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Template 3 Version 16.4: Updates and Fixes

March 16, 2016

In this release, we have considerably changed the way organizations display in a given user's profile. The changes will be most noticeable in faculty profiles. First, organizations outside of the School of Medicine will now appear in profiles. Please note that these organizations will only display if:

  1. The user is a member of the organization according to HR's system of record, WorkDay.
  2. The user is set to display for that org in the profile system.

In addition, organizations will now be sorted according to a person's appointments to those orgs. Fully Joint appointments appear first (a person will always have at least 2 orgs with this appointment status, if they have any), then Primary, then Secondary. All other organization memberships display after any organizations to which the person is appointed.

All in all, these changes should result in more accurate, meaningful representations of a person's organization affiliations in their profile.

This release also includes:

  • "Faculty Listing (Side)" template is now available. This template allows you to place people listings in the side column of websites. Please note this should really only be used for groups of 7-8 people or less.
    • This was possible before using Faculty Widgets, however Faculty Widgets are meant to display a randomized subset of faculty from a large org and have limited display options. Using the Faculty Listing (side) template lets you add a side column listing with all of the same options as a main column listing except for biographies. Options include leadership, contact information, education, research interests, etc.
  • A page title (or heading, depending on page placement) can be added in the Faculty Directory component for people listings. You no longer need to use a separate component (page title schema) to add a title for people listings!
  • Removed blank space in the side column for pages using the "Find a person" search.
  • Removed extra padding for images that should be appearing full-width in content components entered in the side column.
  • Fixed headings for Trial by Category template.
  • Organization leadership in org profiles no longer appears in the side column for every tab, it will now appear only in the "General Information" tab.
  • Fix for delivery of high resolution images for high pixel density screens (e.g. retina) when the images appear on secured websites and are accessed via a vanity domain.
  • The trial search widget now returns all matching results, previously an extra filter was applied which hid some valid results.
  • Radio buttons and check boxes as they appear in forms are now separated by a line break, instead of appearing on the same line. The options are much more readable now.
  • Fix for floating anchor so it's fixed on the page wherever a user scrolls, instead of just sitting at the bottom of the page.