Open Positions
At present, all funded positions in the Rudnick group have been filled. However, space is available for Post-Doctoral Associates or Research Associates with their own funding who wish to join the laboratory. Our projects are focused on understanding the molecular mechanism of neurotransmitter re-uptake. We use biochemical and biophysical approaches to understand how these proteins concentrate neurotransmitters within neurons using, as a driving force, the transmembrane concentration gradients of Na+, H+ and K+ ions. The key to understanding this coupling requires investigation into the influence of ion and substrate binding on transporter conformation and dynamics. The proteins to be studied are targets for many therapeutic drugs, and this research aims to reveal the structural elements within the transporters that are responsible for their function.
Please contact:
Gary RudnickDepartment of Pharmacology
Yale University School of Medicine
333 Cedar Street
New Haven, CT 06520-8066
Tel: (203) 785-4548
FAX: (203) 737-2027