Impaired motor skill learning and altered seizure susceptibility in mice with loss or gain of function of the Kcnt1 gene encoding Slack (KNa1.1) Na+-activated K+ channels
Quraishi IH, Mercier MR, McClure H, Couture RL, Schwartz ML, Lukowski R, Ruth P, Kaczmarek LK. Impaired motor skill learning and altered seizure susceptibility in mice with loss or gain of function of the Kcnt1 gene encoding Slack (KNa1.1) Na+-activated K+ channels. Scientific Reports 2020, 10: 3213. PMID: 32081855, PMCID: PMC7035262, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-60028-z.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMaximum electroshock-induced seizuresEpilepsy of infancyPentylenetetrazole-induced seizuresVideo-EEG monitoringElectroshock-induced seizuresForms of epilepsyWild-type miceSlack channelsImpaired motor skillsProcedural motor learningMotor skillsWild-type animalsSevere intellectual disabilityOpen-field behaviorCortical seizuresKCNT1 geneSpontaneous seizuresFocal seizuresSeizure susceptibilitySeizure activityType miceMouse modelAnimal modelsInterictal spikesSeizures
MMP-2: A modulator of neuronal precursor activity and cognitive and motor behaviors
Li Q, Michaud M, Shankar R, Canosa S, Schwartz M, Madri JA. MMP-2: A modulator of neuronal precursor activity and cognitive and motor behaviors. Behavioural Brain Research 2017, 333: 74-82. PMID: 28666838, DOI: 10.1016/j.bbr.2017.06.041.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAnimalsAnimals, NewbornCell MovementCell ProliferationCells, CulturedCognitionExploratory BehaviorGene Expression RegulationMatrix Metalloproteinase 2MiceMice, Inbred C57BLMice, KnockoutMotor ActivityNerve Tissue ProteinsNeural Stem CellsNeurogenesisOncogene Protein v-aktProliferating Cell Nuclear AntigenReceptors, CXCR4Spatial LearningConceptsNeural precursor cellsBroad substrate specificityNeurosphere formationAdherent neurospheresSecondary neurosphere formationNPC activitySubstrate specificityNPC numberCell surface moleculesZinc-containing enzymesAkt activationAbsence of MMP2Cell typesExtracellular matrixActivity assaysPrecursor cellsImportant roleNPC migrationMatrix metalloproteinase2Surface moleculesExpressionKO miceBioactive moleculesNestin expressionMMP2
Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 Modulates Hypothalamic Pituitary Axis Activity and Anxiety Behavior Through Glucocorticoid Receptors
Salmaso N, Stevens HE, McNeill J, ElSayed M, Ren Q, Maragnoli ME, Schwartz ML, Tomasi S, Sapolsky RM, Duman R, Vaccarino FM. Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 Modulates Hypothalamic Pituitary Axis Activity and Anxiety Behavior Through Glucocorticoid Receptors. Biological Psychiatry 2016, 80: 479-489. PMID: 27133954, PMCID: PMC8009045, DOI: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2016.02.026.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsFibroblast growth factor-2Hippocampal glucocorticoid receptor expressionGlucocorticoid receptor expressionAdrenal axis activityKO miceAxis activityAnxiety behaviorReceptor expressionHypothalamic-pituitary axis activityReceptor KO miceFGF2 administrationWild-type miceGrowth factor 2Receptor subtypesTherapeutic effectNeuroendocrine studiesAdult miceGlucocorticoid receptorGR promoter regionsFGF2 levelsMeasures of anxietyMiceMotor behaviorFGF2 geneFactor 2
Hypoxia-Induced Developmental Delays of Inhibitory Interneurons Are Reversed by Environmental Enrichment in the Postnatal Mouse Forebrain
Komitova M, Xenos D, Salmaso N, Tran KM, Brand T, Schwartz ML, Ment L, Vaccarino FM. Hypoxia-Induced Developmental Delays of Inhibitory Interneurons Are Reversed by Environmental Enrichment in the Postnatal Mouse Forebrain. Journal Of Neuroscience 2013, 33: 13375-13387. PMID: 23946395, PMCID: PMC3742925, DOI: 10.1523/jneurosci.5286-12.2013.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAnimalsCell Adhesion Molecules, NeuronalCerebral CortexChromatography, High Pressure LiquidDisease Models, AnimalExtracellular Matrix ProteinsGene Knock-In TechniquesHousing, AnimalHypoxiaImmunohistochemistryInterneuronsMiceMice, Inbred C57BLMice, TransgenicNerve Tissue ProteinsParvalbuminsProsencephalonReelin ProteinSerine EndopeptidasesSomatostatinConceptsCortical interneuronsNormoxic controlsMarker expressionPostnatal cortical developmentVasoactive intestinal peptidePostnatal day 3Central nervous systemTotal GABA contentImpact of hypoxicPostnatal mouse forebrainEnvironmental enrichmentIntestinal peptideGABAergic interneuronsFrontal neocortexInhibitory interneuronsCortical developmentMouse modelReelin expressionInterneuron numbersNervous systemDay 3Cognitive impairmentInterneuronsHousing miceRLN expression
Prolyl Endopeptidase-Deficient Mice Have Reduced Synaptic Spine Density in the CA1 Region of the Hippocampus, Impaired LTP, and Spatial Learning and Memory
D'Agostino G, Kim JD, Liu ZW, Jeong JK, Suyama S, Calignano A, Gao XB, Schwartz M, Diano S. Prolyl Endopeptidase-Deficient Mice Have Reduced Synaptic Spine Density in the CA1 Region of the Hippocampus, Impaired LTP, and Spatial Learning and Memory. Cerebral Cortex 2012, 23: 2007-2014. PMID: 22767632, PMCID: PMC3841400, DOI: 10.1093/cercor/bhs199.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSynaptic spine densitySpine densityCA1 regionProlyl endopeptidaseHippocampal long-term potentiationLong-term potentiationHippocampal-mediated learningImpaired LTPWild-type controlsSpatial memory formationHippocampal plasticityCognitive impairmentPharmacological manipulationNeurodegenerative disordersSpatial learningMemory formationHippocampusPossible roleMicePhysiological functionsSerine proteasesBehavioral approachPotentiationDiseaseNeuropeptidesEnvironmental Enrichment Increases the GFAP+ Stem Cell Pool and Reverses Hypoxia-Induced Cognitive Deficits in Juvenile Mice
Salmaso N, Silbereis J, Komitova M, Mitchell P, Chapman K, Ment LR, Schwartz ML, Vaccarino FM. Environmental Enrichment Increases the GFAP+ Stem Cell Pool and Reverses Hypoxia-Induced Cognitive Deficits in Juvenile Mice. Journal Of Neuroscience 2012, 32: 8930-8939. PMID: 22745493, PMCID: PMC3399175, DOI: 10.1523/jneurosci.1398-12.2012.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAnalysis of VarianceAnimalsAnimals, NewbornBromodeoxyuridineCell CountCell DifferentiationCognition DisordersDeoxyuridineDisease Models, AnimalEnvironmentEstrogen AntagonistsFemaleGene Expression Regulation, DevelopmentalGlial Fibrillary Acidic ProteinGreen Fluorescent ProteinsHumansHypoxiaIdoxuridineKi-67 AntigenMaleMaze LearningMiceMice, Inbred C57BLMice, TransgenicNerve Tissue ProteinsNeurogenesisNeurogliaReceptors, EstrogenStem CellsTamoxifenConceptsHypoxic injuryBrain injuryAstroglial cellsChronic hypoxic injuryDevelopmental brain injuryLow birth weightCell poolEnvironmental enrichmentAdult brain injuryAbnormal lung developmentStem cell poolPerinatal hypoxic injuryFate-mapping modelsSocio-demographic factorsNeurobiological recoveryHippocampal neurogenesisVLBW cohortPremature childrenBirth weightCardiovascular abnormalitiesJuvenile miceAnimal modelsLung developmentInjuryCognitive deficitsSpecies-Dependent Posttranscriptional Regulation of NOS1 by FMRP in the Developing Cerebral Cortex
Kwan KY, Lam MM, Johnson MB, Dube U, Shim S, Rašin MR, Sousa AM, Fertuzinhos S, Chen JG, Arellano JI, Chan DW, Pletikos M, Vasung L, Rowitch DH, Huang EJ, Schwartz ML, Willemsen R, Oostra BA, Rakic P, Heffer M, Kostović I, Judaš M, Šestan N. Species-Dependent Posttranscriptional Regulation of NOS1 by FMRP in the Developing Cerebral Cortex. Cell 2012, 149: 899-911. PMID: 22579290, PMCID: PMC3351852, DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2012.02.060.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNeuronal nitric oxide synthase 1Pyramidal neuronsNOS1 mRNANitric oxide synthase 1Mouse pyramidal neuronsOrofacial motor cortexFMRP-deficient miceFragile X syndromeCerebral cortexMotor cortexCognitive dysfunctionEarly synaptogenesisLoss of functionMonogenic causesNeocortical circuitsLayer 5Human neocortexProtein levelsNeuronsIntellectual disabilityBroca's areaNOS1 proteinCortexSynthase 1FXS casesLearning and Memory Depend on Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 2 Functioning in Hippocampus
Stevens HE, Jiang GY, Schwartz ML, Vaccarino FM. Learning and Memory Depend on Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 2 Functioning in Hippocampus. Biological Psychiatry 2012, 71: 1090-1098. PMID: 22541947, PMCID: PMC3371339, DOI: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2012.03.013.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsFGF receptor 2Fibroblast growth factorDentate gyrusReceptor 2Embryonic knockoutWater maze probe trialGrowth factor receptor 2Reference memoryFactor receptor 2Spatial reference memoryNeural stem cellsFibroblast growth factor receptor 2Immature neuronsCortical neuronsHippocampal volumeInducible knockout miceParvalbumin interneuronsShort-term learningGranule cellsKnockout miceSeparate cellular componentsHippocampusLong-term reference memoryAdult spatial memoryGrowth factorImpaired motor coordination and disrupted cerebellar architecture in Fgfr1 and Fgfr2 double knockout mice
Smith K, Williamson TL, Schwartz ML, Vaccarino FM. Impaired motor coordination and disrupted cerebellar architecture in Fgfr1 and Fgfr2 double knockout mice. Brain Research 2012, 1460: 12-24. PMID: 22578469, PMCID: PMC3361544, DOI: 10.1016/j.brainres.2012.04.002.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsFibroblast growth factor receptorHuman GFAP promoterInner granule cell layerDKO miceGranule cell numberGranule cell progenitorsRadial glial stem cellsMidline glial structuresImpaired motor coordinationCerebellar sizeGranule cell layerDouble knockout miceGlial precursor cellsGlial stem cellsCell numberGranule neuron precursorsGrowth factor receptorGABA interneuronsGranule cell migrationCerebral cortexExternal granular layerMolecular layerMotor coordinationGranule cellsKnockout mice
Cortical Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein-Positive Cells Generate Neurons after Perinatal Hypoxic Injury
Bi B, Salmaso N, Komitova M, Simonini MV, Silbereis J, Cheng E, Kim J, Luft S, Ment LR, Horvath TL, Schwartz ML, Vaccarino FM. Cortical Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein-Positive Cells Generate Neurons after Perinatal Hypoxic Injury. Journal Of Neuroscience 2011, 31: 9205-9221. PMID: 21697371, PMCID: PMC3142780, DOI: 10.1523/jneurosci.0518-11.2011.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGlial fibrillary acidic protein-positive cellsCortical excitatory neuronsProtein-positive cellsPerinatal hypoxic injuryPostnatal hypoxiaGenetic fate mappingCortical astrogliaPremature childrenHypoxic injuryBrain injuryNew neuronsPreterm childrenNeurogenic nicheCognitive recoveryExcitatory neuronsGenerate neuronsNeuronal fateNeuronsHypoxiaCortical parenchymaInjuryParenchymaFate mappingCellsChildren
Strain Differences in Behavioral and Cellular Responses to Perinatal Hypoxia and Relationships to Neural Stem Cell Survival and Self-Renewal Modeling the Neurovascular Niche
Li Q, Liu J, Michaud M, Schwartz ML, Madri JA. Strain Differences in Behavioral and Cellular Responses to Perinatal Hypoxia and Relationships to Neural Stem Cell Survival and Self-Renewal Modeling the Neurovascular Niche. American Journal Of Pathology 2009, 175: 2133-2145. PMID: 19815710, PMCID: PMC2774076, DOI: 10.2353/ajpath.2009.090354.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAnimalsBehavior, AnimalCell DifferentiationCell MovementCell SurvivalCells, CulturedChemokine CXCL12Endothelial CellsEnzyme ActivationFemaleHumansHypoxiaHypoxia-Inducible Factor 1, alpha SubunitHypoxia-Inducible Factor-Proline DioxygenasesInfantInfant, NewbornInfant, PrematureMaleMiceMice, Inbred C57BLMice, Inbred StrainsNeuronsNeuropsychological TestsPhosphatidylinositol 3-KinasesProcollagen-Proline DioxygenaseProto-Oncogene Proteins c-aktSignal TransductionStem CellsConceptsChronic hypoxiaC57 miceHIF-1alphaLow birth weight infant populationMatrix metalloproteinase-9 activityStromal-derived factor-1CD-1 miceMetalloproteinase-9 activityAdult C57 miceHypoxia-induced factorNeural stem cell survivalHigher apoptosis ratePerinatal hypoxiaRepair/recoveryClinical improvementNeurodevelopmental handicapPreventive therapyPremature infantsNeurogenic zonesNeurovascular nicheInfant populationC57BL/6 pupsProlyl hydroxylase domain 2Migratory responsivenessStem cell survivalHypoxic Injury during Neonatal Development in Murine Brain: Correlation between In Vivo DTI Findings and Behavioral Assessment
Chahboune H, Ment LR, Stewart WB, Rothman DL, Vaccarino FM, Hyder F, Schwartz ML. Hypoxic Injury during Neonatal Development in Murine Brain: Correlation between In Vivo DTI Findings and Behavioral Assessment. Cerebral Cortex 2009, 19: 2891-2901. PMID: 19380380, PMCID: PMC2774398, DOI: 10.1093/cercor/bhp068.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsChronic sublethal hypoxiaLow birth weight preterm infantsBirth weight preterm infantsHypoxia-induced modificationNeonatal rodent modelPreterm birth resultsWeight preterm infantsSignificant neurodevelopmental disabilitiesOpen field taskGreater locomotor activityPreterm infantsPreterm birthNeurodevelopmental consequencesBirth resultsHypoxic injurySomatosensory cortexCaudate putamenCallosal connectivityCorpus callosumBehavioral deficitsNeurodevelopmental disabilitiesRodent modelsNeonatal developmentDTI findingsSublethal hypoxia
Modeling the neurovascular niche: Murine strain differences mimic the range of responses to chronic hypoxia in the premature newborn
Li Q, Michaud M, Stewart W, Schwartz M, Madri JA. Modeling the neurovascular niche: Murine strain differences mimic the range of responses to chronic hypoxia in the premature newborn. Journal Of Neuroscience Research 2007, 86: 1227-1242. PMID: 18092360, PMCID: PMC2644407, DOI: 10.1002/jnr.21597.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAnimalsAnimals, NewbornApoptosisBlotting, WesternBrainCell ProliferationDisease Models, AnimalGene ExpressionHematopoiesis, ExtramedullaryHumansHypoxia, BrainImmunohistochemistryImmunoprecipitationInfant, NewbornInfant, PrematureIntercellular Signaling Peptides and ProteinsMiceMice, Inbred C57BLNitric OxideStem CellsConceptsNeural progenitor cellsChronic hypoxiaSubventricular zonePreterm birth resultsLow baseline levelsHypoxia-induced levelsNeurogenic responseNeurovascular nicheHypoxic insultBlunted responseBirth resultsC57BL/6 pupsBaseline levelsMotor disabilityMouse strainsGrowth factorVariable recoveryHypoxiaProgenitor cellsPupsRecent evidenceSignificant cognitiveHypoxicApoptotic responseResponseDeficiency in Inhibitory Cortical Interneurons Associates with Hyperactivity in Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 1 Mutant Mice
Smith K, Fagel DM, Stevens HE, Rabenstein RL, Maragnoli ME, Ohkubo Y, Picciotto MR, Schwartz ML, Vaccarino FM. Deficiency in Inhibitory Cortical Interneurons Associates with Hyperactivity in Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 1 Mutant Mice. Biological Psychiatry 2007, 63: 953-962. PMID: 17988653, DOI: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2007.09.020.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAmphetamineAnimalsBehavior, AnimalBiogenic MonoaminesCell CountCentral Nervous System StimulantsCerebral CortexDisease Models, AnimalDopamine AgentsExploratory BehaviorFibroblast Growth Factor 1Glutamate DecarboxylaseHyperkinesisLocomotionMaleMethylphenidateMiceMice, KnockoutMotor ActivityNerve Tissue ProteinsNeural InhibitionNeuronsSignal TransductionConceptsInhibitory cortical circuitsCortical pyramidal neuronsD2 receptor antagonistGrowth factor receptor 1Spontaneous locomotor hyperactivityFibroblast growth factor receptor 1Factor receptor 1Inhibitory neuronal subtypesLocomotor hyperactivityDopamine agonistsCerebral cortexPyramidal neuronsBasal gangliaMotor hyperactivityReceptor antagonistInhibitory interneuronsTyrosine hydroxylaseCortical circuitsPsychiatric disordersLocomotor responseNeuronal subtypesReceptor 1Mutant miceDopamine transporterSpatial learning
Uncoupling protein‐2 promotes nigrostriatal dopamine neuronal function
Andrews ZB, Rivera A, Elsworth JD, Roth RH, Agnati L, Gago B, Abizaid A, Schwartz M, Fuxe K, Horvath TL. Uncoupling protein‐2 promotes nigrostriatal dopamine neuronal function. European Journal Of Neuroscience 2006, 24: 32-36. PMID: 16882005, DOI: 10.1111/j.1460-9568.2006.04906.x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords3,4-Dihydroxyphenylacetic AcidAnimalsCorpus StriatumDopamineDopamine Plasma Membrane Transport ProteinsImmunohistochemistryIon ChannelsMaleMembrane Transport ProteinsMiceMice, KnockoutMitochondrial ProteinsMotor ActivityNeuronsSubstantia NigraTyrosine 3-MonooxygenaseUncoupling Protein 2ConceptsSubstantia nigra pars compactaDopamine neuronal functionUCP2-KO miceParkinson's diseaseNeuronal functionNigrostriatal dopamine functionTyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactivityUCP2 knockout miceDopamine transporter immunoreactivityProtein 2Wild-type controlsHydroxylase immunoreactivityPars compactaDopamine turnoverTransporter immunoreactivityDopamine ratioBehavioral deficitsLocomotor functionNucleus accumbensBiochemical deficitsDopamine functionBrain regionsNeurological pathologiesDiseaseMiceMidline radial glia translocation and corpus callosum formation require FGF signaling
Smith KM, Ohkubo Y, Maragnoli ME, Rašin M, Schwartz ML, Šestan N, Vaccarino FM. Midline radial glia translocation and corpus callosum formation require FGF signaling. Nature Neuroscience 2006, 9: 787-797. PMID: 16715082, DOI: 10.1038/nn1705.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAnimalsAstrocytesCell MovementCell ShapeCerebral CortexCorpus CallosumDown-RegulationFemaleFibroblast Growth Factor 8Fibroblast Growth FactorsGrowth ConesMaleMiceMice, KnockoutMice, TransgenicNeurogliaReceptor, Fibroblast Growth Factor, Type 1Receptor, Fibroblast Growth Factor, Type 2RNA InterferenceSignal TransductionConceptsRadial glial cellsGlial cellsSomal translocationRadial gliaCorpus callosum formationReceptor 1 geneCallosal dysgenesisCerebral cortexFibroblast growth factor receptor 1 (FGFR1) geneIndusium griseumDorsomedial cortexDorsolateral cortexKnockout miceCortexAstrogliaApical endfeetFGFR1 geneAstrocytesGliaAxon guidanceDorsal midlinePrecise targetingCellsUnexpected roleFGF
Neonatal hypoxia suppresses oligodendrocyte Nogo-A and increases axonal sprouting in a rodent model for human prematurity
Weiss J, Takizawa B, McGee A, Stewart WB, Zhang H, Ment L, Schwartz M, Strittmatter S. Neonatal hypoxia suppresses oligodendrocyte Nogo-A and increases axonal sprouting in a rodent model for human prematurity. Experimental Neurology 2004, 189: 141-149. PMID: 15296844, DOI: 10.1016/j.expneurol.2004.05.018.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAge FactorsAnimalsAnimals, NewbornAxonsBehavior, AnimalBiotinCentral Nervous SystemDextransDisease Models, AnimalExploratory BehaviorHumansHypoxia, BrainImmunoblottingImmunohistochemistryInfant, NewbornInfant, PrematureMiceMice, Inbred C57BLMyelin Basic ProteinMyelin ProteinsMyelin-Associated GlycoproteinNogo ProteinsOligodendrogliaReceptors, Cell SurfaceTime FactorsConceptsChronic sublethal hypoxiaPeriventricular leukomalaciaMyelin associated glycoproteinCorticospinal tractWhite matterLow birth weight infantsCerebral white matter volumeBirth weight infantsLow birth weightAnterograde axonal tracingPeriventricular white matterPremature human infantsCNS white matterWhite matter volumeHypoxia-induced reductionWeight infantsAxonal sproutingCerebral ventriculomegalyCorticofugal fibersLocomotor hyperactivityNeonatal hypoxiaPersistent abnormalitiesMotor cortexBirth weightHuman prematurity
Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 Is Necessary for the Growth of Glutamate Projection Neurons in the Anterior Neocortex
Korada S, Zheng W, Basilico C, Schwartz ML, Vaccarino FM. Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 Is Necessary for the Growth of Glutamate Projection Neurons in the Anterior Neocortex. Journal Of Neuroscience 2002, 22: 863-875. PMID: 11826116, PMCID: PMC6758485, DOI: 10.1523/jneurosci.22-03-00863.2002.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCerebral cortexParietal cortexAnterior cerebral cortexGlutamatergic pyramidal neuronsGABA receptor agonistsGlutamatergic neuronal populationsDuration of sleepAnterior cortical regionsBasic fibroblast growth factorCell numberNull mutant miceGranule cell numberFibroblast growth factor-2Fibroblast growth factorGABA interneuronsGrowth factor 2Fgf2-/- micePyramidal neuronsInhibitory neurotransmissionProjection neuronsAnterior neocortexReceptor agonistPyramidal cellsOccipital cortexNeuronal populations
Differential Modulation of Proliferation in the Neocortical Ventricular and Subventricular Zones
Haydar T, Wang F, Schwartz M, Rakic P. Differential Modulation of Proliferation in the Neocortical Ventricular and Subventricular Zones. Journal Of Neuroscience 2000, 20: 5764-5774. PMID: 10908617, PMCID: PMC3823557, DOI: 10.1523/jneurosci.20-15-05764.2000.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords6-Cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dioneAnimalsAntimetabolitesBromodeoxyuridineCell DifferentiationCell DivisionCell MovementCerebral VentriclesClone CellsExcitatory Amino Acid AgonistsExcitatory Amino Acid AntagonistsFetusGABA AgonistsGABA Antagonistsgamma-Aminobutyric AcidGlutamic AcidKainic AcidMiceMice, Inbred ICRMuscimolNeocortexNeuronsOrgan Culture TechniquesStem CellsConceptsVentricular zoneNeural progenitor populationsNeural progenitor proliferationSubventricular zoneProgenitor populationsCell cycleProgenitor cloneProgenitor proliferationEmbryonic cerebrumNeocortical growthProliferationDifferential responsivenessRecent studiesBromodeoxyuridine uptakeDifferential modulationOrganotypic slice culturesClassical neurotransmitters GABAOpposite effectNeurotransmitter GABARelative contributionClonesDisparate effectsRegulationSlice culturesSpecific GABABasic Fibroblast Growth Factor (Fgf2) Is Necessary for Cell Proliferation and Neurogenesis in the Developing Cerebral Cortex
Raballo R, Rhee J, Lyn-Cook R, Leckman J, Schwartz M, Vaccarino F. Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor (Fgf2) Is Necessary for Cell Proliferation and Neurogenesis in the Developing Cerebral Cortex. Journal Of Neuroscience 2000, 20: 5012-5023. PMID: 10864959, PMCID: PMC6772267, DOI: 10.1523/jneurosci.20-13-05012.2000.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAnimalsApoptosisCell DivisionCerebral CortexChoroid PlexusEmbryonic and Fetal DevelopmentFibroblast Growth Factor 2Gene Expression Regulation, DevelopmentalGerm-Line MutationGestational AgeMiceMice, KnockoutProsencephalonReceptor Protein-Tyrosine KinasesReceptor, Fibroblast Growth Factor, Type 1Receptors, Fibroblast Growth FactorTelencephalonConceptsFgf2 knockout micePseudostratified ventricular epitheliumKnockout miceCerebral cortexCortical neuronsFrontal cerebral cortexDeep cortical layersBasic fibroblast growth factorEnd of neurogenesisCortical neuron numberNeuronal progenitor cellsNull mutant miceBasic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) geneFibroblast growth factorDegree of apoptosisLarge neuronsBasal gangliaCortical layersFgf2 knockoutGrowth factor geneMutant miceVentricular epitheliumGermline mutationsNeuron numberNeurogenesis