Implications of mappings between International Classification of Diseases clinical diagnosis codes and Human Phenotype Ontology terms
Tan A, Gonçalves R, Yuan W, Brat G, Gentleman R, Kohane I, Masino A, Makoudjou A, Albayrak A, Gutiérrez-Sacristán A, Zambelli A, Malovini A, Carmona A, Hoffmann A, Gramfort A, Geva A, Blanco-Martínez A, Tan A, Terriza-Torres A, Spiridou A, Prunotto A, South A, Vallejos A, Atz A, Burgun A, Alloni A, Cattelan A, Jannot A, Neuraz A, Bellasi A, Maram A, Dagliati A, Sandrin A, Serret-Larmande A, Mensch A, Pfaff A, Batugo A, Krishnamurthy A, Adam A, Dionne A, Devkota B, Moal B, He B, Beaulieu-Jones B, Beaulieu-Jones B, Ostasiewski B, Aronow B, Tan B, Tan B, Torti C, Sáez C, Neto C, Sonday C, Caucheteux C, Mao C, Zucco C, Daniel C, Haverkamp C, Hong C, Bonzel C, Moraleda C, Leprovost D, Key D, Zöller D, Pillion D, Mowery D, Amendola D, Henderson D, Hanauer D, Taylor D, Wassermann D, Hazard D, Kraska D, Mazzotti D, Silvio D, Bell D, Murad D, Salamanca E, Bucholz E, Getzen E, Pfaff E, Schriver E, Toh E, Parimbelli E, Trecarichi E, Ashraf F, Vidorreta F, Bourgeois F, Sperotto F, Angoulvant F, Brat G, Varoquaux G, Omenn G, Agapito G, Albi G, Weber G, Verdy G, Lemaitre G, Roig-Domínguez G, Prokosch H, Zhang H, Estiri H, Krantz I, Kohane I, Honerlaw J, Cruz-Rojo J, Norman J, Balshi J, Cimino J, Aaron J, Santos J, Newburger J, Zahner J, Moore J, Marwaha J, Craig J, Klann J, Morris J, Obeid J, Vie J, Chen J, Son J, Zachariasse J, Booth J, Holmes J, Bernal-Sobrino J, Cruz-Bermúdez J, Leblanc J, Schuettler J, Dubiel J, Champ J, Olson K, Moshal K, Kernan K, Kirchoff K, Wagholikar K, Ngiam K, Cho K, Mandl K, Huling K, Chen K, Lynch K, Sanchez-Pinto L, Garmire L, Han L, Patel L, Waitman L, Lenert L, Anthony L, Esteve L, Chiudinelli L, Chiovato L, Scudeller L, Samayamuthu M, Martins M, Minicucci M, Menezes M, Vella M, Mazzitelli M, Savino M, Milano M, Okoshi M, Cannataro M, Alessiani M, Keller M, Hilka M, Wolkewitz M, Boeker M, Raskin M, Bucalo M, Hutch M, Bernaux M, Beraghi M, Morris M, Vitacca M, Pedrera-Jiménez M, Daniar M, Shah M, Liu M, Maripuri M, Kainth M, Yehya N, Santhanam N, Palmer N, Loh N, Sebire N, Romero-Garcia N, Brown N, Paris N, Griffon N, Gehlenborg N, Orlova N, García-Barrio N, Grisel O, Rojo P, Serrano-Balazote P, Sacchi P, Tippmann P, Martel P, Serre P, Avillach P, Azevedo P, Rubio-Mayo P, Schubert P, Guzzi P, Sliz P, Das P, Long Q, Ramoni R, Goh R, Badenes R, Bruno R, Kavuluru R, Bellazzi R, Issitt R, Follett R, Bradford R, Prudente R, Bey R, Griffier R, Duan R, Mahmood S, Mousavi S, Lozano-Zahonero S, Pizzimenti S, Maidlow S, Wong S, DuVall S, Cossin S, L'Yi S, Murphy S, Fan S, Visweswaran S, Rieg S, Bosari S, Makwana S, Bréant S, Bhatnagar S, Tanni S, Cormont S, Ahooyi T, Priya T, Naughton T, Ganslandt T, Colicchio T, Cai T, Gradinger T, González T, Zuccaro V, Tibollo V, Jouhet V, Quirós-González V, Panickan V, Benoit V, Njoroge W, Bryant W, Yuan W, Xiong X, Wang X, Ye Y, Luo Y, Ho Y, Strasser Z, Abad Z, Xia Z, Kate K, Hernández-Arango A, Schwamm E. Implications of mappings between International Classification of Diseases clinical diagnosis codes and Human Phenotype Ontology terms. JAMIA Open 2024, 7: ooae118. PMID: 39559493, PMCID: PMC11570992, DOI: 10.1093/jamiaopen/ooae118.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchElectronic health recordsElectronic health record datasetInternational Classification of Diseases codesInternational Classification of DiseasesAlignment of ontologiesMedical Language SystemHuman Phenotype OntologyData annotationBiomedical entitiesUMLData integrationElectronic health record dataInternational ClassificationHuman Phenotype Ontology termsHealth recordsOntologyCodeAnnotated phenotypesClinical diagnosis codesClassification of DiseasesLanguage systemDatasetResearch ontologyMap coverageDiagnosis codesAACAP'S 2024 HONORS PRESENTATION HIGHLIGHTS
Njoroge W. AACAP'S 2024 HONORS PRESENTATION HIGHLIGHTS. Journal Of The American Academy Of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 2024, 63: s138. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaac.2024.08.015.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchEditors’ Note: 2024 Annual Report Regarding JAACAP’s Antiracist Journey
Novins D, Singh M, Althoff R, Bagot K, Blader J, Brotman M, DelBello M, Dickstein D, Doyle A, Drury S, Findling R, Fortuna L, Fristad M, Middeldorp C, Njoroge W, Rogers C, Pumariega A, Bath E, Bihani N, Thompson-Felix T, Billingsley M, Family J. Editors’ Note: 2024 Annual Report Regarding JAACAP’s Antiracist Journey. Journal Of The American Academy Of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 2024, 63: 1184-1192. PMID: 39307183, DOI: 10.1016/j.jaac.2024.09.001.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchA Secret Shopper Study of Language Accessibility of Community-Based Behavioral Health Services for Children in Families Who Speak Spanish and English
Lomax S, Klusaritz H, Jimenez M, Frausto B, Cahen V, Njoroge W, Yun K. A Secret Shopper Study of Language Accessibility of Community-Based Behavioral Health Services for Children in Families Who Speak Spanish and English. The Journal Of Pediatrics 2024, 276: 114275. PMID: 39218205, DOI: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2024.114275.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchBehavioral health facilitiesMedicaid-insured childrenHealth facilitiesPreferred languageBehavioral health careSubstance abuse servicesSpanish-speaking familiesModifiable barriersHealth schedulesHealth careAbuse servicesOutpatient facilitiesStandardized scriptPrimary outcomeTelephone numbersAppointmentChildrenEnglishCallersLanguageScripted callsAccess trainingFacilitiesSpanishFamilyBringing the Village to the Child: Addressing the Crisis of Children’s Mental Health
Robles-Ramamurthy B, Njoroge W, Benton T. Bringing the Village to the Child: Addressing the Crisis of Children’s Mental Health. Child And Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics Of North America 2024, 33: i. DOI: 10.1016/s1056-4993(24)00056-7.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchRacial Implicit Associations in Child Psychiatry
Malison K, Avila-Quintero V, Al-Mateen C, Flores J, Landeros-Weisenberger A, Njoroge W, Novins D, Robles-Ramamurthy B, Taylor J, Bloch M, Tobón A. Racial Implicit Associations in Child Psychiatry. Journal Of The American Academy Of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 2024 PMID: 38823476, DOI: 10.1016/j.jaac.2024.04.013.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchImplicit Association TestRace Implicit Association TestRecruitment of human participantsExternalizing behavior problemsPaper self-identifiesImplicit associationsChildren faceBehavior problemsChild psychiatryAbstractText Label="DIVERSITY &Negatively valenced wordsExternal wordHuman participantsValenced wordsExternalizing disordersParticipating psychiatristsPsychiatric cliniciansNegative valenceNegative wordsPsychiatristsAssociation TestPsychiatryInvestigate psychiatristsReduce racial inequalityDemographic predictorsBringing the village to the child: answering the call to lead and transform child and adolescent psychiatry
Robles-Ramamurthy B, Njoroge W, Benton T. Bringing the village to the child: answering the call to lead and transform child and adolescent psychiatry. Child And Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics Of North America 2024, 33: xvii-xix. PMID: 38823821, DOI: 10.1016/j.chc.2024.03.012.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchThe impact of the pandemic on mothers and children, with a focus on syndemic effects on black families: the “Prenatal to Preschool” study protocol
Njoroge W, Tieu T, Eckardt D, Himes M, Alexandre C, Hall W, Wisniewski K, Popoola A, Holloway K, Rodriguez Y, Kornfield S, Momplaisir F, Wang X, Gur R, Waller R. The impact of the pandemic on mothers and children, with a focus on syndemic effects on black families: the “Prenatal to Preschool” study protocol. Frontiers In Psychiatry 2024, 14: 1281666. PMID: 38260788, PMCID: PMC10801187, DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1281666.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMental healthCOVID-19 pandemicChildren ages 24Parent/caregiver questionnairesCohort of mothersMental health equityElectronic medical recordsAge 36 monthsCohort studyChild age 36 monthsPostpartum womenMedical recordsPeripartum periodStudy protocolMultiple time pointsSyndemic effectCaregiver questionnaireClinical InterviewCaregivers' experiencesSocial determinantsPreventative interventionsAge 24Prospective researchHealth equitySecondary caregiversEditors’ Best of 2023
Novins D, Althoff R, Brotman M, DelBello M, Doyle A, Fortuna L, Fristad M, Middeldorp C, Njoroge W, Rogers C, Singh M. Editors’ Best of 2023. Journal Of The American Academy Of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 2024, 63: 3-6. PMID: 38154857, DOI: 10.1016/j.jaac.2023.10.001.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Observations of Positive Parenting from Online Parent–Child Interactions at Age 1
Waller R, Paz Y, Himes M, White L, Rodriguez Y, Gorgone A, Luby J, Gerstein E, Brady R, Chaiyachati B, Duncan A, Barzilay R, Kornfield S, Burris H, Seidlitz J, Parish-Morris J, Laney N, Gur R, Njoroge W. Observations of Positive Parenting from Online Parent–Child Interactions at Age 1. Parenting 2023, 24: 39-65. PMID: 38188653, PMCID: PMC10766433, DOI: 10.1080/15295192.2023.2286454.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPositive parentingParent-child interaction taskHigh positive parentingParent-child interactionsChildren's cognitive developmentChildren's socioemotional developmentParent-child dyadsParenting factorsGood model fitCognitive developmentSocioemotional developmentParent reportInteraction tasksPandemic worryPositive regardParentingSupportive relationshipsValid assessmentConstruct validityOlder parental ageNeighborhood safetyYoung childrenMethodological factorsMethodological variablesTaskEditors’ Note: Third Annual Report Regarding JAACAP’s Antiracist Journey
Novins D, Singh M, Althoff R, Bagot K, Brotman M, DelBello M, Dickstein D, Doyle A, Drury S, Findling R, Fortuna L, Fristad M, Middeldorp C, Njoroge W, Rogers C, Pumariega A, Bath E, Tobón A, Thompson-Felix T, Diversity E, Billingsley M, Family J. Editors’ Note: Third Annual Report Regarding JAACAP’s Antiracist Journey. Journal Of The American Academy Of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 2023, 62: 1287-1294. PMID: 38035913, DOI: 10.1016/j.jaac.2023.09.531.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchYoung Children's Development and Behavior: Associations with Timing of Household Food Insecurity in a Racially and Ethnically Diverse Early Head Start Sample
Treviño M, Cherry K, Njoroge W, Gerstein E. Young Children's Development and Behavior: Associations with Timing of Household Food Insecurity in a Racially and Ethnically Diverse Early Head Start Sample. Journal Of Developmental And Behavioral Pediatrics 2023, 44: e617-e624. PMID: 37871284, DOI: 10.1097/dbp.0000000000001224.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHousehold food insecurityPersistent household food insecurityMaternal risk factorsAge 3 yearsRisk factorsCumulative risk effectAnalysis of covarianceChild Experiences StudySociodemographic informationEarly Head Start familiesProblem behaviorFood insecurityDevelopmental healthHead Start sampleEarly childhoodChildrenHead Start familiesNeeds ratioMeaningful differencesSocioeconomic riskRisk effectsStart sampleDifferent patternsStart familiesChild developmentThe Influence of Pandemic-Related Worries During Pregnancy on Child Development at 12 Months
White L, Himes M, Waller R, Njoroge W, Chaiyachati B, Barzilay R, Kornfield S, Burris H, Seidlitz J, Parish-Morris J, Brady R, Gerstein E, Laney N, Gur R, Duncan A. The Influence of Pandemic-Related Worries During Pregnancy on Child Development at 12 Months. Child Psychiatry & Human Development 2023, 1-15. PMID: 37805964, PMCID: PMC10999505, DOI: 10.1007/s10578-023-01605-x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchChildren's socioemotional developmentParental emotion regulationEmotion regulationSocioemotional developmentChild developmentPandemic worryEarly postpartum periodNegative consequencesParent-child interaction taskEarly socioemotional developmentPostpartum periodProspective longitudinal designLater child developmentOnline surveyParental resilienceParent reportInteraction tasksResilience factorsLongitudinal designCOVID-19 pandemicObserver ratingsParental worryInfluence of pandemicLaboratory visitsDevelopmental milestonesPromoting Empathy and Affiliation in Relationships (PEAR) study: protocol for a longitudinal study investigating the development of early childhood callous-unemotional traits
Wagner N, Perkins E, Rodriguez Y, Ordway C, Flum M, Hernandez-Pena L, Perelstein P, Sem K, Paz Y, Plate R, Popoola A, Lynch S, Astone K, Goldstein E, Njoroge W, Raine A, Pincus D, Pérez-Edgar K, Waller R. Promoting Empathy and Affiliation in Relationships (PEAR) study: protocol for a longitudinal study investigating the development of early childhood callous-unemotional traits. BMJ Open 2023, 13: e072742. PMID: 37802613, PMCID: PMC10565261, DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-072742.Peer-Reviewed Original Research5.7 EQUITABLE AND CULTURALLY INFORMED CHILD AND ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRIC PRACTICE RECOMMENDATIONS FROM THE EXPERTS
Njoroge W. 5.7 EQUITABLE AND CULTURALLY INFORMED CHILD AND ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRIC PRACTICE RECOMMENDATIONS FROM THE EXPERTS. Journal Of The American Academy Of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 2023, 62: s145-s146. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaac.2023.07.603.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPsychiatric Assessment of the Very Young Child in the Clinic
Harrison J, Frankel K, Njoroge W, Tandon M. Psychiatric Assessment of the Very Young Child in the Clinic. Journal Of The American Academy Of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 2023, 62: s129. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaac.2023.07.557.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCharacterization of long COVID temporal sub-phenotypes by distributed representation learning from electronic health record data: a cohort study
Dagliati A, Strasser Z, Abad Z, Klann J, Wagholikar K, Mesa R, Visweswaran S, Morris M, Luo Y, Henderson D, Samayamuthu M, Tan B, Verdy G, Omenn G, Xia Z, Bellazzi R, EHR T, Aaron J, Agapito G, Albayrak A, Albi G, Alessiani M, Alloni A, Amendola D, Angoulvant F, Anthony L, Aronow B, Ashraf F, Atz A, Avillach P, Azevedo P, Balshi J, Beaulieu-Jones B, Bell D, Bellasi A, Bellazzi R, Benoit V, Beraghi M, Bernal-Sobrino J, Bernaux M, Bey R, Bhatnagar S, Blanco-Martínez A, Bonzel C, Booth J, Bosari S, Bourgeois F, Bradford R, Brat G, Bréant S, Brown N, Bruno R, Bryant W, Bucalo M, Bucholz E, Burgun A, Cai T, Cannataro M, Carmona A, Caucheteux C, Champ J, Chen J, Chen K, Chiovato L, Chiudinelli L, Cho K, Cimino J, Colicchio T, Cormont S, Cossin S, Craig J, Cruz-Bermúdez J, Cruz-Rojo J, Dagliati A, Daniar M, Daniel C, Das P, Devkota B, Dionne A, Duan R, Dubiel J, DuVall S, Esteve L, Estiri H, Fan S, Follett R, Ganslandt T, Barrio N, Garmire L, Gehlenborg N, Getzen E, Geva A, Gradinger T, Gramfort A, Griffier R, Griffon N, Grisel O, Gutiérrez-Sacristán A, Han L, Hanauer D, Haverkamp C, Hazard D, He B, Henderson D, Hilka M, Ho Y, Holmes J, Hong C, Huling K, Hutch M, Issitt R, Jannot A, Jouhet V, Kavuluru R, Keller M, Kennedy C, Key D, Kirchoff K, Klann J, Kohane I, Krantz I, Kraska D, Krishnamurthy A, L'Yi S, Le T, Leblanc J, Lemaitre G, Lenert L, Leprovost D, Liu M, Loh N, Long Q, Lozano-Zahonero S, Luo Y, Lynch K, Mahmood S, Maidlow S, Makoudjou A, Malovini A, Mandl K, Mao C, Maram A, Martel P, Martins M, Marwaha J, Masino A, Mazzitelli M, Mensch A, Milano M, Minicucci M, Moal B, Ahooyi T, Moore J, Moraleda C, Morris J, Morris M, Moshal K, Mousavi S, Mowery D, Murad D, Murphy S, Naughton T, Neto C, Neuraz A, Newburger J, Ngiam K, Njoroge W, Norman J, Obeid J, Okoshi M, Olson K, Omenn G, Orlova N, Ostasiewski B, Palmer N, Paris N, Patel L, Pedrera-Jiménez M, Pfaff E, Pfaff A, Pillion D, Pizzimenti S, Prokosch H, Prudente R, Prunotto A, Quirós-González V, Ramoni R, Raskin M, Rieg S, Roig-Domínguez G, Rojo P, Rubio-Mayo P, Sacchi P, Sáez C, Salamanca E, Samayamuthu M, Sanchez-Pinto L, Sandrin A, Santhanam N, Santos J, Vidorreta F, Savino M, Schriver E, Schubert P, Schuettler J, Scudeller L, Sebire N, Serrano-Balazote P, Serre P, Serret-Larmande A, Shah M, Abad Z, Silvio D, Sliz P, Son J, Sonday C, South A, Spiridou A, Strasser Z, Tan A, Tan B, Tan B, Tanni S, Taylor D, Terriza-Torres A, Tibollo V, Tippmann P, Toh E, Torti C, Trecarichi E, Tseng Y, Vallejos A, Varoquaux G, Vella M, Verdy G, Vie J, Visweswaran S, Vitacca M, Wagholikar K, Waitman L, Wang X, Wassermann D, Weber G, Wolkewitz M, Wong S, Xia Z, Xiong X, Ye Y, Yehya N, Yuan W, Zambelli A, Zhang H, Zo¨ller D, Zuccaro V, Zucco C, Murphy S, Holmes J, Estiri H. Characterization of long COVID temporal sub-phenotypes by distributed representation learning from electronic health record data: a cohort study. EClinicalMedicine 2023, 64: 102210. PMID: 37745021, PMCID: PMC10511779, DOI: 10.1016/j.eclinm.2023.102210.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchElectronic health record dataHealth record dataAdvancing Translational SciencesCohort studyNational InstituteMulti-center observational cohort studyHospitalized COVID-19 patientsObservational cohort studyPost-acute sequelaeRecord dataCOVID-19 patientsHealthcare systemLongitudinal electronic health record dataMedical Research CouncilTranslational scienceNational Medical Research CouncilPASC symptomsJoint painTotal cohortClinical characterizationHigh prevalenceMultiple symptomsNeurological disordersAverage prevalenceInfectious diseasesClinical phenotypes and outcomes in children with multisystem inflammatory syndrome across SARS-CoV-2 variant eras: a multinational study from the 4CE consortium
Sperotto F, Gutiérrez-Sacristán A, Makwana S, Li X, Rofeberg V, Cai T, Bourgeois F, Omenn G, Hanauer D, Sáez C, Bonzel C, Bucholz E, Dionne A, Elias M, García-Barrio N, González T, Issitt R, Kernan K, Laird-Gion J, Maidlow S, Mandl K, Ahooyi T, Moraleda C, Morris M, Moshal K, Pedrera-Jiménez M, Shah M, South A, Spiridou A, Taylor D, Verdy G, Visweswaran S, Wang X, Xia Z, Zachariasse J, EHR T, Aaron J, Adam A, Agapito G, Albayrak A, Albi G, Alessiani M, Alloni A, Amendola D, Angoulvant F, Anthony L, Aronow B, Ashraf F, Atz A, Avillach P, Panickan V, Azevedo P, Badenes R, Balshi J, Batugo A, Beaulieu-Jones B, Beaulieu-Jones B, Bell D, Bellasi A, Bellazzi R, Benoit V, Beraghi M, Bernal-Sobrino J, Bernaux M, Bey R, Bhatnagar S, Blanco-Martínez A, Boeker M, Bonzel C, Booth J, Bosari S, Bourgeois F, Bradford R, Brat G, Bréant S, Brown N, Bruno R, Bryant W, Bucalo M, Bucholz E, Burgun A, Cai T, Cannataro M, Carmona A, Cattelan A, Caucheteux C, Champ J, Chen J, Chen K, Chiovato L, Chiudinelli L, Cho K, Cimino J, Colicchio T, Cormont S, Cossin S, Craig J, Cruz-Bermúdez J, Cruz-Rojo J, Dagliati A, Daniar M, Daniel C, Das P, Devkota B, Dionne A, Duan R, Dubiel J, DuVall S, Esteve L, Estiri H, Fan S, Follett R, Ganslandt T, García-Barrio N, Garmire L, Gehlenborg N, Getzen E, Geva A, Goh R, González T, Gradinger T, Gramfort A, Griffier R, Griffon N, Grisel O, Gutiérrez-Sacristán A, Guzzi P, Han L, Hanauer D, Haverkamp C, Hazard D, He B, Henderson D, Hilka M, Ho Y, Holmes J, Honerlaw J, Hong C, Huling K, Hutch M, Issitt R, Jannot A, Jouhet V, Kainth M, Kate K, Kavuluru R, Keller M, Kennedy C, Kernan K, Key D, Kirchoff K, Klann J, Kohane I, Krantz I, Kraska D, Krishnamurthy A, L'Yi S, Leblanc J, Lemaitre G, Lenert L, Leprovost D, Liu M, Loh N, Long Q, Lozano-Zahonero S, Luo Y, Lynch K, Mahmood S, Maidlow S, Makoudjou A, Makwana S, Malovini A, Mandl K, Mao C, Maram A, Maripuri M, Martel P, Martins M, Marwaha J, Masino A, Mazzitelli M, Mazzotti D, Mensch A, Milano M, Minicucci M, Moal B, Ahooyi T, Moore J, Moraleda C, Morris J, Morris M, Moshal K, Mousavi S, Mowery D, Murad D, Murphy S, Naughton T, Neto C, Neuraz A, Newburger J, Ngiam K, Njoroge W, Norman J, Obeid J, Okoshi M, Olson K, Omenn G, Orlova N, Ostasiewski B, Palmer N, Paris N, Patel L, Pedrera-Jiménez M, Pfaff A, Pfaff E, Pillion D, Pizzimenti S, Priya T, Prokosch H, Prudente R, Prunotto A, Quirós-González V, Ramoni R, Raskin M, Rieg S, Roig-Domínguez G, Rojo P, Romero-Garcia N, Rubio-Mayo P, Sacchi P, Sáez C, Salamanca E, Samayamuthu M, Sanchez-Pinto L, Sandrin A, Santhanam N, Santos J, Vidorreta F, Savino M, Schriver E, Schubert P, Schuettler J, Scudeller L, Sebire N, Serrano-Balazote P, Serre P, Serret-Larmande A, Shah M, Abad Z, Silvio D, Sliz P, Son J, Sonday C, South A, Sperotto F, Spiridou A, Strasser Z, Tan A, Tan B, Tan B, Tanni S, Taylor D, Terriza-Torres A, Tibollo V, Tippmann P, Toh E, Torti C, Trecarichi E, Vallejos A, Varoquaux G, Vella M, Verdy G, Vie J, Visweswaran S, Vitacca M, Wagholikar K, Waitman L, Wang X, Wassermann D, Weber G, Wolkewitz M, Wong S, Xia Z, Xiong X, Ye Y, Yehya N, Yuan W, Zachariasse J, Zahner J, Zambelli A, Zhang H, Zöller D, Zuccaro V, Zucco C, Newburger J, Avillach P. Clinical phenotypes and outcomes in children with multisystem inflammatory syndrome across SARS-CoV-2 variant eras: a multinational study from the 4CE consortium. EClinicalMedicine 2023, 64: 102212. PMID: 37745025, PMCID: PMC10511777, DOI: 10.1016/j.eclinm.2023.102212.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSystemic inflammatory response syndromeSARS-CoV-2 eraMultisystem inflammatory syndromeLower lymphocyte countsLower troponinInflammatory syndromeLymphocyte countRisk differenceClinical phenotypeLower C-reactive proteinSARS-CoV-2 infectionPooled risk differenceInflammatory response syndromeLength of hospitalizationObservational retrospective studyC-reactive proteinElectronic health record dataSARS-CoV-2 variantsOutcomes of MISHealth record dataEffect sizeAnticoagulation therapyClinical characteristicsRespiratory symptomsRare complicationThe impact of postpartum social support on postpartum mental health outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic
White L, Kornfield S, Himes M, Forkpa M, Waller R, Njoroge W, Barzilay R, Chaiyachati B, Burris H, Duncan A, Seidlitz J, Parish-Morris J, Elovitz M, Gur R. The impact of postpartum social support on postpartum mental health outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic. Archives Of Women's Mental Health 2023, 26: 531-541. PMID: 37268777, PMCID: PMC10238239, DOI: 10.1007/s00737-023-01330-3.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMaternal-infant bondingMental health outcomesPostpartum womenHealth outcomesPoor postpartum mental healthSocial supportCOVID-19 pandemic-related changesMental healthSignificant depressive symptomsPostpartum mental healthElectronic patient portalParent-infant bondingCOVID-19 pandemicPandemic-related changesPregnant patientsPostpartum outcomesPrenatal careSelf-reported social supportWeeks postpartumPostpartum depressionBonding impairmentPostpartum anxietyPostpartum recoveryDepressive symptomsPostpartum social supportReviewing the Literature on the Impact of Gun Violence on Early Childhood Development
Holloway K, Cahill G, Tieu T, Njoroge W. Reviewing the Literature on the Impact of Gun Violence on Early Childhood Development. Current Psychiatry Reports 2023, 25: 273-281. PMID: 37233973, PMCID: PMC10213564, DOI: 10.1007/s11920-023-01428-6.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMental health outcomesHealth outcomesEarly childhood developmentEarly childhood mental healthGun violence exposurePurpose of ReviewToChildhood developmentSignificant mental health outcomesChildhood mental healthRecent FindingsThe literaturePost-traumatic stressTreatment of survivorsMental healthViolence exposureYoung childrenCOVID-19 pandemicGun violenceOlder youthOutcomesYouth gun violenceExposureReviewToSurvivors