational ConsortiumCohortVariantsMortality risk in a nationwide cohort of individuals with tic disorders and with tourette syndrome
Meier SM, Dalsgaard S, Mortensen PB, Leckman JF, Plessen KJ. Mortality risk in a nationwide cohort of individuals with tic disorders and with tourette syndrome. Movement Disorders 2017, 32: 605-609. PMID: 28339122, DOI: 10.1002/mds.26939.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTic disordersTourette syndromePremature deathMortality riskProspective cohort studyMortality rate ratiosComorbid attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorderAttention-deficit/hyperactivity disorderExclusion of individualsCohort studyObsessive-compulsive disorderClinical significancePsychiatric disordersPaternal ageSubstance abuseSyndromeHyperactivity disorderDisordersRate ratioDeathRiskCalendar yearAgeIndividualsCliniciansGilles de la Tourette syndrome
Robertson MM, Eapen V, Singer HS, Martino D, Scharf JM, Paschou P, Roessner V, Woods DW, Hariz M, Mathews CA, Črnčec R, Leckman JF. Gilles de la Tourette syndrome. Nature Reviews Disease Primers 2017, 3: 16097. PMID: 28150698, DOI: 10.1038/nrdp.2016.97.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAttention-deficit/hyperactivity disorderFunctional brain anomaliesObsessive-compulsive disorderChildhood-onset neurodevelopmental disorderPathogenesis of GTSHyperactivity disorderMultiple common risk variantsNeurobiological dataConsiderable social stigmaNeural circuit levelTourette syndromeBehavioral methodsGilles deNeurodevelopmental disordersYears of ageFuture researchSocial stigmaBrain anomaliesPhonic ticsNeuropsychiatric disordersTargeted interventionsClinical phenotypeDisordersFunctional neurosurgeryDe novo mutations
Cross-generational influences on childhood anxiety disorders: pathways and mechanisms
Lebowitz ER, Leckman JF, Silverman WK, Feldman R. Cross-generational influences on childhood anxiety disorders: pathways and mechanisms. Journal Of Neural Transmission 2016, 123: 1053-1067. PMID: 27145763, PMCID: PMC5007197, DOI: 10.1007/s00702-016-1565-y.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAnxiety disordersChild anxiety treatment outcomeChild anxiety disordersChildhood anxiety disordersParent-based interventionsAnxiety treatment outcomesCross-generational influencesSocial referencingFamily accommodationChild anxietyParenting stylesVicarious learningOxytocinergic systemChildren's symptomsBehavioral systemsParental responsesParental anxietyMaternal anxietyAnxietyExistence of linksSevere distressDisordersPrenatal environmentTreatment outcomesResearchUnderstanding the covariation of tics, attention‐deficit/hyperactivity, and obsessive‐compulsive symptoms: A population‐based adult twin study
Pinto R, Monzani B, Leckman JF, Rück C, Serlachius E, Lichtenstein P, Mataix‐Cols D. Understanding the covariation of tics, attention‐deficit/hyperactivity, and obsessive‐compulsive symptoms: A population‐based adult twin study. American Journal Of Medical Genetics Part B Neuropsychiatric Genetics 2016, 171: 938-947. PMID: 26919823, DOI: 10.1002/ajmg.b.32436.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAttention-deficit/hyperactivityObsessive-compulsive symptomsObsessive-compulsive disorderTic disordersChronic tic disorderAttention-deficit/hyperactivity symptomsSwedish adult twinsNon-shared environmental influencesPopulation-representative sampleLarge population-representative sampleSymptomsSpecific non-shared environmental influencesEnvironmental influencesFamilial associationSymptom subtypesEpidemiological sampleHyperactivity symptomsHyperactivityFamilial transmissionDisordersEtiological influencesLiability factorsFamily studiesGenetic liability