NCCN Guidelines Insights: Colorectal Cancer Screening, Version 2.2020.
Provenzale D, Ness RM, Llor X, Weiss JM, Abbadessa B, Cooper G, Early DS, Friedman M, Giardiello FM, Glaser K, Gurudu S, Halverson AL, Issaka R, Jain R, Kanth P, Kidambi T, Lazenby AJ, Maguire L, Markowitz AJ, May FP, Mayer RJ, Mehta S, Patel S, Peter S, Stanich P, Terdiman J, Keller J, Dwyer MA, Ogba N. NCCN Guidelines Insights: Colorectal Cancer Screening, Version 2.2020. Journal Of The National Comprehensive Cancer Network 2020, 18: 1312-1320. PMID: 33022639, PMCID: PMC8311627, DOI: 10.6004/jnccn.2020.0048.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsColorectal cancer screeningNCCN guidelinesCancer screeningAverage-risk individualsNCCN Guidelines InsightsLow-risk adenomasCRC preventionSporadic CRCScreening scheduleRisk individualsGenetic syndromesPanel recommendationsPatientsRecent updatesCRCScreeningGuidelinesAdenomasSyndromePhysiciansPrevention
Risk of Cancer in Cases of Suspected Lynch Syndrome Without Germline Mutation
Rodríguez–Soler M, Pérez–Carbonell L, Guarinos C, Zapater P, Castillejo A, Barberá VM, Juárez M, Bessa X, Xicola RM, Clofent J, Bujanda L, Balaguer F, Reñé J, de–Castro L, Marín–Gabriel J, Lanas A, Cubiella J, Nicolás–Pérez D, Brea–Fernández A, Castellví–Bel S, Alenda C, Ruiz–Ponte C, Carracedo A, Castells A, Andreu M, Llor X, Soto JL, Payá A, Jover R. Risk of Cancer in Cases of Suspected Lynch Syndrome Without Germline Mutation. Gastroenterology 2013, 144: 926-932.e1. PMID: 23354017, DOI: 10.1053/j.gastro.2013.01.044.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsLynch-like syndromeSex-adjusted standardized incidence ratiosFamilies of patientsRisk of cancerIncidence of CRCLynch syndromePathogenic germline mutationsMicrosatellite instabilityGermline mutationsSporadic CRCStandardized incidence ratiosLoss of PMS2Population-based cohortMLH1 promoter hypermethylationLoss of MLH1Loss of MSH2Clinical characteristicsConsecutive patientsIncidence ratiosMSH6 expressionImmunohistochemical analysisPatientsMLH1 promoterSyndromeSurveillance strategies
Evidence for classification of c.1852_1853AA>GC in MLH1 as a neutral variant for Lynch syndrome
Castillejo A, Guarinos C, Martinez-Canto A, Barbera VM, Egoavil C, Castillejo MI, Perez-Carbonell L, Sanchez-Heras AB, Segura A, Ochoa E, Lazaro R, Ruiz-Ponte C, Bujanda L, Andreu M, Castells A, Carracedo A, Llor X, Clofent J, Alenda C, Paya A, Jover R, Soto JL. Evidence for classification of c.1852_1853AA>GC in MLH1 as a neutral variant for Lynch syndrome. BMC Medical Genomics 2011, 12: 12. PMID: 21247423, PMCID: PMC3034663, DOI: 10.1186/1471-2350-12-12.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMicrosatellite instabilityLS familiesAmsterdam II criteriaPathogenic mutationsCase-case studyEarly-onset cancersCase-control comparisonBackgroundLynch syndromeCRC probandsHereditary CRCTumor DNA samplesCRC patientsSporadic CRCLS patientsClinical managementLynch syndromeClinical significanceOnset cancerCancer syndromesPositive casesMononucleotide markersControl populationPathogenic variantsSignificant associationMSH6 gene
Aberrant Gene Promoter Methylation Associated with Sporadic Multiple Colorectal Cancer
Gonzalo V, Lozano JJ, Muñoz J, Balaguer F, Pellisé M, de Miguel C, Andreu M, Jover R, Llor X, Giráldez MD, Ocaña T, Serradesanferm A, Alonso-Espinaco V, Jimeno M, Cuatrecasas M, Sendino O, Castellví-Bel S, Castells A, . Aberrant Gene Promoter Methylation Associated with Sporadic Multiple Colorectal Cancer. PLOS ONE 2010, 5: e8777. PMID: 20098741, PMCID: PMC2808250, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0008777.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSolitary tumorSporadic CRCTumor multiplicityGene promoter methylationInflammatory bowel diseaseMultiple colorectal cancersPrevention of patientsPromoter methylationLogistic regression analysisBinomial logistic regression analysisQuantitative methylation-specific PCRAberrant gene promoter methylationCancer multiplicitySolitary CRCBowel diseasePrimary CRCColorectal cancerMultiple lesionsColorectal mucosaLynch syndromeMethylation-specific PCRPolyposis syndromeKey tumor suppressor genesHereditary syndromesExclusion criteria